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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. Anyone with any experience and/or comments on Vintage Horns? Looking for more 'raw', less processed/finished, non-orchestral brass. Individual instruments, not loops. (and fwiw, trying to avoid sinking into the Kontakt ecosystem.) This is the only offering I've managed to find. TIA.
  2. Then there's this which I've gone through on a number of sessions. https://www.adesignsaudio.com/reddi-all-tube-direct-box Unless your hitting a vintage board, the Radial is a pretty solid goto for most situations and does make a difference. Their 15 w/4x10 made for a great sounding live rig, sorry to see them go. Still use a D410XLT paired with a Berg 12", MarkBass for an amp. Don't know that I'd use it for recording though...
  3. for -bass-, something like the Radial ProDI or perhaps a Demeter might be more useful for "traditional/familar/well known" sounds, more so than any fx box (or plugin). If you're after something different, anything goes.
  4. ??? if you always plan to use it in a consistent controlled environment, should be fine. Just saying (most) guitars/basses are made of wood which expands/contracts as a function of temperature/humidity. New instruments are unlikely to have had a chance to "cure". Keeping it in the case will reduce the amount of contraction/expansion and help maintain the setup / keep the neck straight.
  5. Oh no! (Bass solos are against my religion. ) Must have all been guitar players. Sounds like a 'real' bass player. Let's check back in 6 months and hope you haven't created a monster.
  6. Melodyne Studio > Edit > Macros > Correct Pitch ? Full disclosure, never tried this before but threw in a full length stereo stem and it looks like it might do what you want. Or you could use the varispeed control on your tape deck or turntable. ? ... fwiw, would have thought this to be the best place to ask your question.
  7. looks like the bundle that came with a version of the DAW formerly known as Sonar.
  8. Maybe, but have you ever tried to build a piano from a kit?
  9. StewMac sounded a bit pricy, got me to revisit a wip (baritone conversion for a Tele) and checked Warmouth to see prices about twice what I recall from less than 2 years ago! Bought a Tele in the same time frame for about 1/2 the current price of the neck and even then was questioning the value (wisdom) of such a project. @sarine sounding like a keyboard player but you may have a point ?.
  10. These are two, haven't had much chance to dig into their delay yet (Valhalla is just dead simple). Finding the routing flexibility of Bus Force in a single UI to be a productivity boon for roughing out the vibe for a side. Some good ideas with this team.
  11. At least a couple of their originals keep getting a look here. Their replicants also seem to be good and offer useful ITB enhancements over the original designs, similar to the Overloud Gems series.
  12. ?? local legends, totally killed it on this one, still holding up mighty fine during driving time. https://daily.bandcamp.com/album-of-the-day/brownout-fear-of-a-brown-planet-album-review Another evolution with the same roots. Must be something in the water...
  13. Ah yes, another magic VST ala gullfoss, soothe2 and Proximity EQ. FabFilter league for the GUI with widgets that are smarter than me, like all those auto mastering services. The dude at 3:45 in the vid looks a bit lost after pulling out the vinyl, perhaps wondering where to insert it into that trendy production setup to cop that dope riff.
  14. The coupon code is the same for the second survey which has a lot of (different) questions regarding specific brands and subscription models. Wondering if they'll try "resetting" their survey for a 3rd time, like the holiday vouchers.
  15. No problems with USB port here, doubt it is a Cakewalk issue. Can you open the plugin in any other program? Are you using the latest version of the Pace iLok manager (5.4.1)?
  16. Preferences | Project | Record | Recording Mode > Comping? The most recent take is enabled for playback.
  17. Fender's gotta pay for that Presonus acquisition somehow and have surely noted that a certain bass player seem to have plenty to spend on plugins.
  18. @scook thx, have had that setting in place since the initial release and make a point to send mini dumps if I have enough useful specifics leading up to it. @George D have you tried monitoring playback in console view to see if your problem shows up as spikes on specific channels? I managed to track mine down to very repeatable events on specific channels with the existing project, but yet to "fix" it. Digging into MIDI events, patch/preset issues in the VST and VST channel routing in CxB. Managed to eliminate most of the other potential suspects (Win update setting 'adjustments', clip boundaries, Izotope plugins, Korg M1, etc. and updated to the latest release 2021.11) I have wondered about the engine as well, as I seem to recall being able to play "fast & loose" with editing during playback w/o much in the way of hiccups but finding this is no longer the case with MIDI sync dropping immediately and audio dropouts a close second. Tried changing the playback buffer settings, but nothing meaningful noted. fwiw, my problems seem to be limited to older projects getting revisited, newer ones seem to be running just fine.
  19. @George D Looks like I ran into something that sounds more like your problem than mine. Loaded an older project today and experienced a few pretty scary low freq pops every 10-15 bars or less, and then it crashed to the desktop!! Never had this before, ever. System has been running well for the past few weeks, so it's got to be something very recent. Barring some HW failure, will be looking at the following for trouble shooting; - Ran a Win10 update last night, first time opening the project. Preliminary check shows the usual Win suspects still as is. Planning to reload my A/I drivers, as I've seen that make a difference. Crashing to the desktop is almost always a plugin "feature" - Project is a wip, many FX bins include more than one as they get A/B'd to dial in a sound. - Some VSTs might have been newer, less proven? Need to take a close look for latest versions, sketchy devs? (see Pt #2) - Using the Korg M1 for a horn section, which locked up when the internet was disabled. (Pt #2) Will post anything that might have helped.
  20. Thank you for the clarification, all news to me, sounds like a bit of old school "insurance". Please enlighten me. it would be appreciated. These in particular have given me something to consider. ... @PavlovsCat Apologies if somehow my post triggered your reaction. No trolling, ranting, anger, etc. on my part at all (what would be the point?) My assumption was Full Kontakt supports a deeper set of features than Player. I just could not fathom what full set of enhanced capabilities would be required for a desk bell?!! and my comment was intended to be humorous. Sorry that you read something else into it. I was not aware of the Player vs. Full penalty for developers. fwiw, the vast majority of my productions have been real musicans playing real instruments and I rarely use samples. A recent relocation unfortunately meant losing access to local talent and the reason for considering alternatives (i.e. samplers). My search to date has been a bit of a disappointment as most what I've found has not been suitable for the bulk of my work. A few recent offerings (such as Indiginus) could be promising but my initial experience with Kontakt was not great (UI, structure, I/F problems) thus biasing my preference for something different. It's not the money, it's sound/usability/productivity. HTH.
  21. If someone can explain *why* you need full Kontakt for a frigging desk bell, I'll buy it.
  22. My goto for "big reverb". The only others on regular rotation are the UAD plate and Valhalla. NB. They recently added iLok machine authorization.
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