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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. Hi:) Thanks for your answer! Could you please tell me how I can change the colors of these Tabs? Looked into the Theme, but can't find these tabs or multidock or similar. Do you know where to change this? Thanks;)
  2. Hi? I don't make themes, but just 1 question: Is it possible to lighten the active tab in the multidock? Hard to see which o e is the active one and if to switch to the left or right to get to another one if many tabs are open.. I always oversee this small "x" in the active one Thanks? Bassman.
  3. *i meant it will only show the lanes of the source track if the destination is an audio track, on a midi track destination you have to manually add the lanes. Bassman.
  4. Hi? Aha, now I see...... My source track was a miditrack routed to AD2, where I put the lanes on. If in the synthrack you choose an audiotrack for automation as destination it works, the lanes are shown. With miditrack as destination it doesn't show the lanes, just the lines and you have to manually add them with the plus key. So the destination must be an audio track, could you please confirm this? Thank you very much? Bassman.
  5. HI:) I've had the same problem years ago, can't remember how I did it: I want to change just the Drums of some older Projects, made a new project with AD2 with all audio outputs and an extra Automation Track where I placed 23 Automation Lanes for Level, OH Level of BD, SN and Toms, Room Level of BD, SN and Toms. Additionally Tuning Automation of BD, SN and Toms, just to set the Standard Level as a starting point, 24 Lanes in sum. Then I mixed a drum set with all audio tracks as a starting point for other drumsets. Now I made a Track Template of it, deleted the drums in the older project and inserted the Track template into the project. The AutoLanes are not there, means they are not saved with the Track Template and I have to manually add them one by one. Then I tried to set a mix scene and drag and drop this to the older project. The lines of the automations (not all, just 18 in my first attempt, 15 in the second and in the wrong track) but not the lanes, I too have to add them manually one by one. AD2 preset does not work cause with another drumset all parameters are different and the Autolanes are not there. Project template is not a good idea, then I have to port all other tracks from the older project to the template..... Copy the automation lanes from the newer project to the older does copy the lines into the Automation track but not the lanes... So how is this possible, if it is? Thanks;) Bassman.
  6. HI:) You do not need to split it. Just activate "Clip Automation" on the left where "Clip" is activated or press Ctrl and click in the clip. Then select the portion you want to lower and shift the mouse to the top of the clip until the cursor changes, click, hold and pull the gain of the selected portion down. You perhaps have activated Track Volume Automation instead..... Bassman.
  7. HI:) I always use the Smart Tool, the only thing I change is when I use the Mute Tool, then I switch with F10 and back with F5. Try to use the Function Keys (F5-F10), I think it's much faster to change the tools, right hand the mouse, left hand on Keyboard. With a midi controller and "azcontroller" you could lay 2 or more buttons on these switches (midi buttons are always faster than finger stretching Hotkeys), or everything on a rotor. Bassman.
  8. HI:) You mean a "Pro Channel" for Midi? Nice Idea? Bassman.
  9. Hi:) Thanks for that link! I found 2 great reverbs in that for me.... Bassman.
  10. Hi ? Perhaps you have activated the Automation Write mode. Some Parameters do have a thin red line around them. Every changes you make on play is recorded. Click on the "W" button in the related track to deactivate it . Global W in the Control View... Bassman
  11. Hi:) If I select a note in the drum map and nudge it up or down 1 note it goes up and down 1 note. If I reordered the drums it also goes up and down 1 note instead of to the next or previous ordered drum note, so it jumps all around and it's nearly impossible to find the target drum you wanted to move to. Would like to have the selected note(s) moved to the next or previous note in the reordered Drum Map instead of going for example from C3 to C#3 or B2. Thanks;) Bassman.
  12. Hi there:) I'm stupid, completely wrong place. It's a Waves Plugin, not Native Intruments, sorry..... Bassman.
  13. Hi:) @Eddie From there I come to the same support page where you can't get any contact Infos but this email: info@native-Instrument.de Which is useless, cause you can't get Support on this, down below the answer from my email: No questions about products or technical support! No chance? Bassman. =============================================================== Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir über diese E-Mail-Adresse keine Fragen zu Produkten und Bestellungen beantworten oder technischen Support anbieten können. Für derartige Anfragen benötigen wir detaillierte Informationen zu Ihrer Bestellung, Ihrem Produkt und / oder Ihrem Computer-System, damit unsere Experten Ihre Fragen in kürzester Zeit und zu Ihrer vollsten Zufriedenheit beantworten können. Daher möchten wir Sie ermutigen, die Support Website für Selbsthilfe und Kontaktoptionen zu nutzen. Alle sonstigen Anfragen, die uns über diese E-Mail-Adresse erreichen, werden an die entsprechende Abteilung im Hause weitergeleitet. ================================================================
  14. HI:) I do work with Omni Channel Stereo. Don't know since when (Update to Version 12) some Buttons do nopt work anymore with my Controller and ACT. All On/Off of all Elements (Pre, Gate, EQ, Comp, Deesser) All Size On/Off of all Elements (Pre, Gate, EQ, Comp, Deesser) ACT Numbers are: 60/43, 16/17, 107/108, 139/140 und 70/71 Can someone confirm this? Thanks;) Bassman.
