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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. HI:) Look at AZController: http://www.azslow.com/ It is a bit more complicated than the other possibilities but you have much more features! Look at my latest preset (PDF) for details what is possible (especially Stereo Level Mode for example). Shows Level for the selected Track for Gain staging, sweet Spot (-18 dB) is when the 4 Green LEDs are on. For sure I can help make your own Preset, but there are a lot of presets ready to download on AZSlow3s Website. Greetz;) Bassman.
  2. HI:) 1. Settings - Shortcuts --> Show Selection or similar (Don't know how it is called in english). Bind it to a shortcut. CTRL-Z to get back minimized. 1. Select a note and TAB and Shift+TAB 2. Press your shortcut to set the "From" Time, use TAB and when you're done press your Shortcut to set "To" Time 3. Note_Length_ Cals, change the value +-10 to +-240 for sixteens or +-480 for eigths and bind the CAL to a shortcut 4. Legato and Endtime Cals 5. Velocity Cals Greetz;) Bassman. Note_Length_+10.cal Note_Length_-10.cal Note_Length.cal Transpose -12.cal Transpose +12.cal Velocity +3.cal Velocity -3.cal Velocity -1.cal Velocity +1.cal ENDTIME1.CAL ENDTIME2.CAL LEGATO.CAL
  3. Heinz Hupfer

    List of CAL functions

    Hi? I‘m not at home at the moment but there is a manual in the WEB, I can upload it tomorrow... Bassman Cakewalk Application Language Programming Guide.pdf
  4. HI:) @Steve Veach Hi Steve:) ACT is buggy, use AZController instead. It works perfect and the possibilities are countless! Look here what I've done with the Novation LaunchControl: (PDF or DocX) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0Mp6cltmQ69wjk2fKl0A?e=HUaPTH Lot of work but when done it is just fun to work with! Greetz;) Bassman. Novation_2.0-LC 30-08-2020.pdf
  5. HI:) @Max Arwood F4 is the shortcut to open the gain window, you have to set it in the shortcut menu or change "send {F4} to any other! target_Path is the path where you want to copy the last "MaxCopy" 5 Directories. In my Script I set it to 10 and the targets as you can see, 1 to my backup drive and 1 to the cloud. @GreenLight Sorry, but Vel+ and Volume can only be changed with a Controller Rotor, not with a button. With CAL you can only set an offset +- to the selected Track, I'm not really sure if you want that:) Volume can only be set to a specific value with CAL. So with 2 Rotors it is possible to change that by controller and AZController. No way found to change this by buttons +- BUT: You can set the Fokus of the selected Track to the VEL+ Parameter and then change it with "+" and "-" --> select the next/previous track. Same with Volume! I have to look, but I think it is not possible with AZController to set the Fokus to these parameters......? EDIT: With Button you can open a small window and type in the value of Vel+ and Volume! If you want that I can make a preset for AZController. Bassman. From CAL Manual: ================================================ (TrackVel+ [<amount> [<track>]]) This function sets an offset (Vel+) to the velocity of every note in a ‘track’. ‘amount’ must be between -127..127. (TrackVolume [<volume> [<track>]]) This function sets the ‘track’ volume. ‘volume’ must be between -1..127 ===============================================
  6. Hi? If you have a MIDI Controller no problem! With PC Keyboard you can install Virtual MIDI Driver like LoopBe and use Cakewalk Virtual Keyboard with AZController Software. I can make a small Description how to install and use it. MIDI Controller or Keyboard is much more simpler? Bassman P.S. Another possibility is to use a PC Keyboard to MIDI Driver in conjunction with AZController!
  7. HI:) @GreenLight is a way to adjust channel velocity or channel volume using the keyboard What do you mean with this? Overall Velocity and Volume of a Midi Track? Bassman.
