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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. This is the key imho. Racking up a reference track or two in a DAW to compare with your existing mix can be pretty helpful. Something like Metric A|B works very well.
  2. As noted elsewhere, it can be useful on drum busses. ... Just wondering when they'll come out with the "perfect recreation" of a "complete authentic" experience with a "vintage" master bus version featuring an "award winning" mix down matrix that only allows first generation signal degradation of "exquisitely modeled tape warmth and color" for the original number of tracks, and applies additional layers of "glorious tone and other audible hallmarks" for successive iterations that exceed the original track count. Wouldn't it be awesome to emulate the "unique sonic character ... behind many famous song demos, and even whole albums made by some of the most influential rock bands ever" by selecting the order in which your tracks are bounced to inject a new level of authenticity and vibrancy into a wide range of music and other recording efforts." They could launch this with a contest to mix down the tracks for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
  3. ... slap an instance on every track of a 20-40 tracks Made me laugh. Wasn't the Porta One a 4 track?
  4. my observation as well, wondering how you access these built in fx, noting it's both WIN/OS, assuming some standalone app? and if this new 'platform' is capable of supporting a greater variety of fx options in the future. probably too much to ask for...
  5. Took a look to see what it might take to integrate as a preamp option with an existing audio interface = audio outs only.
  6. wondering if Keith Richards can say this...
  7. Drum samples are mapped to MIDI note velocity values. Different values will trigger different samples. It should not matter what creates the MIDI velocity value (mouse, drum trigger, controller, etc.).
  8. The feature set for Modula looks interesting. Just sold an SPX90 to a guitar player for that specific program (Symphonic).
  9. From Deals | 50% off BFD and Expansions ... cut down a recent project to create a custom template for how a basic kit in BFD3 could be used with CxB. NOTES: > use case: basic acoustic kit and rolling your own MIDI grooves > assumes the latest version of BFD3 > most, if not all kit pieces should be from the BFD3 Core Library (not confirmed) > the direct kit pieces and OH, Room, Ambient, Master Out channels in the BFD mixer are routed to discrete channels in CxB. > the FX in BFD might be used to get a kit sound for the "tracking" stage but in general, all mixing done in CxB > general approach: get a basic kit sound using OH/Room/Ambient channels, then add/mix in direct channels and fine tune with additional ambient channels thru Ambient or Master Out. BFD supports additional auxes if it helps organize things. > the original project used a parallel drum buss for compression/harmonic distortion. Left in the sends and aux for that. > MIDI channels are broken out per a preferred workflow. A CxB drum map and BFD keymap are included for the BFD preset with a screenshot of the PRV. FILES: CxB template: > copy CxB BFD3 template.cwt to your CxB Project Templates dir CxB drum map: > copy SM BFD3 5Cym 4Tom 4Perc.map to your CxB Drum Maps dir BFD preset: > copy SM Baseline.bfd3 and SM Baseline.png (file icon) to your BFD user preset dir (i.e. Documents | BFD Drums | BFD3 | Presets) BFD kit: (Not sure this is needed, included in case it is.) > copy SM Baseline.bfd3kit and SM Baseline.png (file icon) to your BFD user preset dir (i.e. Documents | BFD Drums | BFD3 | Kits) BFD keymap: > copy SM 5Cym 4Tom 4Perc.bfd3map and SM 5Cym 4Tom 4Perc.png (file icon) to your user keymap dir (i.e. Documents | BFD Drums | BFD3 | Maps) NB. These all work with my current ecosystem, but were not tested anywhere else. CxB BFD3 template.zip
  10. @David Baay BFD3 Project Template (with custom key map/drum map)
