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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. perhaps, but the trend to model the dynamic complexities of analog gear is bound to tax the limits of current hw performance. Most def it is a programming challenge that might beneft from better algos, but despite my skepticism, I'm starting to hear a difference that is closer to the analog gear I still use. Horses for courses, but consider something like Pong vs games today that feature extensive RT physics modelling to create a vastly superior user experience. I'm intrigued by the potential, learning to balance the tradeoffs w/o losing track of only point that matters, which is to create music that makes a difference.
  2. I sure hope so. CPU cooling/fan noise are an issue for the rack mounted systems here and the latest Alder Lake (3.6GHz?) is cranking it up even further. I recently O/C'd an i7 to scope out VST CPU load and saw CPU temps running at the edge of my comfort zone... Have not given water cooling a shot yet based on mixed and unconfirmed anecdotal hearsay wrt to reliability, but ambient temps are not getting any lower...
  3. you mentioned "shorting", but the jack itself is likely ok, all you might have to do is lightly reflow the connections to the board. ime they can get torqued when jamming cables = micro cracks.
  4. Maybe open it up and re-solder the connections to the board for the input jack?
  5. "The Kid's Are Alright" is a much better doc on The Who imho. And one of their best performance's can be found in the Rolling Stones' Rock and Roll Circus. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/25/745287835/resurrected-stones-film-finds-pivot-point-in-rock-history This was a pretty great take on the capriciousness of the industry in general...
  6. Have battled similar issues, finding mine to be more related to CPU performance. Projects that used to run fine have stuttered/stumbled during playback. Raising the buffer to 1024/2048 samples has not always made a difference. However, I recently reviewed every single performance setting (most already mentioned above) and for the first time, set the CPU to be overclocked. CxB has been running like a champ every since, with fairly heavy projects (unfrozen VSTs) that used to grind to a halt. planning for an upgrade, but currently running an i7-5820K, nom @3.3GHz, but it will O/C up to 4-4.2 GHz under load. Keeping an eye on CPU temp, but hanging in there. you might try hovering the mouse over the CW performance monitor in the control bar to see if notes excessive dropouts, lost buffers.
  7. AA's answer to the one knob trend, at only €1.35 per control. they might have spelled it wrong... i understand their expertise is in dynamic convolution techology, this looks pretty convoluted...
  8. It's there every time on at least one project, looks like a screen draw bug, and since nested folders are a fairly recent feature, speculating it might be related.
  9. well now that Elon Musk has Twitter wrapped up ....
  10. updated observations: confirming that it doesn't appear "instantly", but always shows up after a bit of editing. the same project has left an "orphan" view of the navigator for a set of nested folders on project/open. also noting a gap in the black line that corresponds to a ripple edit after adding 2 beats to a measure. ... the "orphan navigator" is for a set of nested tracks that also have/had a problem after "flatten comp" where two comps were placed on top of each other in the same lane.
  11. yes,, but not all projects. perhaps something to do with nested folders?
  12. should work quite well for that. the VLA II needs some level going into it, expect the WA-73 is more than up to the task.
  13. @Lord Tim ya, chasing a tom sound i heard on a project which used top & bottom mics, presence w/o being boomy or the "fwak" on the itb ambience channels. But of course you're right, the toms, tuning, drummer and room are much bigger factors along with mixing chops. I was assuming any kit that claimed this would have addressed any potential phase issues, just wondering about the difference... and ya, going for a more 'open' sound, 'impact without over-hyped fx' (whatever -that- means), working on how to do as much as possible itb and craft kit presets starting with ambient channels, then adding kit pieces to beef it up. BFD has been great for this, SD3 could be? maybe...?, nothing else has made much of an impression (yet). (nice commercial chops on the links btw, thx for those) ... @Tim Smith your clip (love different!) made me go back and pull up the one tune where i tried to use AD2. the snare had been a problem, thought it might the drum, only to find i had "baked in" the compressor from AD2 into the track when it got frozen... that mos def did not help. Got it sounding a bit better once I cleared that up but their cymbals still aren't working for me, maybe there's a better kit? idk.
  14. @Lord Tim ?, thx, sounds like there's more to SSD than i (or my peeps) are aware of. BFD has always had great sounds and same/similar capability for bleed, ambient channels and often multiple mics for things like kick and snare > single mix channel. for toms though only found one kit anywhere with "Toms are top and bottom miked with Sennheiser MD409s and MD421s.". thinking there could be phase issues with layering own samples and assuming a dedicated set of samples might be optimal... just an idea atm though, not a problem.
  15. ? -the- key factor. @Lord Tim @John Bradley any of those awesome toms in SSD5.x kits feature top AND bottom mics? no metal here but i've heard this technique used to great effect before, been looking for something itb. bfd has -one- kit, been holding off on buying it... ? duly noted. thx again. for sure, but a lot like cooking, the freshest/best ingredients make the difference. horses for courses, just a matter of finding what you need. ... no worries/affront here at all, just sorta wondering why the "career advice" when all i was looking for was feedback on sounds. ? not sure it means much, but since you asked (and since clips make more sense than talking about it), posting a couple from this week. as mentioned, the focus is songs/arrangements, just starting to dig into the downstream production side since the pandemic has made a mess of the way things were. zopilote : a bit of an outlier, written to supplement a treatment for a "western gothic indie" which will never get made, but a bit heavier on the production side than usual. tried for a GY!BE vibe as i knew the director was a big fan. couple of caveats. no limiter on the 2bus, so not quite finished and still using the LV guide track, but ok with the arrangement and overall vibe. the vid is a 'bonus' ? , just happened to be goofing around to see what all these fx do, like a 3rd grader using every crayon in the box.... caroline (reprise) : this is more typical. all about the singer/song and finding a way to make it unique. the original arrangement was the standard bass/drums/guitar chugging away and blowing out the chorus. went with just the LV/AG/violin to try out a more 'nuanced' arrangement. hack mix with one take placeholder solos for a vibe. https://kevincondon.hearnow.com/bliss : final production done in nashville, going for commercial this round and while it does sound great ("I Feel Love" and "High Life" came out the best imho) has a bit of 'sameness' to the overall sound that has never been my jam. all respect and deep appreciation for the craft and talent in play (better than what I can do) but found the pre-production roughs to be more interesting. and kinda what I meant about expectations...
