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Everything posted by Chaps

  1. Chaps


    Is the vst 32 bit or 64 bit?
  2. Let me lay out the exact steps I took to install the files. 1. Right-Click the WinRAR file and extract it to a folder with the same name. You should see something like this. Go into the new folder and then go into the 1) Install Your Software folder. Go into the 1)Install Your Software folder and open the SetupVST64 file to install the .dll files. You will be able to change the destination for the files, or use the default destination, before the installation begins. If you have done all this already, then I have no idea what the problem is. All I can say is, this worked for me and I hope it works for you.
  3. Thanks. It's always nice to hear something positive. ? The Hybrid Staff is the Piano Roll View. Sorry for the confusion. I think that's what Cakewalk called it a few decades ago. Old habits die hard.
  4. Kazoo sound? I don't know what part that is. The title was originally inspired by a girl named Kim I knew a long time ago who said if she ever started a band she would call it The Smiling Assassins. I thought it sounded cool and asked her if she minded if I used it in one of my songs. She said "go for it". Within the context of the song it refers to women who broke my heart, killing me a little bit at a time. Every time a girl broke my heart I would die a little more. Smiling assassins = heart breakers. I think Kim's idea was more literal where mine is metaphorical.
  5. Okay, the I downloaded ( 64 bit ) WinRar file, unzipped it, ran the install file and it installed the files to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins. All the .dll files were properly installed in that directory. Is your Plug-in Manager scanning the C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins directory? You may have to add that directory to the scanning locations . Open the Plug-in Manager and under VST configuration click Options, and then scan again. If you don't see the Steinberg folder listed you can add it to the list of directories to be scanned. A lot of plug-ins will install to the directory so it's a good one to add if you haven't already. That's all I got.
  6. I'm downloading it now. I will try the installation and see if I can duplicate your problem.
  7. Have you tried contacting their Support? They should be able to straighten that out. https://www.plugandmix.com/about/contact
  8. Thank you very much! I played the guitar melody as close as I could to the vocal melody. I'll be redoing it soon, adding the vocal, and putting the guitar melody towards the end with guitar and synth harmonies, as well as adding a guitar solo. I can't copy and paste it, and have to play it again, because the tempo is constantly changing throughout the song. I don't think there's more than a measure where the tempo is the same. Everything is in service to trying to making it sound like a live performance. Some might say "A good band can play at a constant tempo" and they would be right, but most of my formal music training was during my years in various a cappella choirs where the the tempo can be quite fluid. I've always liked that 'feel'.
  9. That would be handy. I think the closest thing to that right now is to open the track in both the PRV and Staff view and toggle between them.
  10. Can you post a screenshot of your Audio Devices? That's a good place to start when tracking down audio playback problems.
  11. Well, I hope y'all can work it out. I'll stick to using the PRV where this isn't a problem.
  12. That's now what I get. What happens when I do that is that it doesn't move the note, but copies the note to where I drag it.
  13. I just tried that. I can move individual notes but not all the notes selected.
  14. I tried to move selected notes in the Staff View using the Smart Tool. I couldn't do it.
  15. I'm glad that helped. I was just expanding on the comment made by mark skinner. Until BandLab fixes the problems in the Staff View (Hey, it could happen), it's handy to have alternate ways of doing things. The more you use the PRV, the easier it will get so you can get back to making music.
  16. Chaps

    3 am

    Good use of pedal point. Two thumbs up.
  17. I understand. The Piano Roll can seem daunting to some people. But all I'm suggesting is that you use it just to move the notes you want to move. Select the notes in the Staff View, open the Piano Roll View, move the notes, close the Piano Roll View. It's pretty easy to do. Personally, I like working in the Piano Roll View because it gives me greater flexibility as to where the note starts and where the notes end, very important in 'humanizing' the end product.
  18. Open the track in the Piano Roll View and move them there. Works fine.
  19. Another thing to consider regarding keys is that if one actually sets a project to the correct key then the Process/Transpose feature can be set to Diatonic Math, which can greatly facilitate creating harmonies or building chords.
  20. I don't know much about the Tools Editor, and can't add the Cakewalk reference file no matter what I tried so I guess I don't know how to use it, but it's pretty easy to do by editing the registry. Of course, it's pretty easy to mess things up if you delete the wrong thing so to be safe it's a good idea to backup (export) the registry before deleting/changing anything if you don't have much experience doing this kind of thing. To remove a program from the Cakewalk Utility Menu: Run regedit (and export it if you have any doubts about doing this). Click Edit/Find and search for the key Tools Menu. When it is found it will look something like this. These are the items in my Utility Menu. Delete the one you don't want. All done. Try this method if no one explains how to do it using the Tools Editor.
  21. One way to do it would be to save the project with a different name (to be safe), select all, press the 's' key where you want the first split to be. The clips to the Left of the split should be selected (unless you've changed the default split behavior) and delete them by pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. Then change the Split behavior in Preferences so that the clips to the Right of the split are selected after splitting, then select all, split where you want your clips to end, and delete the clips to the right of the split. You'll be left with just the parts you want to keep. From the Cakewalk for BandLab Reference File: You don't even need to save the file with a different name to edit it as long as you don't Save the project after the splitting and deleting. To specify the default split behavior 1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Customization - Editing. 2. Under Clips, select the desired option in the Selection after single split list.
  22. Pressing the 's' key will split all selected tracks. Ah, I see you've already done that. Nevermind.
  23. When you say 'cut', do you mean 'split', or that you want to remove the tracks but save them in the windows clipboard? If you mean 'split', try pressing the 's' key instead of using the mouse.
  24. Ah, another thing I did that might have had a big effect on the guitar sound is that I opened the direct guitar audio track in Audition and used the hard limiter feature to knock all the big transients down, which is something I do with every direct signal from my guitar before I use a guitar VST on it. I also removed a lot of hiss at the end of some RP350 phrases which did result in an unnatural end of the envelope in some cases.
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