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Everything posted by Chaps
I thought it might. Glad to hear it worked out. Guitar amp sims can be very useful for more than just guitars. Keep experimenting. Who knows, your go-to amp might be a bass amp.
Are you using any plugins that may have to be reauthorized? Some demo versions of plugins will exhibit that kind of behavior when the grace period is exceeded.
I suggest you take some time and look through some of the posts in the Tutorials section of this forum. You don't need to read everything but there is a lot of good advice and tips there that would allow you to have a better understanding of how Cakewalk works and what you can do with it. Focus on threads for beginners. One problem you may have on this thread is people offering you advice using terms that you won't understand. I also suggest you download a copy of the Cakewalk Reference File so you can look up things that other users may post here, to give you a better understanding of what they are referring to. Everybody here wants to help people get started, but the terminology involved is often a stumbling block to meaningful communication. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/ https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
Go big or go home. ?
If you want to make sure nothing is Write Enabled, there is a Clear all automation write enables button in the Mix Module in the Control Bar. If anything is Write Enabled it will turn red, as shown in the image below. Click it to turn off all write automation.
That seems like a pretty good guess.
If I want to randomize velocities for a track with chords, and sometimes drums, I like Cakewalk's Velocity MFX. It doesn't come with any useful presets but you can make your own pretty easily. Adjust the sliders, and this will take some trial and error before it becomes intuitive, to where you want then type in a name and then click the Save icon. The preset shown is one I made for more extreme variations in velocity for piano tracks I put together using the PRV. I have multiple presets for Piano (though they can be used with any MIDI instrument) with varying degrees of randomization. If I have a long piano track with multiple clips I will use different presets on different clips, increasing the 'humanizing' effect. Here is a preset with less extreme velocity changes for comparison.
You're welcome. I wish I had posted that sooner to save you the trouble.
Just removing the Automation Lane doesn't remove the Envelopes. Try this to remove the envelopes. To Delete ALL the envelopes or envelopes in individual Automation Lanes: To delete several or all envelopes 1. Select the data that contains the envelopes you want to delete—you can select parts of tracks, one or more whole tracks, or all tracks. Use the Edit > Delete Special command to open the Delete dialog box. 2. Select only Track/Bus Automation if it’s listed. 3. Click OK. Cakewalk deletes any track and clip envelopes that are in the data you selected. If you to keep some automation but delete others, open the Automation Lanes and select just the lanes that contain the envelopes you want to remove. To select a lane click the top left corner above the - sign. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple lanes. Then use Edit/Delete Special to delete the unwanted envelopes, which will also remove those Automation Lanes.
Consider this. When you hear your piezo pickup live, are you hearing it amplified through a PA or amplifier? If so, that is what you are hearing and not the direct output from the pickup. You can try using a clean amp setting from TH3, or other amp modeler, to see if that gives you more of the sound you are looking for. You can tweak the heck out of those, and combined with adjusting the EQ you might find something you can live with.
You can just click and drag it to where you want it. Set the SNAP setting to Measure. Select the clip and hover the mouse cursor over the clip (not at the very beginning of the clip) until you see an icon with 4 arrows. Then click and drag it to where you want it. Here is a link to the Cakewalk for BandLab reference file. I suggest you download it and keep it handy because it has the kind of information in it you need to get started. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
You're welcome, though I certainly can't take any credit for your problem being fixed. If you do end up spending some cash for a new controller at least you'll be able to get one that is made specifically for what you're using it for, it will have newer drivers and more control over different MIDI parameters. Might be a good use for the stimulus check we're supposed to be getting in a few weeks. I'm using mine to build a new computer.
