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Everything posted by Chaps

  1. You can access it by clicking the little arrow next to the output of a MIDI track. There may be other ways to do it, but that works for me.
  2. Rock on. Take it one step at a time and you'll be posting songs here in no time. ?
  3. That should allow you to get your MIDI info into Cakewalk. I'd disable the GS Wavetable as an output, though. Cakewalk has a GM instrument called TTS-1 that is a good basic virtual synth to play MIDI data. I suggest you look at the main page here and check out some of the tutorials, and download a copy of the reference file. Those are good sources of information that will come in handy when you start putting things together. Here's a thread in the Tutorials section that is a good place to start. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/1610-getting-started/
  4. You are using a MIDI to USB cable adapter? Does Cakewalk recognize your keyboard as a MIDI device?
  5. You can turn on the subtitles. They are very helpful.
  6. I recently discovered that we can link drums on AD2 so when one is triggered it triggers the other drum/s. Anyone have any experience or tips on this? Here is an image of my AD2 where I've added two more snare drums on Flexi 1 and Flexi 2 so that when a note triggers the snare the other snares sound too. I can get a lot of variety just by tweaking the different volumes.
  7. I use Audition 1.0 with no problems. Are you using scook's tools menu editor? If so, could you post a screencap of the settings you're using?
  8. I've been using a GeForce GT 640 (2 GB RAM) for years, and it's now on its third computer, with no noticeable problems. Of course, I don't play video games or do anything that might require a beefier GPU. I checked out that page you linked to and noticed this: "This result is based on average CPU and GPU usage from different programs and games. It changes based on operating system, background processes activity and targeted applications. This result is not universal and changes based on differences in hardware and software enviroments. Please do not use this calculator primary as decision maker than as helping tool to understand performance correlations between different components.
  9. Here is a screencap of the Note Draw Duration and Snap settings. The note duration goes down to a 1/32 triplet. The Snap setting includes the 1/128 note. You can see how I might be confused about your question.
  10. The Note Draw Duration doesn't have anything to do with editing. It is so you can select the duration of notes you are entering. Are you referring to the Smart Grid setting? That will definitely affect your editing.
  11. I have used it to normalize audio in audio tracks and am not aware of any other use for it. So, yes, you will have to bounce what you want normalized to a track, as far as I know. You might be able to achieve similar results by using a compressor in the master, or other bus, but this is not something I have had much experience with. I have a lot of effects from previous versions of Cakewalk so I'm not really sure what comes with Cakewalk for Bandlab so I can't recommend a specific tool for the job. I suggest you bounce your tracks to a stereo track instead of exporting/importing. It's simpler and easier. For more information you can download the Cakewalk Reference File PDF file. The answers to many Cakewalk problems can usually be found there. For sure knowing how to bounce multiple tracks into one track is an important thing to know how to do.
  12. You can normalize an audio track from the menu. Process/Apply Effect/Normalize.
  13. I've been a fan since his Dixie Dregs days. He's an inspiration to us all.
  14. Still, it sounds like there's some kind of conflict going on. I always look for the simplest solution, because I'm a simple guy, and what I would do is uninstall/delete all Toontrack products and let the product manager reinstall them and make sure the right directories are being scanned by Cakewalk.
  15. I'm on a new computer and had an interesting experience trying to register Dimension Pro. I copied and pasted the registration code into Dimension Pro several times and each time it said it was an invalid code. I manually typed it in and it registered with no problem.
  16. Are you using the Toontrack Product Manager to make sure everything is installed correctly and up to date?
  17. Very nice arrangement. Everything sounds great. Sounds like something one might hear on a Steve Morse album.
  18. If you can't find it on the Yamaha site you could try searching for it online. I've had good results doing that. '(Name of product) manual' should do the trick.
  19. Good luck. Manuals are the best source of info for your product, generally. I always try to find a digital manual for every product I buy. If I can't, I scan and save the images in the cloud. better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
  20. Is that a Yamaha CVP? Here is a page on the Yamaha website where you can search for manuals for their products. https://usa.yamaha.com/support/manuals/index.html
  21. Just a thought... if you split the signal from your guitar with a direct box or preamp, you can record both the signal from the guitar and the audio from the preamp at the same time on different mono tracks.
  22. I'm just trying to answer the OP's question in the simplest way possible. The OP can always disable any bus FX, or automation, he doesn't want involved in the bouncing process, either in the Bounce to Track dialog box or manually.
  23. Since we are using the same software and I can do it while you can't, there must be some difference in our methods. I'm not sure what you mean by "it ALWAYs creates as many tracks as I start with". Does that mean it creates two more tracks, or no tracks at all. What might help us understand your problem is if you could post screencaps of every step in your process, especially the menu items you are using to bounce the tracks dialog box. Also it is important that you select Entire Mix as the Source Category. If you use Tracks you will end up with two bounced stereo tracks with audio on one side only.
  24. Pan the tracks left and right, select both tracks, Bounce to a stereo track. I just bounced a mono bass synth track to a mono track, labeled it L. Bounced the same track to another mono track and labeled it R. Selected both tracks and bounced to a stereo track.
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