  8. HI:) @GreenLight I attached you a few CAL Scripts. Copy them to ..\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk core\Cal Scripts and bind Shortcuts to them: The meaning of the Cals is the File Name! I bound for example Velocity -+ 1 to CTRL-(+/-) and +-3 to CTRL+SHIFT (+/-), cause + and - on the NUM Pad is Note Up/Down in Cakewalk. Feel free to use the others;) I do use them very often.... I have Shortcuts for raising and lower the Gain too but this needs "Autohotkey" or AZController if you use a Midi Controller, I attached this too. For Controller I should know the CCs... Greetz;) Bassman. Note_Length_+10.cal Note_Length_-10.cal Note_Length.cal Transpose -12.cal Transpose +12.cal Velocity +3.cal Velocity -3.cal Velocity -1.cal Velocity +1.cal Gain-Sonar.ahk
  9. HI:) Made a Video from the problem. Trying to move a special selection and it works, but only if a clip is underneath. What I did in the Video (With Controller) 1. Select Track 2. Select Clip 3. Isolate 4. Change Snap Settings (Very fast with a Rotor) 5. Zoom In 6. Select a portion of the clip (Jog) 7. Zoom Out 8. Move the selection and select some other Slice 9. Change the gain of the slice twice 10. Move on to the next slices I'm doing this moving with a assigned CAL Script by 16th Now when the clip is at the end, it isn't moving anymore with the CAL. (Doesn't work on Midi Clips) Could this be possible to move the selection further to the next clip without to have to bind the clips? Would it be possible to implement this "moving" into the SDK like "EC Clip Left/Right/Up/Down" --> EC Selection Left/Right/Up/Down by Snap settings? This "Moving Selection" is a huge time saver, you don't have to always select each portion to edit it! Here the Video: Thank you very much;) Bassman.
  10. HI:) @August I got an (Mail) answer from AKAI Germany, that they can't give me any Midi Implementation Chart, what a shame:( But the Final Preset with the last try to get the lights on, others in the WEB get it to work with these parameters! So if not, sorry I can't help you without more information. Greetz:) Bassman. Akai_Midimix_Final.spp
  11. HI:) @Devils It's possible with the mouse and you can select an activated Track, but not activate a selected Track. Even with AZController it's not possible to with Data Cursor move to a track and then activate it. Only activate it track by track (Next/Previous Track). there should be a possibility to activate the Track on Data Cursor or on the selected Clip. I'm making a new AZController preset and as you can see I can switch thru Clip Selection, fade and crop, but now I should be able to activate the "Clip selected" Track for other Edit commands and that's not possible at the moment. https://1drv.ms/v/s!Al2mKojzOW0Mp7IuJyFBmXbpFP7mVg?e=84Scfi Bassman.
  12. Hi? LEDs are a known problem with this controller. OK Just write if you want to have more functions to control Cakewalk! Bassman.
  13. HI:) Next try:) 3 different presets to test lights. Row 1 is now Gain, Row 2 Send 1 Vol, Row 3 Pan. I gave you a Shift Button. If you long press (0.5 seconds) Mute 1, Rotors and Sliders(not Slider 4) have different parameter(Send 1 Pan, Send 2, Send 2 Pan. Slider just test them out:). Long Press again to have normal parameter. If you like that we can do more, but should be enough for the moment.... In the video I saw that WAI is only 1 Track wide. It should be on 8 Tracks. Now that Bank Left/Right works, do you have 8 WAI Tracks? Have Fun;) Bassman. P.S. For LEDs: I changed just Mute 1,2, Solo 1,2 and RecArm 1,2 for testing. If one of the presets work I'll do the rest! Akai_Midimix_5.spp Akai_Midimix_4.spp Akai_Midimix_3.spp
  14. HI:) In Cakewalk there is no possibility to select a specific track. If I select a clip I would like to have a command to then select the relating track and/or if I move Data Cursor I can move the Now time to the Data Cursor but not select the track if I move the Data Cursor down or up. Another wish is to have a command like "GoTo Position" where you type in the number of Bar. Have a command "GoTo Track" and type in the number. That would help a lot with Controllers and Editing. Like it is now you always have to use the mouse and click on the tracks name to select the track or move with next/previous. Thanks:) Bassman.
  15. Hi:) Here's the next preset! Now Bank Left/Right should work correctly I hope. Look if the lights go on and out on pressing Mute, Solo and RecArm. If they go on shortly and out again, I have to add something! Then you can make a list what you want to have on the Rotors, Sliders and Buttons. Greetings Bassman. Akai_Midimix - 22-08-2020.spp
  16. HI:) Ahhhhh, my fault. I wrote from my Pad and haven't had the preset on my eye:( For sure WAI Up and down are the functions, WAI Left/Right the Midi Actions. So it works now, thank you Alexey:) OK, I have to change the octave for the Bank Buttons and the Signals for the lights. That's strange, you can change CCs or Notes from the buttons but the lights do go on only on the "original" Note Numbers. Bassman.
