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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) WOW, very nice features I've never seen in an EQ! Thanks for this;) Bassman.
  2. HI:) For sure;) Give Feedback and write diverse changes you need... Long time that I made this preset, so..... Greetz;) Bassman. Akai_Midimix_Final.spp
  3. HI:) In some Plugins I can see Directories in the Load Preset Window. How can this be done? With Saving I can't choose to make a Path! Do I have to edit the preset itsself with an editor? Thanks;) Bassman.
  4. Hi:) Here an Instrument File to Import which avoids resetting the Controller after hitting Stop. Just rename "LaunchControlXL" in the filename and in the file itsself to make your own. Greetz;) Bassman. LaunchControlXL.ins
  5. HI:) WOW! So fast! Thank you very much for your work! Trying it out today.... Greetz;) Bassman.
  6. Hi? I'm using your theme since Jan 2020 and I love it! Will it be updated to 2021.4? Thanks;) Bassman.
  7. Hi:) Tempo view is great! Show Values on Automation Envelopes helps a lot on working with Automation!! The conversion is great too! Thank you for this and all other bug fixes and Enhancements? No Problems with all new things so far! Bassman.
  8. HI:) @Ronny.G >>>And for change mode it seems that is necessary to send a midi message that contains these values: >>>ATOM MIDI MODE = Note off, channel=15 (or 16?), note=0, velocity=0 >>>ATOM MIDI NATIVE CONTROL MODE = Note off, channel=15 (or 16?), note=0, velocity=127 Where do you have this information from? I could not find anything about "NATIVE" Control Mode or Color changing. Is there some Programers Manual? Mode Change is normaly activated by some Sysx, this can be sent on startup of a CbB Project. If Midi Note Off can be "initialized" by AZController I have to try out, but this can be. I have not continued working on thsi preset, cause I got no feedback what functions to lay on the Buttons/Rotors/Pads, but we could go on working on it.... Can remember to have finished the Transport and some NAV Buttons.... Greetz;) Bassman.
  9. Hi? @scook With AZCONTROLLER you can have both, a controller as midi input and as controller input. You just need 1 button as a switch and you can use pads to record midi or to control the DAW. Bassman
  10. HI:) www.azslow.com I do need the Midi signals that came out of the Nectar and which function you want to have on it! Perhaps these DAW Integration files does help me to see if it is possible to write an working AZController Preset..... So just send me this file and I have a look if I can find the related sent Midicontrollers. Bassman.
  11. Hi? Perhaps AzController would be an option? I could help writing a preset for this keyboard... Possible to take a look into this Sonar DAW Integration File? Greetz? Bassman
  12. HI:) Sometimes Win 10 Updates does mix up the Midi Controller order. Try to deactivate and then reactivate it in the Properties and the Controller IN/Out-puts. I have to do this all the time. As soon I plug my Midi Keyboard in, my controller doesn't work and I have to do the described! Greetz;) Bassman.
  13. HI:) All these commands are used by AZController, so if you write a preset you can use all these commands. www.azslow.com Greetz;) Bassman.
  14. HI:) To clarify some button actions here a short video: (I'm doing videos but it takes time) In the video I do: 1. Press Shift button, switch to Bank 2, change Send 1-3, press Shift and the Rotors change Send 1-3 Pan! See mouse pointer. 2. Press Ctrl button, use Slider 1 to Move from bar 1-127, the slider is at the end, now I press Ctrl Button and the Slider is now endless, the upper half do move forward, the lower half backward. 3. Another Shift and Ctrl is to Double Press (within 0.4 seconds) the Transport/Mode buttons (Record Arm, Solo), faster to reach:) I like this more than the normal Shift and Ctrl. I switch back to Preset 1 Bank 1. 4. Short Press Button 9 (Mute) / 5. Double Press Button 9 opens the Control Bar 6. Long Press button 9 copys the selected clip, Move Data Cursor and press button 11 to Paste, press Ctrl for endless rotor 7. press button 12 for "Undo" 3 times / 8. Press Shift button, Shift + Button 9 selects left clip, button 10 right clip 9. Double Press Button 10 opens Multidock, Shift + Long Press Button 9 gives focus to previous TAB, Button 10 next TAB. 10 Double Press Button closes Multidock So we have 5 different actions on Short Press, Double Press, Long Press, Shift and Shift Long Press on just 1 Button and 1 Mode, this was Normal Mode. I have 10 different Modes, so the in principle the Button has about 50 different functions:) Not really, but it could be! So this is what is possible with AZController! A lot.... Bassman.
