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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) Normally it's Alt + 8 to open the Event List View. If you have selected a Midi/Instrument Track or a Midi Clip and it doesn't open then the Problem is the answer of Scook;) (You have been faster!) or The Event List is opened in the Multidock and the Multidock is closed, then open it by pressing "D" or make it bigger by hitting "Shift + D" Greetz;) Bassman.
  2. HI:) Copy a track, you paste a track. Copy a clip, you paste a clip How would you copy a track? You can make aTrack preset and then load it in the other project, but you can't copy a track, but it's Data. Bassman.
  3. HI:) Open 2 Projects and Drag and Drop the Data from your project into a new one, the Midi/Audio Tracks should be automatically added. Instruments you have to add manually I think but perhaps somebody else knows this better.... (Manual?) Good Luck;) Bassman. P.S. Why not try just 1 Track out and then do the rest if it works!
  4. HI again:) So here I attached a small preset for AZController for the Presonus ATOM for the Transport Buttons. Not easy cause I cannot control the lights, the Play Button(Light) is not working correctly after hitting Record but you will see. 1. Stop After hitting Play the Stop Button is a Pause Button, stops at the Now Time and continues after hitting again. When Recording it does nothing until Record is Off. Hitting Stop 2 Times within 0.5 seconds plays from the Loop Point Hitting Stop 3 Times within 0.5 seconds moves the Now Time Marker to Bar 1 2. Play After hitting Play it plays, hitting again it goes back to the Now Time Marker. When hitting play when Record is on it does nothing! 3. Record After hitting Record it starts recording, hitting again it stops recording, Playback goes on. You can only Stop if it is not Recording, so press first Record to play on without recording then press stop! 4. Click It enables/disables the Click on Playback and Record. 5. Undo With the Shift Button you have Undo (CTRL - Z) 6. Loop With the Shift Button you have Loop On/Off 7. Save With the Shift Button you save the Project 8. Count In There's no command or Shortcut in Cakewalk to switch this, but it would be possible with "Autohotkey" to make a Shortcut. It's either not possible to open the Metronom Settings with a Controller or a Shortcut. I can set the button to open the preferences if you want... Greetz, Bassman. ATOM-12-08-2020.spp
  5. HI:) @Johan You can use AZController to make the knobs do what they should do. http://www.azslow.com/ I can make a small preset for the Transport Buttons, for these and all other knobs I should know what they normally exactly do. I have an ATOM, bought this year and never used it? Don't know why you have Play (Light On) and Play (Light Off) and Stop. The Play knob is enough, if you hit it the first time it plays, on second time it stops, so why a stop Button? Could you please tell how play and record button should work? Stop is clear! Here a link to my preset for the Novation Launch Control to see what is possible with AZController! Greetz;) Bassman.
  6. HI:) @TheCrazyLunatic8 Are you sure? Select all Tracks and all Data or just Press CTRL +A . Then Right Click on any Data and choose Edit --> Copy or press CTRL + Alt + C. If that doesn't work there's really something wrong. If you right click you should be able to copy it, even if it is muted or freezed or archieved! Could it be that you have accidentically mooved the data or renamed any Directory of the data or changed the rights on the Dir? Bassman.
  7. HI:) I've had that too years ago. Make a complete new project and copy the midi data into it and insert the BBC. Perhaps it's the project... Bassman.
  8. Hi:) Wh not copy the clip to the browser if you want to insert it to more than 1 place? Bassman.
  9. Hi:) Open the Automation Lane in the Audiotrack of BBC and rightclick on the automation and delete the automation. CTRL - Z if nothing changed. Bassman.
  10. HI:) A friend of mine from America asks me to do some projects together, but he is working on MAC. I'm sure I've read sometimes that people here do work with it on MAC, but can't find any posts about it. So, is it possible to run CbB in a Virtual Machine? Thanks;) Bassman.
  11. Ok:) Where do you send the tracks to? Which Channels? If it's a synth, can you see an Input Signal fromthe midi tracks? Can you widen the tracks yo we can see the track settings? In the video I can't see any output signal fom the tracks, perhaps no channel or output destination? Are you sure these are midi tracks? Bassman
  12. Hi:) Can you send a picture or better video from this? Difficult to say anything without seeing the tracks and it's settings.... Bassman.
  13. HI:) Please look here: http://www.azslow.com/ Or especially here: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,119.0.html Greetz;) Bassman.
  14. HI:) I do not use MP3s, but I sometimes got some to edit them for some performances... (stupid not to use waves then:( ) But the'yre always totally overloaded and/or overcompressed. I'm pretty sure the conversion gives 3-4 dB of more level. All frequencies above 15 kHz are totally cut off, what can be seen in an Analyser. Maybe this level raising is only affected if the Bitrate is too low, so better you use 320 kBit instead of 128! Much better it will be to use the Wave File! Before Conversion I would Master/Mix it down to -5 dB and then convert them to at least 240 kBit. Bassman.
