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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. goto here is Melodyne for de-essing with focus on the specific bits vs a fixed setting for the clip.
  2. "variations on a theme, running out of steam, forever29, was just another scheme" the only ones that -might- be interesting are those that i have no clue as to what they do
  3. thought this was the purvey of acustica audio. their installs are rather large.
  4. Mix Recall is one of the "why i use cakewalk" features.
  5. this^^ i am but one of many in favor of addressing this and have taken to using devs that manage it within their VSTs. It should be possible as other DAWs do this, with some listing the presets in the same browser which is a nice plus for productivity.
  6. prog rock for TikTok? taking on the attention deficit sounds like an interesting challenge, but jam bands seem to do pretty well across the 'generations' if that's the 'issue', so perhaps more of a lifestyle play than a musical genre? (i really do not know what i'm talking about wrt to prog rock and will claim this is just Chat GPT staking a claim on public discourse)
  7. just a comment as I haven't demoed this, but probably won't bother as I didn't find their PSA1000 to sound anything at all like the PSA-1. (good with a couple of their other amps though) (waiting for a file to render but ...) wondering if there's some sort of collusion between devs as BRA just launched a similar product, and recalling 3 versions of a "Motown EQ" launched within weeks/months? of each other?
  8. nothing, and everything. mainly an integrated and very well thought out approach to comp>limit>saturation. still checking it out. there might be better or preferred instances for each of those treatments, but finding the presentation quite useful so far. fwiw, their Elevate suite is the default 2bus setup here and hardly ever gets replaced. preferring it for the detailed handling of transients for acoustic/organic based material.
  9. @Tezza sounds like ur making progress on ur lyrics... ? does "Sam" get a cut on any collaboration? (asking for an agent).
  10. Perhaps put Alan Turing to the Test and post the results of your collaboration?
  11. it's a side project and they've owned up to the search engine issues here
  12. deets + highlight from Sept to add to @heath row's post. so it's at least 12 months but any expectations beyond that are not committed. "Subscription Cancelled Dear (Deal Forum), As requested, we have cancelled your Plugin Alliance Subscription. The monthly and yearly licenses of your cancelled subscription(s) will remain usable until the end of your current billing cycle. NOTE: If you have cancelled a FOREVER 29 plan, you will still be able to use the plugins you have purchased with your $1 codes... forever! Also, if you have unused $1 codes you can still use them in the future or pass them on to other users. The $1 codes will remain valid for at least 12 months after you have cancelled your FOREVER 29 plan! We’re sorry to see you go, but we appreciate that you have used our plugins and services. Please feel free to start a new Subscription or just visit www.plugin-alliance.com at any time. Thank you for supporting us! Best wishes, The Plugin Alliance Team"
  13. happy to do my part to make this happen. ima fan of both the CW and BRA MKII LA2As but the LA3A that comes with it is the real winner, at least according to this shootout. The ULTIMATE Vintage Teletronix LA-3A Compressor SHOOTOUT against 4 PLUG-IN emulations. some real value with this one...
  14. PA deals look like a marketing study to determine price inflection points for whatever they're selling. The Forever $29 could've been designed to pull in impulse buys for newer products ahead of their regularly scheduled price reductions. checking the price history for a plugin would be interesting (if it hasn't already been done).
  15. in my case, the response noted 12 months to use any vouchers "earned" after cancelling.
  16. apparently they are different if 12 yr old threads are relevant. the ST version has a saturation knob but then again Arturia probably has this covered with the input gain, no time to demo atm, just thinking about insurance for some older projects.
  17. had this on the radar as a possible UAD alt (which I have). Also have the Arturia which has been good enough the few times i've used it. any opinions on how this might stack up against the other two (other than most likely a longer load time...)?
  18. yep (a few months ago) as too many possible purchases were coming in under 4evah29. ? for something worth buying. they seem to be stuck on eqs, saturation, comps. knob count, etc and (re)inventing as many different purchase strategies as possible. hopefully they're buying time until they come up with something that realizes the potential value of Soundwide, like a completely re-imagined and modern take on Kontakt. (iZotope has some UX/UI chops, put 'em to work.)
  19. @sergedaigno not sure what version you're running. but noting this from their site... Version 1.2.0 (17 May 2022) ... All editions (Windows): Fix for a VST3-only plug-in scaling issue in Steinberg hosts when using supplementary application UI scaling settings
  20. https://www.bfddrums.com/expansions/modern-retro.html this one can get there https://www.bfddrums.com/expansions/imperial-drums.html more of an "indie" sound but if I had to pick, might be this one https://www.bfddrums.com/expansions/horsepower.html have and use all three.
  21. most efficient way is to pm BFD_Drew @ InMusic on the BFD forum and provide your FXpansion sn to get a license for the London Sessions.
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