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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. Just got done with a bit of troubleshooting on a similar problem. Running Win10 Pro with Updates disabled and still got nailed by a "security" update (I do those,) The update changed the default sample rate for: Control Panel > Sounds | Playback | Speakers but NOT for Control Panel > Sounds | Recording | (my audio Interface) ... Took a bit longer to sort this out as I tend to keep an eye on Recording / Latency and assumed both would be the same. Getting them in sync solved the problem. It was pretty unusable until then. ... I'm OK with the challenges of maintaining an open architecture platform as it supports a much better bang for the buck, but having to keep on top of every detail can put a dent in productivity. fwiw, my issues in order of probability have been; MS/Win (mostly, with updates exhibiting an AI seemingly based on cockroaches) VST DRM and sometimes coding User error (yep...) CxB (it's what we're looking at when things go south but it's rarely been the problem) Hardware (learned to stick with well proven components/interfaces/drivers...) ... There's a solution in there somewhere.
  2. Appears to be the best price yet for existing Studio owners, However, that's quite a bit for a de-esser (about the only feature I might find useful over what I have now.)
  3. From "Waveform outlines You can now optionally show waveform outlines in the Clips pane. To show/hide waveform outlines, click the Track view View menu and select Display > Show Waveform Outlines."
  4. At least two of the PA amp sims support "bank" changes (Fuchs Train II/Chandler). Maybe not the same as a different preset, but useful. My pet peeve with the VST3 versions is not displaying the loaded preset name, This is a major PITA when working on multiple channels with their console emulations. (only installed the VST3 versions, haven't checked the VST2.4 versions)
  5. Mark King might have beat you to it. (Level 42)
  6. +1 suggestions for a new one? (i got nothing atm.)
  7. And starting to show up on the radar in the US. From an NPR post on "The Post-Brexit New Wave" "But there is something happening in the United Kingdom and Ireland, a cohort of very good bands who meet this vague, wordy description — Squid, Dry Cleaning, Shame, Courting, Sleaford Mods, Yard Act, The Cool Greenhouse, Home Counties, Billy Nomates, Legss, Fontaines D.C., Working Men's Club and Black Country, New Road among them. ... Today, the wave of like-minded new bands from this part of the world is approaching something like critical mass, and its leading lights have begun releasing some of the most exciting debut albums and EPs so far this year. Whatever is happening, it's hard to ignore." ... Something good just had to come out of the pandemic/Brexit mess of 2020.
  8. Something completely different, but somehow irresistible (was pinged to check this out, had my cursor on close tab for the entire video, and then had to dig deeper...)
  9. The difference is mainly tube (pentode/triode) vs transistor(fet/zener). The HG-2MS seems comparable to the VSM-4 given the tube layout. As for sound, the VSM-3 might be "more different" from the HG-2MS than the VSM-4. I was trying to decide if it was worth the effort to demo. ... update... And then Larry posts this ^^^. I'm pretty happy with the HG-2MS on acoustic/organic tracks.
  10. have not tried the vertigo vsm3, but was wondering about that given the apparent overlap in features.
  11. Only -way- better. I am most grateful for the reworking of this feature and the improvement in (my) productivity.
  12. Given this "Previous versions of BFD such as BFD1, BFD2, BFD Eco, and BFD Lite are long discontinued and no longer available." and this "Factory Audio Content from BFD 1/2/Eco cannot be used with BFD 3.4;" I doubt the reverse is supported. It was a bit of work getting the new version to support the existing content...
  13. Sounds like it. Why else would you need a DSP? Perhaps for a more gig-worthy alternative to lugging around a PC?
  14. This is looking like the way to go despite the considerable download hit. I tried consolidating expansions (across BFD versions 1.5, 2 and 3) into a single "uniform" BFD folder and got hit with a pile of yellow triangles (missing/unauthorized content) for existing expansions that had been "successfully" migrated and authorized. I was able to recover one without reinstalling, but had to re-download another and then delete existing paths and run "Search Folder" again. Copying files from the backup drive did not work. They have a lot to fix, but the content is looking usable atm. I was planning to start in on the registry/duplicate folders/redundant content after finishing up current projects, but it's most likely smarter to wait for the next release of the license manager...
