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Everything posted by Chaps

  1. I've been using 24H2 for three months and the only problem I've had, or change that I've noticed, is with the Windows File Explorer 'See More (Three Dots Menu)' when I want to change the icon view to 'List', which is my preferred way to view files. The 'See More' menu opens so high that only the options near the bottom are visible, so I have to either drag the top of the window down enough to see all the options or maximize the window. It was very annoying at first but I've gotten used to it. I've noticed no change in Cakewalk by Bandlab behavior. I'm using the latest CbB build (I check for updates every day). My specs are a 4.6 GHz AMD Ryzen 5 5600X CPU, ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F Gaming motherboard, CORSAIR VENGEANCE LPX DDR4 RAM 64GB, System drive is a SAMSUNG 990 EVO SSD 2TB PCIe Gen 4x4 Gen 5x2 M.2 2280 NVMe Internal Solid State Drive, Cakewalk projects are stored on a Samsung MZ-V7S500B/AM 500GB 970 EVO Plus M.2 (2280) Internal Solid State Drive.
  2. I suggest also considering other options, like the Surge XT free virtual synth. While I don't have much experience with Z3TA+, I can usually find something in Surge XT to fit my project, and its GUI and sounds are pretty straight-forward and useful. Like the song says: You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime, you'll find You get what you need Surge XT Free Synth
  3. There or here. I check both sites daily. FOMO and all that. Thanks for the follow.
  4. I don't work and I spend 99.9% of my waking hours sitting in front of two monitors doing nothing, and I'm get sick of listening to my own music. Listening to this 50 times a day would drive anyone to distraction. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEQUcALqX0m/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== , so my time isn't all that valuable My skills are meager but a project to keep my mind occupied wouldn't be unwelcome. The new Sonar is more likely to offer more synth options than Cakewalk by Bandlab as its support seems limited to maintenance at this point.
  5. I have it because I have Cakewalk Sonar X3 Producer files installed. I could create an audio track from a MIDI track/file, though I have never actually used the Z3TA+. But if you knew which patch you wanted it would be doable, though someone who is more familiar with the Z3TA+ could most likely do a better job. I'm not hip to a lot of file sharing apps but Google Drive is pretty handy. If you create a project file with a MIDI track of what you want, upload it, and post the link to it, anyone with Z3TA+ could take a shot as it.
  6. This may be the clumsiest workaround ever, but if you know which Z3TA patch/es you want to use you could create a MIDI track using another synth, upload that MIDI track and someone could use Z3TA to create an audio track of the performance for you, and tweak as necessary.
  7. Try pressing the PAUSE key on your keyboard to see if that makes any difference.
  8. You should be able to download any product using the email and password you registered them with at the legacy Cakewalk website in the My Products section. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support
  9. It sounds like a virtual synth using a pad patch. I can get a close sound using Dimension Pro with the Brighty Pad patch but there's some stuff going on with some oscillators that's over my head, not being much of a synth guy. What virtual synths do you have access to? A good free synth that is pretty flexible is Surge. Someone more knowledgeable than me could probably recreate that sound with it. I did put together a MIDI track of that audio if you need it, but you'll need a virtual synth to play it. Free Surge Virtual Synth
  10. Bottom line is, they are all just drives that store information. You put them where they are supposed to go, format them, put on the operating system if needed, then you're off and running. I was in my late 60's when I installed my first M2 SSD (I installed Windows 10 from a CD). I read my motherboard manual, watched a couple of YouTube videos, and it was pretty easy. Cloning my original 500 GB M2 drive to a new 2 TB M2 drive using a USB M2 enclosure ($20 at Amazon) was also pretty simple using Samsung Magician software, included with my Samsung M2 drive. If you have ever installed an internal HDD then installing an M2 drive won't seem much different. In some ways they are easier because you don't have to mess with SATA cables because the motherboard handles power and data transfer. I suggest anyone hesitant about using an M2 drive watch some YouTube videos to see how they are installed before deciding the process is too difficult. I am far from being an expert on this technology but learning how to use them was not much of a trick for this old dog.
  11. In the MIDI track's Edit Filter, is CLIPS selected or are one of the other options selected (Notes, Automation, Clip Automation)? As far as I know, slip-editing and fades can only be drawn if CLIPS is selected in the track's Edit Filter, both for Audio and MIDI.
  12. I picked Bass factory for use with the free AAS Player. I'm always looking for good bass sounds but using this will be tricky since the AAS Player crashes my Cakewalk by Bandlab every single time I use it, both VST2 and VST3. It usually crashes while I'm previewing patches. My only practical workaround so far is to use an existing MIDI track I created for another synth and then freezing the AAS player. I like the sounds but it sure is aggravating to use.
  13. I think so, too. Until something better comes along their transfer speeds are pretty hard to beat, and every generation gets faster... as long as you have a motherboard that properly supports them. If I can I would like to upgrade everything in a few years. Motherboard, RAM, and drives. Maybe switch to liquid cooling and upgrade my processor. Hell, might as well get a new case while I'm at it. My modular 850W PSU is a keeper, though.
  14. One option I have considered to expand my internal drive capacity, which is close to being maxed out with SATA connectors on my MB, is to get a PCIE adapter expansion card that can hold an NVMe M.2 drive, though with PCIE X1 I don't think you could take full advantage of its speed.. One of the reasons I replaced my old MB was so I could use NVMe M.2 drives. My MB only has slots for two NVMe M.2 drives but with a free PCIE X16 slot free I can put in an adapter that can hold four NVMe M.2 drives. Upgrading the motherboard (and RAM) is an option that can have many benefits. You can also get USB adapters that can hold an NVMe M.2 drive. I used one to clone my OS from a 500 GB NVMe M.2 to a 2 TB NVMe M.2 drive. Now I can use the USB NVMe M.2 adapter as external storage If I want to.
  15. Chaps