  15. Hi:) Searched 2 h now for a possibility to contact Native Instruments Support. Can't find any Email Adress or Phone number or any other contact possibility! ? Just this .... https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/de Does not help! What a company? Bassman.
  16. Hi:) @John Vere Maybe they change something in the DLL to know it has been installed, but if I install it, it should be overwritten and it only works when I delete it and install again...weird.... Bassman.
  17. Hi:) Tried the Rescan, yes. I had to delete the DLL and install it again, then it worked. Interesting why it worked with the same DLL in my other Windows....?? Thanks;) Bassman.
  18. HI:) Wanted to load an older Synth, but it is not recognized as a VST, here the lines of the Log File: ====================================================================== VSTSCAN: ---- 163: g:\vstplugins_2021\Xpand!2_x64.dll ---- VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] g:\VSTPLU~1\XPAND!~1.DLL VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\g:/vstplugins_2021/Xpand!2_x64.dll VSTSCAN: Previously scanned - NOT a VST plugin VSTSCAN: Finished analyzing VST plugins - 0 of 191 VST plugins were scanned in this run VSTSCAN: Delete untouched - Scanning for plugins to remove... Closing log file Thursday, 21 Oct 2021, 10:37:17 ====================================================================== I have the same Dll in another Windows Installation and there it works. iLok is started and the license activated! What can I do? Thanks;) Bassman.
  19. Hi? I can see you're in contact with Alexey on his Homepage , so you have the very best help you can get for writing an AZController Preset? Greetz, Bassman.
  20. HI:) Map 1 should be enough for the beginning, I have a basic Preset with normal, double press and long press actions on every button, additional we can use a Shift and Ctrl Button, so a lot possibilities for actions... If you can wait a few days I can make a first starting point...so what do you want to have on the Buttons? For normal actions I do have on my preset: Vol, Pan, Sends 1-6, (Pan Sends 1-6), Solo,, Mute, Rec Arm, A.Write, Phase and Echo. For the Buttons on the right I have Start, Stopp, Rec, WAI +-, Shift and Ctrl Button. I think I do make these and just tell me if it is OK for the first preset.... Greetz;) Bassman.
  21. HI:) @daveindev Could you send a photo of this controller or give the complete name of it? Can't find a launchpad with rotors in the net.... Then I can help you writing an AZController Preset......look at this: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0Mq7wpLVhlBk1B8qlUIA?e=be8Y9p Greetz;) Heinz.
  22. Hi:) @msmcleod Doubleclick did it, thank you. Now I saw these dots at the right with a little menu to recall the task settings. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience;) Bassman.
  23. @msmcleod Tried out this: 1. Used a Project Template 2. Selected a Time Portion to Export 3. Export - Audio 4. Loaded my Preset with Busses as Source 5. Select only the Master Bus 6. Select a Task and named it 7. Closed the Export Window 8. Saved as a new Preset 9. Opened the New Template 10. Named the Project 11. Select a Time Portion 12. Select my Preset in the Export Window 12. I can see the "Saved with the Template" Task, but all "used" Busses are selected and when I Export it, it will write a File for every used Bus. The Problem is, when I close the Export Window with only the Master Bus selected and I open it again, all busses are selected again, so it's saved with all busses selected in the Template. If the Export Window is open I can't save the Template...... (So sorry I have not used this in the EA time, but have not worked much 3 weeks cause of a heavy depression (no wonder in these bad times)) So how can I save in the Project Template to have only the Master Bus selected? Can't find out.... Thank you very much;) Bassman.
  24. HI:) @msmcleod Thanks;) I'll check this out. Bassman.
  25. HI:) When I export Busses, is it correct that the selection of a (source) bus isn't saved with a preset? I normally always export the Master Bus, sometimes my Mix Bus. Not a big deal to deselect all others ...... Thanks;) Bassman.
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