  15. Update from Drew (he's been posting on Gearspace in addition to the BFD Drums Forum. "Hey all, Apologies for the radio silence from me, I've been busy putting out fires. Next build should resolve the keychain annoyances. It will also resolve the factory+user content migration bug. It will also resolve sluggishness on loading the plugin. It will also resolve lack of Pro Tools support on Windows (this was a known issue that I posted about on the BFD forum at launch). It will also fix authorizations not working for expansion packs when the computer is offline. For anyone who doesn't know, I've been with BFD since 2008. I'm the current product owner for BFD, and I'll be the first one to admit that we certainly have issues. It might not sound like a useful thing to say, but the issues at launch are not widespread and we have already migrated 6000 users, with about 600 issues to deal with in our support system. Tickets **ARE** getting through. There is a bug in the contact form that it doesn't show you the confirmation. This is logged with the web-team. That's not meant to be a defense of our sloppiness btw - I wouldn't be here if I didn't care! I will endeavour to do my best to represent the reality on the ground, and to represent our users interests. That's my job. Hopefully by next week most of the major issues will be resolved. I will keep posting here, not to worry." I tried 'support@bfddrums.com', got nothing, From Drew on the BFD Drums Forum; " Hey all! Anyone who needs replacement serials for BFD1, BFD2, SP1, SP2, and ZP1, please private message me. I will need your: > FXpansion username > Product serial number(s) > inMusic Profile username I’ll then get back to you with serial numbers. Apologize for the rather manual way of doing this, but it’s the best I’ve got right now! " ... My guess is they have some really big fires to put out and the "official/expected" channels aren't resolved yet. Drew is apparently trying to plug the holes in the meantime but he's only got 10 fingers. I imagine they'll get it sorted out eventually, but if you need any of the noted content before then, this is likely your best shot.
  16. a little more detail from Mike from about 10 weeks ago... "We’re planning incremental releases to S-Gear v2.9, to add many of the items that have been asked for here on the forum. There are several releases planned for this year. At some point we may choose to bump the version to v3, however, we are not planning one big release dropping several new features." and "I should temper my comment above to say that for 2021 I am planning only two major S-Gear releases, one of which will be the Apple Silicon support. Recently I have been dedicating more time to implementing S-Gear amps in DSP, something that I am very excited about. This year I am allocating 50% of my time to new platform development including DSP and iOS, I consider this work very important to the future of the S-Gear project. It is great to see the enthusiasm for new releases, thank you!"
  17. All you need is ears. And good microphones. And know how to use them. Al Schmitt might have been the epitome of American recording. His track record speaks for itself. https://www.grammy.com/grammys/news/remembering-al-schmitt-20-time-grammy-winning-producer-engineer-and-recording-academy-obit https://www.grammy.com/grammys/artists/al-schmitt/14105
  18. I use their delay as much as I do Echoboy, maybe more. I wonder how much of a windfall there might be in a ProChannel version. (yeah, could be approximated with an FXChain, but...)
  19. Can only hope this is a classic darkness before the dawn scenario, but BFD3 will not even launch unless your internet is connected. - The standalone blinks and disappears. No message or clue of any kind. - An existing instance in a project displays a dialog saying "unauthorized" and I need to rerun the License Manager. Which I had to do even after reconnecting my internet connection. .... BFD has been by far my preferred VST for drums and would love to see them succeed, but this is so mindboggling clueless, I don't know what to say. I'm working on rolling back and will be looking for opinions and experience with SD3 in the "Instruments & Effects".
  20. https://inmusicbrands.force.com/BFDHelp/s/article/BFD-Migration-Frequently-Asked-Questions Have to assume this link makes the most sense, as it's the new BFD Drums license manager that isn't enabling the content. There's a "Contact Support" button below the fold on the right which leads to this; https://inmusicbrands.force.com/BFDHelp/s/contactsupport I also cc'd Drew given what we know and how "well" the new website works, I expect it will take some time to plug the holes and get a new case of duct tape. .... Also taking issue with the comment that some older/3rd party packs have been discontinued = unusable. IIRC, it used to be possible to load these and any missing features (i.e. "hit" vs "bell/bow/edge") would display as greyed out/unavailable. The missing features could/would be populated with the available hit so any existing templates/MIDI files could still be used with minimal disruption/rework.
  21. GainMatch. Looks like the anti-GAS plugin.
  22. And checking on this as well. Not sure what's different with the updated pack but perhaps the reply will come with a reasonable suggestion.
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