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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Stuck in the Middle with You --> You Are What You Is
  2. In case its not clear: 'B' Movie --> A song about B movies. (A B movie or B film is a low-budget commercial motion picture . . . .)
  3. Yes, lots of memories included in a relatively short span of time!!!
  4. Do you see the images I posted? Do you see the things I posted but on your PC when Cakewalk is open, you have your project loaded and you are looking at Track View with the track you want to set to channel 11 visible? I'm sorry if I misunderstood your problem and what are trying to do. Apologies also if my reply was not helpful. I will defer to someone else who can help.
  5. Could you be more specific: What don't you understand? For example: Do you see the channel track widget? Do you see "All?" (track controls)? Do you not know where those are?
  6. Did you use the channel track widget to force it to channel 11? If so, did you change the preset on channel 11? If you don't see the channel widget, check to make sure the track controls are set to all.
  7. If by zoom you mean to make the UI larger, Windows has a magnifier. The short-cut to start it is Windows Key + the Plus Key. To close it, the short-cut is Windows Key + ESC. For more details, do an internet search for Windows Magnifier.
  8. I updated some NI synths on one of my PCs a few days ago and AV kicked up a red flag. So maybe 1.4.6 also fixes what I assumed was a false positive. I agree with Promidi--would be nice to have a scalable interface. But if we now have vst3, maybe scaling is in the works!
  9. So, I got sick of all the disgusting and violent election ads on TV here and decided for BF to get Paramount+ Premium [Mostly No Commercials] for less than $1.00 / week for a year--and last week I found they have Twilight Zone! With no commercials!!!!!!!!! ? Its now on my list to watch over the remaining 48 weeks of the deal. Thanks for reminding me about the series.
  10. If he doesn't mention in the video what synth he is using and you really want that specific sound is, you could contact him. To my ear it sounds like many other synth brass sounds but with a bit of simulated breathiness; perhaps a synth brass ensemble sort of sound?
  11. Earlier today, I wrote up information to a different question, but I did spend some time to touch on how to look for Help. Reading the entire reference guide can be too time consuming (and frustrating) when you want a quick answer to an immediate problem and sometimes you have to know the right word or phrase to look up. Maybe the methods I touch on here might make it easier.
  12. What are you using to trigger the drums? By any chance, are you trying to record from Drum Pro's UI Pads with a mouse? If so, try using a midi keyboard or one of Cakewalk's built-in virtual controllers. Are you able to record midi notes and have them played back? I just tested Drum Pro and was able to record midi notes into an Instrument Track using both a midi keyboard and a Virtual Controller.
  13. Options to delete image: (1) Use trash can at bottom when editing the post. (2) Delete image via Profile > My Attachments.
  14. If you right click on the plug-in(s), you can create your own categories (such as "Favorites") and assign them to that category. From Menu Bar > Help > Documentation > Search Tab > category (search term) > VST Configuration (Topic to display) See also Online Documentation accessible from the Forum > Cakewalk by Bandlab (tab): http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Browser.07.html http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Browser.08.html#1294644 http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Browser.08.html#1294603
  15. Currents also has many patch sets with 5 versions made from a common set of modules, but since I am wanting to learn how to design sounds within CV-1, it is helpful to have sets of 5. For me they are starting points to learn how to get a variety of different sounds just using different settings. Thanks for the heads up that these were available and for the link to the offer. And thanks to AAS.
  16. So, I was poking around arturia based on another thread which mentioned a free MS-20 Filter plug-in. The link in the article took me to a page for _Pigments. With all the chatter here, I took a look and I was being offered a nice discount on top of the 50% sale for Pigments. Does arturia do things like this (give people random discounts with no announcements)?
  17. Just in case it wasn't clear from my wording, I was not suggesting using ancient, stone age arrangers as a substitute for a 21st century fully developed and integrated DAW-based Chord Track. Moreover, I was relating to the comments explaining how they worked (as if to say, "I understand in part where you are coming from."). I started to type decades (not years), but I didn't want to date myself. To be clear, by mentioning the ancient, stone age arrangers I was not intending to offer a solution or an alternative method. Nevertheless, thanks for the clarifications as they led me to some additional ideas to implement for my own personal workflow.
  18. As a Cakewalk user, I was curious about this plug-in, so I just installed the demo and did a simple midi learn test within CbB after a proper VST Scan. MIDI Learn from with the track's FX Bin did not immediately detect incoming CCs. I got it to work using a separate midi track. This might not he the best/only way to do it, but here's what worked for me (I used the vst3 version): In the CbB plug-in window: Enable MIDI Input [ VST3 v drop down] Created a MIDI Track Pointed it to the Spin plug-in [MIDI Output Track Widget] Used Spin's MIDI Learn dialog.
  19. Makes sense that Cakewalk people would have some thoughts on this issue. I assume vsti = *.dll and/or *.vst3 file. I noticed that addictive drums 2 also has resources. Does the vstscan.log have any clues? I am not an expert in understanding all the details, but sometimes I have spotted some issues with specific plug-ins. From my limited knowledge, it does seem odd that the issue is only with existing projects. I always assumed that after a rescan existing projects would pick up the latest plug-in details. Maybe someone with knowledge of what goes on "under the hood" has some insights
  20. Thanks for the clarification; now I understand. I still have some Roland "Intelligent Arranger" Sound modules (CA-30, RA-30), so I understand the concept very well! I created Instrument Definitions for changing control parameters and used block chords in a dedicated MIDI track placed there manually in the staff view. I haven't used them in years, but maybe I will try your method--a folder of chords and progressions in the Media Browser to drop onto the midi chord track. I just have to find the right wall-warts!!!
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