  11. fwiw, every kit piece I use has a 'direct' channel with a reasonable name which gets routed from BFD to it's own channel in CxB. Each kit piece has a variety of ambient mic channels which all get dumped into the AmbMix channel with arbitrary settings. Different expansion packs have different recording techniques which can lead to an even longer list of extra mic channels when using kit pieces from different expansions. The approach used to get an initial kit sound is to; 1. load project template with all direct kit pieces, OH and Room channels and AmbMix (master out of BFD) routed to respective channels in CxB 2. OH, Room and AmbMix are routed to an Ambient Aux in CxB. 2. drop the faders on all AmbMix channels and set nominal levels for OH and Room 3. pick a "main" ambient channel for each kit piece (in the Tech module in BFD) and balance levels by monitoring the Ambient Aux (also, panning, phase, etc). 4. monitor the drum stem to set a mix of direct (in CxB) and extra mic channels (in BFD) to get the kit sound for the project 5. save as a preset once all is sorted out. mix adjustments are pretty much all done in CxB after that. project templates include aligned BFD keymaps, CxB drum maps and MIDI channels with a color coded PRV. Can't say this is going to work for everyone and there may be smarter ways to do this, but I've always been able to get drums sounding the way I need them to, more so than any other drum VST. That being said, a few of us are pooling resources to give SD3 a fresh look as they list 4-5 kits with "raw" samples which might be our way forward if InMusic continues to prioritize some sketchy online authorization over product functionality/value. hth
  12. I was looking at this (like I don't already have enough on my plate...) https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/aum-guitars-vibraslide
  13. The visualization of some of the finer points of mixing can be interesting (i.e. curves, harmonics, aliasing, etc). Price is fair and can pay for itself by disarming hyperbolic marketing copy/pretty pixels for a plugin, especially for something like EQs. (OT, @telecode 101 what are you using for a lap steel?)
  14. The OmniTec-67A vintage tube preamp turns even the most sterile of signals into a rich-sounding production by introducing lush vintage tube saturation and that 1567A sparkle. From gritty vocals to saturated drums and harmonically complex mixes, this vintage classic with a twist can do it all. Introductory offer: only $49 (regular $99) for a limited time! https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/landing/omnitec-67a?_se=anBkZ21sNzEwMkBnbWFpbC5jb20%3D&utm_campaign=Omnitec-67A_Launch&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Email1
  15. I use multiple drum vsts across multiple daws and wanted a consistent display for editing across platforms. It took creating a custom keymap in the drum vst and a corresponding custom drum map in each DAW. There is a bit of a challenge with different kit piece articulations across drum vsts, just went with the 80/20 rule. I expect a GM map should work, but never found the GM layout useful enough for editing purposes to try it. The drum map manager in CxB is bit dated and clunky, but entirely functional and does the job. I only needed to do it once.
  16. hard to tell what this really sounds like, way too much fx/"ensemble clutter" in the clips they posted. kinda like most drum samples...
  17. You Are My Sunshine (w/o the stylist and pretention du jour...)
  18. Can't comment on Sonar 8, but maybe try putting the audio and midi tracks into folders with exclusive solo enabled to select a folder?
  19. gave this a listen again, had bookmarked it a while back, but held off as I was trying to avoid going down the Kontakt Full path. May have to give it another think...
  20. Always preferred BFD for sound quality, BUT they've tried to implement some sort of mandatory online authorization with the relaunch via InMusic. IME it's been a complete mess, with random driveby deauthorizations of *everything* I've owned for years. Can't recommend it until they've sorted this out with a user/customer focused update. FYI, a couple of the original FXpansion crew are full time on damage control, but this has been going on since April, and it's InMusic, which does not have a track record of investing in product improvement. Great sounds/feature set for "realistic" drums, and yes, the user interface could benefit just as greatly from a major overhaul. Would love to see it happen.
  21. my (limited) experience for anything in the "roots" category, and why I've been following this thread yep. the issue is at least partly with the engineering of the samples, but the player and instrument are also key. my kind of people ?, but that's more of the vibe i'm shooting for yep. lost access to my goto player, trying to fill the gap with something that doesn't come across as a pearl in a pig sty. It's often featured as a melody part and at times solo, so "burying it in the mix" is not something I can get away with, (more barn dance than riverdance). perhaps an opportunity for the "alan lomax collection of back road players recorded at a glorious 7 bits".
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