  16. good to see, was looking at this about a year ago. https://www.frequencytx.com/ some background here. the whole mechanism/ecosystem of how hearing actually works is rather marvelous . https://www.npr.org/2020/10/16/923973253/jim-hudspeth-how-do-we-hear-and-how-do-we-lose-our-ability-to-hea
  17. just opening projects and wondering why i can't hear any drums when I hit play. hmmm... LM here. need to check on what the diff is, but wondering if it was some Mac specific update? Or noted as "beta" and only for a specific issue? about a month or so ago, I had everything deauthorized 3x over a weekend. (well, not everything, but for sure the kits loaded into the projects.) it was easy enough to reauthorize as I had good internet access at the time. the problem is there is -no- clue as to when this happens or how to pro-actively manage it on a schedule. ? Zildjian Digital Vault no. 1 working here. have you hit Drew up for an updated sn? ... i heard something i liked in the hhs for SD3, so maybe some consolation, but the change is going to be painful...
  18. ?. the problem I have with BFD atm is the random deauthorization of everything i've ever bought, which is everything before InMusic screwed things up. I got burnt twice now doing remote sessions (with limited/sketchy internet access). first time no drums for a week, the second time, had to drive 4 hours to get access for reauthorization (we were up in the mountains during the winter...) It's a showstopper (and a felony in all but one state in the US given the investment). and... it's been over a year now and -still- no solution. i need something i can count on as things start to open back up. the reason i'm wearing this out is I had budgeted for a CPU upgrade and a SD3 starter kit would cost more than that
  19. that's what I was afraid of. they list a DW kit in EZD2 but not in SD3, so i'm assuming it's the EZD2 sounds, only accessible in SD. some of this sounds like "mixer" stuff which shouldn't be an issue as my templates route everything to the DAW. I make pretty extensive use of the Model/Tech panels in BFD and it looks like SD3 has some of the basics (pitch, velocity, etc) but missing others (i.e. resonance, damping, bleeds, articulation twks, etc). i'm assuming EZD2 does not have these at all, which seems to render demoing it a moot point... got some work to do.
  20. @DeeringAmps Tom! much appreciated, thx for the clips. i'm good for a round if we're ever in the same area code. if nothing else i'm hearing some variety with the potential expansion packs. ? question on the "SD 3 Yamaha kit with Cooley snare" clip. Is the ambience something you added or is it a blend of close mics+whatever SD offers for fx or just the base kit sound? at your convenience... @John Bradley thx, had thought about it as a couple of peeps are big on slate except ... none of them use the drums (they all use real drummers...) they didn't think I would like it better than bfd, but could at least demo it w/o having to buy it (or maybe a one month sub?) @Jesse Screed ?? lol, the goal is the total opposite of " be like everybody else", which perhaps got lost in an attempt to find someone who uses sd3 and has some experience/opinion with select expansions. i'm specifically -not- looking for the "john bonham/neil peart/ringo starr/etc etc" presets that get marketed with most of the options out there. And np with "myriad of opinions", it's a forum... but there seem to be more "players" here vs "producers" if you get my drift, and the comments have been helpful. tl:dr territory, not exactly trying to compete with the "megalith" but working with "emerging artists" to develop a unique sound for them, not me. i just want it to sound as good as possible. fwiw, i find nashville to be pretty diverse with plenty of talent, but not that different from bkn, bos or atx. rock on, it's all good.
  21. @Tim Smith did the quartet thing in ATX for a bit, but just sitting in with some of my crew who's moms had them roped in for the sunday gigs. i'd crash at their place after a gig on sat night and then get dragged off to church if i didn't get up an leave early enough. great stuff though. and ran with a street preacher up in BOS for a couple of years helping out with their originals, he had a gang ministry and we ended up playing all kinds of events including radio stations, tents, churches, the strand theater, basketball tournaments, etc. i've got stories, and somewhere, a tape or two.
  22. -excellent- point. BFD is deep but very capable/flexible once sorted out and with great samples for my purposes. SD3 appears to offer similar capability with a different take on recording samples but is pricey and with fewer options for content. I understand EZD2/3 kits can be used in SD3 which might help (the DW kit in BFD gets a lot of use) but the TT site is longer on graphics than the specifics i'm looking for. can anyone comment on the usefulness of EZD kits in SD ? Are they crippled/lesser in some way compared to a "full featured" SD3 kit? Specifically, do they have fewer velocity samples per kit piece? any other issues? ... it appears i'm just going to have to buy SD3 and try it. the only "sales" i can recall are getting a free expansion when buying the core program at full price. any heads up on easing the pain would be appreciated. tia.
  23. the latest improvements to the tempo map in CW are most appreciated here. where all starts for sure, but the initial demo is rarely solid enough rhythm wise or fully arranged. and why midi drums get used to work thru the initial rounds of development. i have one singer who thinks she can hear +/- 1bpm despite being the most rhythmically dyslexic person i've come across in years ?. not exactly 'cost effective' to waste a real drummers time at this stage... more like if... it's good enough for some next level of release and they can afford it. the challenge has been the quality of demos coming out of places like nashville where it seems there's a killer producer in every garage (stocked with monster guitar players ...)
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