I was looking for information on the device and on the Casio website it shows that the Casio USB driver is not compatible with Windows 10 and compatible with Windows 7 32bit with some limitations. I don't know that this has something to do with your problem but it is something to consider. There might even be some weird MIDI feedback loop going on. You could try changing the device's MIDI mode to see if that has any effect. https://support.casio.com/en/support/osdevicePage.php?cid=008002002
I suggest you watch a series of videos from Creative Sauce on recording a song from beginning to end. The links can be found in the Tutorial section of this forum (which also includes other media that can be of great value) and is on YouTube. Here is the YouTube link for the first video in the series. Take the time and watch them all. Record, Mix, and Release a Song (Part 1): Getting Started with Recording a Song in a Home Studio I also suggest you download a copy of the Cakewalk Reference File and look through it. There's a lot of terminology involved and it's a big help to have a good understanding of the process and the names for specific processes and labels used in Cakewalk. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
Here is what I would try if I were having that problem. Because there are Patch Change events in the repeated events I would disable the recording of those kinds of events in Preferences/MIDI/Playback and Recording to see if that had any effect when recording. Uncheck the Patch Change Box, and even any other kind of event you don't need to record. That might help to identify the source of the problem.
This is what the OP is referring to. I used to have the same problem but it hasn't reverted to Last Touched for awhile. I think it's because I was fiddling around with Screensets and saved the one I'm using now as the default, or whatever the term is. That and I changed my Workspace to None.
What scook posted is spot-on. Here is a visual aid. This is a blank audio track split into 10 separate clips. Before any changes to the gain envelope it appears as a (mostly) solid line across all the clips. The nodes are more visible because I have increased the vertical size of the track. Here is the same track but I used the Move Tool to move some clip envelopes between the nodes and the Smart Tool to add nodes. I didn't edit the Gain Envelope in the first clip so the gain in that clip would be unaffected by the envelope.
How to show/hide the volume and pan slider in the Track view/pane
Chaps replied to Castor Castro's question in Q&A
You can change which controls (widgets) you see in tracks and busus in the Track Control Manager. There are different presets that will show different controls. There is also a Custom preset where you can show/hide the controls you want. All the presets can be modified and changed back to the default. Here is the Track Control List and the presets in it. Click the Track Control Manager to make any changes to a preset. The Track Control Manager has a separate strip for Audio, MIDI, and Instrument tracks as well as for Bus and Surround. Your Volume and Pan sliders are showing because they are checked in the Track Control Manager being used in that project. You can select a different preset, or use the Track Control Manager to uncheck and hide them in the preset being used. -
Think of the Simple Instrument Track as an Audio Track that lets you work with MIDI in it, but it's not a MIDI track. The Instrument Track has the same Automation Lane options as an Audio Track. Using a Simple Instrument Track can limit your options if you want to use MIDI controllers. You can do a bit more using the PRV to enter controllers in a Simple Instrument Track, but it's still limited compared to a dedicated MIDI track. My advice, when you insert a synth use the MIDI Source and First Synth Audio Output options unless you have a reason to need additional audio outputs, like with a drum synth.
You can either turn Snap off, or use a smaller note subdivision in Snap, either globally or in the PRV. Enabling Snap in the PRV will override the global Snap setting. Turning Snap off in the Control Bar also disables it in the PRV. You can enable/disable Snap and pick the notes you want notes to snap to in the Control Bar. You can enable/disable Snap in the PRV.
If you want to mute every instance of a specific MIDI note, that's pretty easy to do with either the PRV or the Event Inspector. If you want to mute some instances of a note but not others, you can do this in the PRV pretty easily. This would be done after the notes are recorded. Using the PRV and the Smart Tool, double click individual notes and change the velocity to 0. If you want to mute more than one note at a time, use the PRV and the Smart Tool to select Multiple notes and enter a Velocity of 0 in the Event Inspector. You can also use the Select Tool instead of the Smart Tool to do the same thing. If you want to mute some notes while playing your MIDI guitar, if your guitar can transmit each string on its own MIDI channel you could use a MIDI pedal to mute notes as long as you could attach the pedal to a single MIDI channel.
Move the Undocked Track Inspector up until the blue hi-lite disappears and leave it there. Now when you use the 'i' key to show the Inspector it will open to the same spot with no blue hi-lite.
Is the Beats headphone a USB device? Are you using another device as an audio interface?
'Shift+f' is the shortcut for Fit Content. Pressing 'f' resizes tracks vertically but not horizontally.