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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. This is the first time I can remember having an issue with normal usage. I am not sure the presence or absence of the no-sound issue tells whether or not TTS-1 was set up properly.
  2. I seem to be getting something consistent with 8.5 on older Win10Pro PC. Condition 1: Loaded Annabelle's version. Cleared CC3 assignment on Master Fader in TTS-1. Slider up full. Saved using Save As (renamed). Upon loading this version, slider is still up full, but TTS-1 doesn't sound. Pressing play (I am using the spacebar) a second time kicks TTS-1 into playing. Condition 2: Loaded Annabelle's version. Upon loading this version, slider is down, and TTS-1 doesn't sound. After slider is moved up and spacebar is pressed once to start play, no sound. Pressing spacebar a second time kick TTS-1 into playing again.
  3. Looks like I have SONAR 5, 6, and 8.5 on my Win 10 PC (in addition to X1 and/or X3). I might also still have them on an XP SP3 PC (not X3). I took a quick look at the CCs. There's a bunch of CC121 and CC64 in the beginning. Later on I saw RPN PB Sens. several times preceding Wheel. I have heard of JAWS, but no idea what goes on under the hood. Could that be automating TTS-1's Master Volume on its own (independent of what on the tracks)? Could the version/build of TTS-1 make a difference? 32-bit TTS-1 (XP) v. 64-bit TTS-1 (Win 10)?
  4. I am using CbB, and several times I resaved the one you uploaded with the Master Slider in TTS-1 up full and when I reloaded it, the medley played. Its a long shot, but it might work--provided (1) there is nothing in your setup that is sending it back to zero and (2) TTS-1 in Sonar 8.5 works the same way.
  5. OK. You talked me into it. I will try the built-in arpeggiator again to see if it will work for me. [moved here from the other thread, because any possible follow-up discussion would be less relevant to the Deals subforum]
  6. I was going to see if the x50 passes midi through, but since you have the manual and midi-ox, I don't think I would see anything that you haven't already tried. Maybe someone else has some ideas to help. Good luck with that.
  7. Just to clarify, the reason I asked "Do you have a link to the Roland x50 manual?" was because "All I could find was an e-x50 manual." EDIT: I am going to go out on a limb on this, but here goes: Either (1) Louis is confused or (2) Louis is trying to confuse us. (I might be wrong, though.)
  8. Do you have a link for the manual? All I could find was an e-x50 manual. On the other hand I did find a Korg X-50 Manual.
  9. When you say, "Its as if . . . ." I have to ask: Have you tested the midi data with a tool like midi-ox? Do you have a link to the Roland x50 manual?
  10. Didn't mean to confuse you. It sounded Indian to me. So I looked up Prishna. https://www.babynames.co.uk/names/prisha/#:~:text=Prisha is a name of,for both boys and girls. Or are you making a point about cultural appropriation--that Indian music was taken from Africa, that Indian names were taken from Africa, etc.? https://www.nairaland.com/1206540/indian-god-krishna-black-african See also: https://www.thehindu.com/entertainment/music/indian-musicians-with-african-influence/article24172523.ece
  11. African? https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/details/prisha-18465
  12. I don't have this file on my PC. UPDATE: For the "fun" of it, I tried the most recent update I have and the most recent rollback I have using VT. No red flags. Evidently some AV software couldn't handle the files, though.
  13. Absolutely! Intentionally stepping through any process can provide a valuable hands-on learning experience whether one records the steps in a video, writes the steps down on paper or in a simple text document, makes mental notes during the process, or even just checks off the steps on a list.
  14. I can relate. I've actually taken an advance on funds I was planning to use for BF sales. ?
  15. Sounds like an opportunity for CLAP developers to avoid this kind of issue and to get it right!!!
  16. For some of us 15-30 minutes of exploration and self-discovery yields longer lasting deep knowledge and more thorough understanding than watching a 15-30 minute video. There's much to be said for hands on learning. For some of us, bringing back and updating the old "Did you know . . . ." series but with (1) show again in rotation and don't show again checkbox flags for each tip or trick and (2) links to concise guides and mini tutorials would be far more effective and efficient.
  17. You went back on your word. After calling all of us nuts, I was really hoping you were going to stop posting. You lumped together everyone including many well-respected members of the community who posted fact-based comments and positive accounts of actual first hand experience solely for the purpose of lobbing a collective insult. If you want to establish some bona fide credibility for anything you have to say, please honor your pledge and stop engaging in stupidity, insults, trolling, etc.
  18. @Sander Verstraten and @pseudopop Thanks for the details from your emails. I have redacted both the discounted amount and the final price from my original post. The reason I wrote the post to say SynthMaster owners should check their e-mails was because I was unsure if all SynthMaster owners got the e-mails. That's also why I put "Possible Deal" in the original post. But while it seemed clear to me that the codes were personalized and probably linked to our accounts, I didn't think that the discounted amounts were randomized (or differed on some other basis). I still wonder (1) why people with the Everything Bundle already have gotten discounts and (2) if some SynthMaster owners got the email and some didn't. I don't know if everyone who goes to various websites sees the same thing or not. So, for what it worth, on the KV331 website, I see a 60% off sale listed with the Everything Bundle listed at $149 which I assume is for anyone, including people with and without prior purchases. So, I would hope that all prior KV331 Audio customers got at least some additional discount with a presumably customized coupon code. Apologies to all if my post got your hopes up and you didn't get a fantastic deal.
  19. JMO: Saying, "Just trying to understand," after the previous comments without having gone to his website, doesn't seem to make you qualified to challenge someone else's impartiality. Disclosure: I have never bought a computer or any services from Jim. However, I have seen comments from other forum members who have. I have also seen many positive and insightful contributions he has made to quite a number of discussions. I have also seen many posts from others who might be called contrarians, malcontents, etc.
  20. Choose the Upgrade for $24 then use the code. If you don't remember buying Softube Dirty Tape, check to see if you picked it up anyway. I had no interest in Dirty Tape, though I am a big fan of delays/echoes. But since Dirty Tape was free, I said, "why not?" Thank you @DrShelder and @stony.
  21. User 905133

    The Kraken

    Reminds me of Riders on the Storm a little.
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