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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. The master. https://johncage.org/4_33.html
  2. https://boomy.com/ From the related BBC article; "If you have ever dreamed of earning money from a stellar music career but were concerned you had little talent, don't let that put you off" In league with the devil; "The Boomy website and app even allows people to submit their tracks to be listed on Spotify and other music streaming sites" It gets better; "While Boomy owns the copyright to each recording, and receives the funds in the first instance, the company says it passes on 80% of the streaming royalties to the person who created the song." Careful there Jethro, who exactly is the "person" that "created" that masterpiece? A lawyer could make a case for the AI, given the recent litigation over copyright violations. Doesn't sound like the business model was subjected to any meaningful due diligence. "80% of the streaming royalties" is pretty much 80% of nothing based on what my peeps are seeing. And to think people had issues with MIDI/loops/samples/BIAB... On the plus side, this could address the shortage of available content due to problems with the supply chain. (The BBC article.) https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59878572
  3. @murat k. fwiw, thought the request was obvious, maybe because i find myself having to "repair" automation breaks more than I'd care to admit (i.e. inserting/deleting measures). 'select a node and drag on top of another' works, but it's a bit "fiddly". "Snap" would make this much more robust and efficient.
  4. @Soundwise thank you for the file, appreciate the help, got some work to do. if interested, can share a before/after clip if it gets sorted out @Chandler ya, MAutodynamicEQ was the 1st Melda plug ever bought, initially imagining something like MCharacter with multiband modulation?! looks like MCabinet might have some useful knobs, still a bit of a rabbit hole atm... fwiw, the SMPro marketing text sounded the most "intuitive" for the project but their DRM authorization schedule is a showstopper. AT5 reported to be more than a bit cpu heavy, digging in with Melda for now. all the best for the holidays
  5. @Cecelius2 MCabinetMB is a subset and looks like it's included with MCabinet according to @Chandler. @Soundwise thx, will take you up on the offer as i'm sure it will help with the learning curve, completely at your convenience. fwiw, trying to generate a "dynamic 3D" effect using IRs in combination with "non-linear" modulation. Melda is known for overkill on the options dept which is why i'm starting with that. The OL SC looks pretty complete and easier to justify than AT5 atm, if i can't get MCabinet to do the job.
  6. ya, sorta like quite a few options out there. haven't had to do that much ITB, but well, things have changed and in the process of exploring options. there are only a few amp sims that "feel" like the real thing, always impressed when one manages to come up with that "playability" factor. but still looking for anything to enhance a "3D' sound which is probably more of a room thing (rig+room = the sound). Tried a couple of IR loaders, but got results I liked better by dumping them into Melda's MConvolution, which is why >> MCabinet. Tried AT4 (CW version?), and now that you mention it, recall their cab/mic options being OK. Did they do something special for AT5? Might have to consider them as well. Haven't spent any time with TH-U, but their GEM series has a couple of FX with some of that "3D" vibe. ... @Soundwise thx, great points, much appreciated, the plate is more than a bit overloaded atm and i've dropped the fork...
  7. only twice? the "installed" section seems to be a moving target here. have had quite a few "oops, something went wrong, let's fix it" dialogs, to the point where it either gets frozen or put back in the closet. LABS are interesting quality bits for supplementing an up front sound, but nothing like pulling up a project after a couple of weeks and wondering what happened to the mix.
  8. @Marc Cormier thx, appreciate the insight, appears to confirm initial assumptions made here, still intrigued by the "dynamic" potential as IRs have never been more than static EQ for me, will keep it in mind for whenever IBM releases the home version of Big Blue. Not a total loss, might try some of their IRs, never seen Berg before (the real deal has been my goto for years...) ya, time to give this a shot along with room/verb settings.
  9. Evidently this is older news, some answers here... https://www.mixonline.com/technology/innovations-celestion-speakermix-pro https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/celestion-speakermix-pro
  10. @Marc Cormier thx! exactly what i was thinking about (in S1), will be looking forward to your thoughts. the feature that caught my ear was the room mic option. I have some dense multi-guitar mixes that sound like they're glued to the wall rather than gyrating in space, looking for a faster means to open up those elements of the arrangement. had never considered Celestion for anything digital and will likely hit Melda next given their versatility and ease on the cpu, but ya never know. could be the next magic wand...
  11. Good to know that all I need is a 57 core CPU and not an additional SSD. ?
  12. That does seem to be the case. Recently A/B'd Ultramarine vs. the UAD 670 in a complex mix and could clearly hear the difference I was looking for, once it was done pummeling a fairly robust cpu. It's got me checking prices on the latest from Intel. fwiw, did buy the Ultramarine, just having some fun with marketing which has nothing to do with function/performance.
  13. So... not this? https://www.softube.com/celestion-speaker-shaper or this? https://www.meldaproduction.com/MCabinet?gclid=Cj0KCQiAk4aOBhCTARIsAFWFP9H4tfuXysvjK-cY5xfI18WqN4a4I-RhvZIZlQVC1TCRpegNlHcT2GMaAtQQEALw_wcB just started looking into these, got some work to do but any opinions based on actual experience appreciated...
  14. Grammar be tossed. I'm holding out for 'Cholesterol'. "Freely choke any number of cpu cores you might have and grind your mojo to special flavored dust with this mythical tool. Featuring a hyper skeuomorphic user interface inspired by vintage science fiction illustrators utilizing a plethora of ultra-rare knobs which we can't be bothered to explain in our famously 'old school' documentation. Go grab it and channel your frustration thanks to the gargantuan downloads that will probably be completed by January 7, 2022."
  15. @Magic Russ ya, that sounds more like it, although i'd expect the top 3 LO FI FX to be; tape vinyl i mixed it myself
  16. Teaser for a new series? "3 SATURATIONS YOU'LL ACTUALLY USE".
  17. Agreed, and most unfortunate. Fundamental problems with just being able to use BFD3 since the relaunch in March! of this year have -still- not been resolved and there is very little acknowledgement of the need to fix any of this let alone a commitment to it. And recently finding it's borked a couple of the 3rd party (Chocolate Audio) expansions... (smh). I've used it almost exclusively for years but it's a hard pass for any new projects since the middle of 2021. They have a lot to make up for.
  18. Doesn't "Auto Lock" do what you're asking? (select MIDI tracks x n with Auto Lock enabled and then Ctrl+pick one.)
  19. it's a thing. JT going for that organic sound. TR-101?
  20. ?? nested folders is a most welcome and much appreciated feature. doesn't sound like you have any experience with professional film scoring, orchestral realizations or commercial (i.e. big budget) pop productions. ?? I make extensive use of the existing capablity to explore the available documentation https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033405834-Using-the-Plug-in-Manager- agreed ... fwiw, feature requests can be made here. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  21. @Mark MoreThan-Shaw ya just referring to an epic thread on the topic... agreed on this point. ima big fan of simplicity/functional design vs. adding arbitrary complexity to an already highly capable program. most suggestions strike me as convoluted corner cases based on limited experience rather than adding value, but such is the nature of a diverse user base. just imagine what something like a guitar might look like if subjected to the same...
  22. Might be something in this lineup that works for you. Reviews don't mean much when it comes to specific tastes in mics, but there are a number of reviews out there. They look like quality builds, have a pedigree (of sorts) and a 30 day refund policy. Only used the BB29 briefly for one session but thought well enough of it to consider buying it in the future. https://usashop.jzmic.com/
  23. kinda like tipping your crack dealer, but hey, the effort is appreciated here, done. @cclarry maybe consider a YT channel to curate/highlight some of the better choices/deals, perhaps with invited guests? (since you have so much free time ?
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