  15. Hi? Look here: Or here: http://www.azslow.com/ Greetz, Bassman.
  16. HI:) You could do much more with the 8 Faders if you use Shift, Long_Press or Double Press with 1 or more Buttons. Perhaps 2 Buttons would do a lot more on Double Press and Long_Press, so it would be a Shift 1, Shift 2, Shift 3, Shift 4. Not that complicated to do.... Perhaps EQ in Normal Mode and Compressor with Shift 1, then the rest with Shift 2 a.s.o. Greetings;) Bassman.
  17. HI again:) So I tried to upload a video to Youtube, but it's very unsharp, now here a link to OneDrive: (For better Quality download the video!) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0Mp8gwICzN6G1iQFVsPA?e=ak2xIh What I do: 1. Open ProChannel and Editing Gain, Q and Frequency, then Compressor, Tube and Console Emulator, Sliders and Buttons for 4 Banks of Novation 2. Change Tracks 3. Open Display and do the same You can see in the first row of the display: a) Track, Name, Parameter Name, Parameter Value b) Rotors 1-8 c) Values Rotors 1-8 d) 9-16, 17-24 e) Measure, Markers f) Sliders and Values g) Buttons and States Reaction is a bit slow, but this is the Capturing Software I think! 4. For a short time you can see the 3 other Banks of Preset 1 (of 4) a) same b) Input Gain 1-8, Pan 1-8 and Volume 1-8 same with Sliders and Buttons 5. I close ProChannel and you can see that the PC of the selected track is edited with only the display 6. Switching through the tracks and the Track names and numbers are changing 7. Close PC and open Multidock and 8 Tracks PC 8. Editing 8 Tracks simultaniously now in my Preset 2: a) Bank 1 Bass b) Bank 2 LMF c) Bank 3 HMF d) Bank 4 HF 9. Buttons for 4 Banks (With Shift Button) 10 Compressor with Sliders 11. Closing PCs 12. All Parameters in the Display, no need to open the ProChannels Just pause the video to see details or look at my preset Post. Greetz;) Bassman.
  18. HI:) To 1 again: The Bakers must have repaired the Shortcut. Tested it at the moment. But..... You have to first make the track active (Click on the name). Then select the track(Click on the number) and then use the Keyboard Shortcut. You can assign any Keyboard Shortcut in the Preferences--> Console Shortcuts --> View ProChannel (or something like that). So for the Shortcut to work you can do in the AZC Preset. 1. Focus the Track View 2. Make the Track Active (Select Strip +1 Volume in the preset) 3. Use "," to select the track 3a. Shortcut CTRL+I to open PC in Track View 4. Move the Focus to console View (I have Shortcuts for Next/Previous TAB, means I Press CTRL+SHIFT+Right and then CTRL+SHIFT+Left, then Console is in Focus) 5. Use your Shortcut to open PC That's weird:( So much better to not have to open the PC and use the AZ Display! Looking for Screencapture Software then I'll send you a video.... Greetz:) Bassman.
  19. Hi? 1. I've tried to find out how to do this. The only say is to use the Keyboard Shortcut,but ig only works if the Focus is on this small arrow. No way to switch through the parameters especially to this parameter. I do change the Pro Channel Parameter without opening the PC modul. I have all parameters on the AZ Display! I can open this with a Button LongPress. Much faster? 2. I don't think this is in SDK, never seen this. 3. I have not integrated this in my preset yet,but I'm looking into it. Tell you this tomorrow. Send you a s small video from working with PC Modul in my preset tomorrow too and I can help you doing this with your preset! Link to my preset, not yet finished,IM still working on the parameter display... Greetz? Bassman
  20. HI:) For me it's always 3-4 seconds to switch, doesn't matter how large the project is, so I don't use Screensets anymore! Bassman.
  21. HI:) Articulation Maps. ??? ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker (pre-release). ? VST instruments can use custom instrument definitions. ?? Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture ? Relative resizing of selected tracks. ? Allow track FX bin to be bypassed via control surfaces rather than just individual FX.?? And for sure all the Bug Fixes!!! This is a BIG Release for me. Thank you very much for this? Bassman.
  22. HI:) @reginaldStjohn Thanks for the link:) Bassman.
  23. Hi:) A good friend of mine(Drummer) wants to record Drums at home with Cakewalk but he lives a few hundred miles away so I can't really assist... Does anybody know him Videos for Drum Comping/Overdubbing? Thanks:) Bassman
  24. Hi:) I've used articulation maps now. Very intuitive, within minutes I was able to make a new map! Just 2 suggestiones: 1. For Multi Instruments we can duplicate a map, but it should be a faster way to change the midichannel for the articulations! 2. I would like to be able to insert an articulation on selected note(s). Selecting a bunch of notes and then placing the articulationes starting exactly on "From" a d ending exactly on "Thru" would be nice. Should be possible if the articulationes are at least sent 20 ticks before the notes! By the way thank you very much for all the other beautiful new features in this release! Thanks? Bassman
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