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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. Coffee was 39 euros some time last year. ima wait for that -and- see if they ever come thru on upgrading anything i've bought (not much, but still...)
  2. speaking of criminal, and keyboards... for a classic case of clueless "AI", turn on the captions in YT for the begining of this. "(soothing music)"?! uh huh.
  3. thought i'd give this a try, clicking on ToneNET (v1.1.3) crashes CW to the desktop, every time. my 1st IK product.
  4. the more i use this the better i like it. finding the UI to be much more intuitive than the latest crop of magic wand 2buss compressors out there with more knobs than a steampunk submarine. "vibe glue" while letting electric guitars/drums/transient heavy acoustic material "breathe" in a mix. pretty much the same mindset as Elevate which is useful for detailed touchup without collateral damage to other elements. this vid does a nice job of highlighting what it does best on source material i can relate to (Stanton Moore/Galactic!) vs the same old tired demo loops. ssl(bx_townhouse)/fairchild 670 are still great options, but this has become the default for a template.
  5. got a blue screen on opening a CW project to check a Pulsar plugin, but all good and working as expected after a reboot. (was going to blame it on the IK product manager as the only other action on a rock solid system but had already deleted that.)
  6. most likely not what you were looking for but this was the answer for me https://www.liquidsonics.com/software/reverberate-3/ it can be had on sale for 50% and is well worth it imho. 32 bit might be a consideration. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/41375-sonar-85-producer-is-there-a-64-bit-version-of-perfectspace/ http://forum.cakewalk.com/Bringing-back-perfect-space-m3502079.aspx
  7. from the dev, wondering if this is close to being done.
  8. @jesse g thx for sharing the deets. have you had a chance to run a cpu intensive project to see where the cpu cooler kicks in (if it does)?
  9. i use mp3tag (good one) and drop in client images of various sizes, dpi all the time with no problem. i make sure they are square to avoid distortion and the only consideration is how complicated the image is as the entire image will be used.
  10. @abacab thx, the "rolling update notes' were helpful, hadn't risen to the top in previous searches.
  11. @reginaldStjohn thx, np to use it, but couldn't find much other than the basics in the dox and a couple of tutorials. relatively new to Cakewalk, thought maybe some longtime Sonar user here had more experience or insight from the feature launch. was wondering about the nature of the filter to determine the 3 kit pieces. but probably expecting too much, looks more like an "80%" feature and i'm in the 20% group.
  12. downloaded/installed/repaired/reinstalled more times than bapu has posts. get's pretty annoying when pulling a project where i tried one out only to 'discover' it's "uninstalled". the original take on sounds is great despite the soundtracky focus, but can't think of another dev with this problem.
  13. the Fuse Audio Labs VREV-305 is a best of 2022 for me, great sounding, very versatile, more than "just a spring", got a bit of a plate vibe to it as well. the free one from them is decent as well. the Aegean Spirit Reverb has been in the tool kit for quite some time, darker, more traditional sound, very capable i tried/have most of the others, but these two are the gotos unless i need that surfer sproing for an EG track and it's already in the sim.
  14. got a mess of rather poorly recorded drums, thought I'd see if I could make a quick batch of lemonade with the Drum Replacer in Cakewalk. in principle, no problem, but wondering if there might be some better practices. the goal is to improve the existing sounds (very well played) without losing the groove (trigger timing/potential phase issues) and without getting all wonky with mismatched ambience with the OH/Room mics. The issues i ran into are; [!] Soloing -any- track with a DR Region FX enabled throws the playback completely out of sync, have to stop and restart the track. Tried a couple of buffer settings but no improvement or audio dropout(5). [?] Could not find any documentation on the vertical colored bar in the waveform display. Looks like a predelay with a popup readout in ms, so assuming it's delaying the loaded sample relative to the trigger, but would like to confirm exactly what it does. [?] Appreciating the "dynamics" % feature but wondering if it supports multi samples (because timbre vs. volume) [wish] The original Sonar docs show both active AND blank DR lane/waveform displays. A better workflow when switching back and forth between tracks (i.e. kick/snare) would be to only display active DR lanes to avoid any confusion about -which- track to work on given the MultiDock only shows the last selected instance of DR). My assumption is the DR aims to be efficient by presenting the top 3 choices for selecting a replacement sample on initialization. ime, the most common use case (by far) is layering multiple samples of the same type on a track (i.e. multiple kick samples). since you can't display more than one instance of the DR (AFAIK), the preference here would be to either select the initial drum type for the first DR lane AFTER analysis OR be able to "blank" any DR display/lanes that aren't used to load a sample. [?] Could not initially drop a .wav file into the sample window for a lane, but that's since behaved as expected. Wondering if there is a state where it might -not- take a user sample. [?] The waveform display shows a ghosted image behind the primary frequency adjustable wave. Anything useful with this? Any comments/suggestions based on your experience are appreciated, including any alternatives that you might prefer over this. And understand something like AD2/Session Drummer w/MIDI are an alternative, but don't love their sounds and changing the tempo or any form of quantization won't fly here. TIA
  15. jackson white


    thought i'd start a new thread instead of hijacking the discussion here seems to be a recent trend towards compressors that compress without sounding like they're compressing... nice. this one got some props, thought i'd check it out and so far it's working far better than expected. would be interested in other's thoughts on their material (mostly acoustic based stuff here). digging the "valhalla" design aesthetic after having to hack through the byzantine uis inspired by the dutch masters of AA. d/l for free here if it works for you, the latest/fuller featured version is here for £23. don't know if he has the interest/background to explore the more classic flavors of compression, but might be interesting to see how this evolves.