  17. @August Please open AZController Settings, go to hardware tab and from the upper left dropdown list choose WAI_DN and then press your Bank left. Down below click on Forget Midi and then on assign midi. Do the same with WAI_UP and Bank right. Should work now. If yes, save and don't forget to change Midi In/Out to anything,assume and change back, assume. On the left upper corner you can see Ch:2, N25 or 26 , 127 Note On when you press any Bank Button. What do you see? CAn you make a screen video with AZController Settings Overview Tab open and pressing Bank Buttons? We'll get it to work..... Bassman P.S. Found how to turn on the lights!
  18. Hi For sure we can change what the rotors do or do shift for more functions on rotors. Just list what you want to have Perhaps there's a programmers handbook to see how the lights gon on and out. With bank we have to try different things. I don'.thave this controller so it's difficult if there is no exact description and you can't change these buttons with the editor?..send you the next preset tomorrow! Bassman We change first the octave of c# and d, in midi ox I see HEX 1a for d1, but this is sometimes d2 and not what midiox shows....
  19. Hi:) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0Mp7IcQcOql1qc4hcPNg?e=gqZ3Lx 1. You should "Send to Hardware" the Midimix Preset to Akai Midimix with the Editor (OneDrive Link). I had to change all Buttons to Midichannel 2 and the first Mute Button to CC 25. 2. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=79 Download and install AZController, latest Version. 3. In Cakewalk open Plugin Manager and Choose --> Controller --> AZController --> Import Import the preset you have downloaded 4. In Cakewalk open AZController Settings in the Control Bar in the Controller TAB 5. Load the imported Preset 6. Open Cakewalk Preferences (P) and choose --> Midi --> Controller 7. Add new Controller --> AZController 8. Choose Midi IN/OUT Port Midimix 9. Open AZController Settings and load and save preset 10. Important to do 6. again and choose other Midi IN/OUT and assume. 11. Important to choose Midi IN/OUT Midimix again and assume. There's a bug at the moment with preset saving and loading That's it. Midimix should work! Problem would be Bank Left/Right cause I can see the same value for Note On and Off. Not sure if this works. On normal press it should move the WAI 8 Tracks forward/backward. On Long Press (~0.5 sec) Bank Right should move WAI to Bus Section and Bank Left to Track Section. So please give Feedback if all works and LEDs do go on and out. Are there some lights on the Rotors? Have not found anything about them.. Greetz;) Bassman. Akai_Midimix - 21-08-2020.spp Akai_Midimix Preset 1 - 21-08-2020.midimix
  20. Hi? These Buttons at the Bottom are the faders I think! Ok! Tomorrow morning I send you a AZ Controller Preset, but you need these Bank Left/Right Buttons, not listed in the picture. Could you try midiox and finf out CC and midi channel? Grüsse? Bassman P.S found a editor https://www.akaipro.com/kb/akai-pro-midimix-using-the-midimix-editor/
  21. HI:) Please install MidiOX. Select Midimix as In- and Output. Now press a knob or use a fader and look at the Out/In Windows which Midisignal is coming from Midimix for every Button, Slider and Rotor. I do need: Midichannel CC number or Note Number and Values ( normally 127 and 0) CC Values (from...to) (normally 0 and 127 or to for Rotors) Then I can write a preset for these Buttons, Rotors and Sliders. Another possibility is to write the Preset and you change the Midi values in the Midimix if there is an Editor, I couldn't find any.... Greetz, Bassman.
  22. HI:) After looking to pictures, this should be easy to give you all functions of this controller in AZController. http://www.azslow.com/ I should know which CCs are been sent from it (each knob and fader), then I can write quickly a preset for it... Use MidiOX to see what is coming out of Midimix. Greetz, Bassman.
  23. HI:) @azslow3 That works, thank you:) But.... For my new preset is not finished yet, it is faster to just activate it by loading. The Problem is, when I forget to load it and I write new things in it and save it, the new things are messed up with an older version:( (Had to write a few things twice) Insum, this has to be repaired please! I'm pretty sure this is not the last preset I'm writing? Thanks for reporting this Alexey! Bassman.
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