    reverb midi

    Check the track to see if it has any MIDI CC 91 in it. If it does, delete all MIDI CC 91 events.
  16. Related to problems with the Steinberg Low-Latency Audio Driver, I use a Steinberg UR24C audio interface that uses a Yamaha Audio Driver that comes with the UR24C Tools app. I never had any problems with ASIO until after installing other Steinberg software that caused my Cakewalk to refuse to allow me to use ASIO. I got a message in Cakewalk that said the Audio driver didn't support low-latency audio (or something like that). I used the free Revo Uninstaller to see what Steinberg software was on my system and saw that the Steinberg Low-Latency Audio Driver was installed. I deleted it and rebooted, reinstalled the Yamaha Audio Driver and the problem was solved. So, even though I was not using the Steinberg driver just having it installed was keeping me from using ASIO in Cakewalk by Bandlab. That's not the only problem I've had with Steinberg software, like VSTs refusing to load because they weren't authorized, even though I had authorized them and had been using them for several weeks. No more Steinberg software for me, other than drivers and firmware for my audio interface.
  17. Might your Windows audio sample rate setting be a factor?
  18. The Augmented Mallets has some pretty nifty sounds. I'm experimenting with using it to double some harp and piano parts in a song I'm working on. Arturia also has a free version of a nice virtual synth there called 'Analog Lab Play' that also has some interesting and useful sounds (4 GB download).
  19. My interface shows up as two sets of input drivers in Cakewalk Audio Devices. Driver 1+2 (Input 1) is what I choose when recording things I plug into my interface's inputs. Driver 3+4 is named 'Streaming' and if I use those inputs I can record anything I hear from my speakers. This is what I use if I want to record audio from YouTube, for example. I have never used it to listen to audio live and tried it just now. You are right, it does cause audio playback problems. I should have checked that first before I before I posted anything. My bad.
  20. What kind of Audio Interface are you using? My Steinberg UR24C can send Windows audio to a Cakewalk input, which would allow me to use plugins on Windows audio.
  21. There have been times when I tried to close Cakewalk by Bandlab with the Task Manager (not recently) and End Task in the Processes Tab didn't work, but End Task in the Details Tab did work to close the program. Sometimes Cakewalk Application did not even show in the Processes Tab, but did show in the Details Tab.
  22. When you use the standalone AD2 the audio is going straight to your audio device. The AD2 audio in your Cakewalk is going to the master bus. Try changing the output of your Cakewalk AD2 track to your audio device, not the master bus. All other things being equal they should sound the same, unless the main audio output slider set to 0 dB is attenuating the signal enough to make an audible difference. I do not recommend this as a standard practice but for experimental purposes it might be useful.
  23. Not dumb. Most of us are still learning all the nuances of the software.
  24. If it's like Cakewalk by Bandlab, and you are referring to track automation, you can select the track (or clip) and then click and drag any automation node and all nodes will move with it, either vertically or horizontally. If you hold down the shift key and then click and drag a node then the nodes will only move in the direction you first move them in.
  25. If I had to pick a favorite singer it would be Eva Cassidy. I can listen to her all day. She was a heck of a guitar player, too. She only did covers but she sang, and played, them like they had always been hers. Her YouTube channel is a great place to spend a few hours.
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