  16. agreed, but debatable in it's own right, same as it is for any art form, same as it ever was. the sticking point seems to be the level of effort/talent needed to come up with something listenable. kinda the same beef when synthesizers/midi were going to replace highly trained professional musicians. it's never been easier given the proliferation of loops and things like ez chords/keys/bass/whatever. and then there's the likes of the clash/***** pistols who made a point of taking a leak on a few ivory towers. instead of music being a divisive issue, enabling access to any form of creative activity is a plus. it's probably -the- defining aspect for how humans distinguish themselves from all other forms of life on this planet. and they will be creative with whatever means they have at their disposal. i think it's pretty awesome when something that was looked down on as "outsider" art ends up being able to connect people at a broader/less exclusive level. hiphop is a classic example. ya, it might have started out as some ghetto scene, but it's ability to transcend social barriers is a marvelous thing. still trips me out (in a good way) to see a pack of uber-privileged white kids shouting out ever syllable to the latest joint at a wedding reception despite the absurdity of it from an og perspective. fwiw, the majority of recent projects here started with loops in ableton/garageband/fl/etc, but aspiring artists with truly creative musical potential realize those limitations pretty quickly and put in the effort to make a difference. most of the tracking ends up being done with "real" instruments in real time as a group. i've found it helps to share what "good" sounds like, which is where the classics come in having withstood the test of time. and that's everything from Beethoven to Bob Dylan to Beck to (always be looking). ya, and AI is gonna make all them producers look like Mozart. maybe... human creativity has a sustained track record of transcending the limitations of whatever means we have at our disposal. it's what we do.
  17. the Distressor belongs on the Mount Rushmore of compressors (with an 1176/la2a/fc670). nothing really like it that i know of. bought the Kiive that came out a few months ago while i was waiting for a deal on the Arouser, need to find the time to demo this and the UAD again.
  18. From the OG Distressor team. AROUSOR + BIG FrEQ - $198* ($30 off) AROUSOR - $129* ($70 off) BIG FrEQ - $89* ($60 off*all AROUSOR purchases include AROUSOR LT) AROUSOR LT - $49* ($30 off) *includes $49 coupon towards the full AROUSOR https://www.empiricallabs.com/software/
  19. still worth it, which is more than you can say about almost all variations/emulations of something you already have. not that i need another verb, but intrigued by the approach, put it on the radar. another dev doing a good job of fresh is Newfangled Audio / Invigorate. still getting used to it, but liking how it enables a new perspective.
  20. +1 for this, not a typical staple in the tool box here, but finding it to be quite versatile and useful, 1 of maybe 3 best of for 2022.
  21. apologies if not clear, but these are all about leading/lagging a beat = timing = what a real drummer does. the others affect the perception of timing in a mix. hth
  22. without hearing the grooves and assuming you're using either midi drums or beat slices, you could try; managing the tension (push/pull, rock&roll) between the kick and snare (classic kit dynamics) work on the hihats (articulations, timing and timbre) and to a lesser degree, the transients/ambience for key hits in the groove or drop out a kit piece (arrangement) and all relative to whatever else is in the mix.
  23. this^, and this v ... Gene Clark might be in on that one, but that's the tough part about picking out who's who in an organic blend of tight harmonies.
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