  15. HI:) I do gain staging with controller level metering, but.... Down below a short video of the (small) problem: In the video: 1. Entering my Level Mode - press play 2. Controller shows correct level of focused track, you can see this on soloing the track 3. I choose another track, press play and solo it and it shows correct level for gain staging 4. I select a clip and play selection (Shift+Space) and it doesn't show the clip level but the level of the focused track! Now the problem is that I can't focus the "Clip" selected track, but with Track select fader or by clicking in the tracks name with the mouse. So I have to move 2 Faders to show the level of a selected clip. I could move both together, clip selection and the next/previous track action, but as soon an empty track occurs, the track selection is behind the clip selection, not in sync anymore. There should be a possibility to focus the selected track or the track of an selected clip with a shortcut or an SDK function. Other possibility is to read out the number of the track of a selected clip, but I can't find any variable to show this. The same with the Data Cursor. Would be fine to know on which track the DC is "current". Not only for level metering, but would be nice to mute or solo the track of the selected clip. I can go the other way and select the focused track with ",", but this only works if the track view is in focus, if the focus is on the inspector this command doesn't work anymore.... Thanks;) Bassman.
  16. Hi? I use AZController Software and in the console it automatically scrolls with Track next/previous. Open both, track view and console view and use up/down in the track view to select next track and see if the console view is in sync with the track view. There is a switch for to sync both views, I never changed this so I have to look tomorrow morning, where to look for.... Bassman.
  17. HI:) Or split notes to Tracks and merge the needed ones together on 1 Track again....done with a few mouse clicks! Bassman.
  18. Hi:) You can , depending on the function you use, automatically get the lights on when Mute or solo is pressed and you chooese those tracks. You can switch them on and off by programming them in AZController Software,normally as Midi Feedback. http://Www.azslow.com I do switch them by a sysex: F0 00 20 29 02 11 78 00 3c f7 for light green for example. Must be written in the programmers handbook for that controller. https://resource.novationmusic.com/support/product-downloads?product=Launch+Control I've written an AZController Preset for the Launch Control 2 XL which you can see here: So I'm pretty sure I can help you with this Controller ? Bassman
  19. Hi? There is a CAL Script for that! Split Notes to Tracks.... Just mark the related track and run this script! Bassman.
  20. HI:) @Max Arwood Scook is a very experienced Autohotkey User, but I can help you too with not too complex things:) I have a lot of Hotkeys under windows with autohotkey and just a few under CbB. For example Gain +- 1,2,3 dB which is very helpful if you do lot of audio edit manually. Deessing I always do manually, but now that the new Melodyne is out it's worth to test the Deessing in Melodyne... I do open the EQ Flyout window with a AHK, to find the very small anchor to open it with the mouse is annoying.... Backup of the latest 10 directories in my Record Partition is very helpful too... So just write what you want to do with AHK and I'll take a look;) Perhaps I have this already working.... Bassman.
  21. Hi? 》》》ahk knows the current mouse position That's very interesting, did not know that, thanks! Bassman.
  22. Hi:) If you use Autohotkey this is the syntax: Send {Click 100 200 Right} ; RightClick But you have to give the coordinates... Bassman.
  23. HI:) Added Last Changes document, cause nearly every time I work in Studio I find some things to add/change for better working with it! This is the greatest Improvement for now: Brought all things together! Now all Modes are available from Preset 1 Bank 1: Normal Mode Bank 1 Long_Press WAI Down: Midi Mode Long_Press WAI: Record Mode Long_Press CTRL: PRV Mode Long_Press SHIFT: 24 Track Mode Long_Press Preset: Reset to Preset 1 Bank 1 Long_Press Bank: Pro Channel 1 Track Mode Long_Press Mode: Level Mode Double Press Ctrl: ACT Mode Synths Long_Press Shift: ACT Mode Plugins So you must not switch through Banks or Presets to switch to any Mode, very faster to work with. I added the 3. different "Endless" Mode for the Rotors and Sliders: Sliders and Rotors are not Endless on Novation Launch control, so I have 3 different Buttons to use these Rotors and Sliders Endless: 1. Ctrl On: The upper/right half of the Rotors/Sliders move up/right, the lower half left/down 2. Long Press Mute 2 Button deselects Actions from the Rotors/Sliders, so you can move them in the other direction when you're on the end, pressing Mute 2 again long and you can go on. 3. Double Press Bank Button switches direction of the Rotors and Sliders. So when you're at the end (up/down) double press Bank Button moves on with revers direction. To the right/up normal, to the left/down with double Press Bank Button, pressing again it goes normal again.... The first method is the fastest! Greetz;) Bassman.
  24. HI:) I don't know exactly what you mean, but: To move notes, select them and press CTRL+X, then move to the new location and press CTRL+V to insert them at the Now Time. To copy notes, select them and press CTRL+C. In the Preferences --> Nudge --> Nudge 1,2,3 you can choose Snap Settings. hen you can move your Notes with NUMPAD 1+3 for example on snap Settings.. I have the same layed on my Midi Controller and move notes by Snap Settings (Off = 10 Ticks) with AZController . In the Video I selected some notes, activated PRV Mode, changed Snap Settings and moved notes with Buttons. (There's also a Rotor to move the notes) What is missing: Move on Bar doesn't work in Cakewalk:( Greetz;) Bassman.
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