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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. As I was starting to get into virtual modulars, one prominent maker switched the graphical code to something that was unsupported by my computer. A number of years later, I stumbled onto Voltage Modular. It worked on my PC quite well and after a day of playing with the free version (Nucleus) and finding it so intuitive based on my early Moog experiences, I upped my investment with VM Core + Electro Drums. I have since gotten other virtual modulars. Since I now have experience with the VM workflow as well as a number of modules, I feel more comfortable with using it. While I haven't interacted with the module makers for other systems, I have with several makers of VM modules. I appreciate their responsiveness. I have no idea if I would have developed "brand loyalty" to the other company if they hadn't changed their graphics system, but I am now glad they did. VM continues to work well for me.
  2. + 1,000,000 for comedy music!!! True Story: I remembered Billy The Mountain from one of the Fillmore East Concerts I went to (the night before Zappa met and played with John Lennon). But it wasn't on the Mothers at the Fillmore East. I had to wait until the Just Another Band album and of course all the local flavoring was very different from what I remembered (California-based instead of East Coast-based). So finally, this year, the 50th anniversary edition of the Fillmore East album came out. The set lists confirmed my memory! ?
  3. Are you talking about sysex banks, sysex data, or both?
  4. BTW, I mined various E-Mu patch banks formats, documented undocumented sysex controllable parameters on the P2K/CS line, etc. using Cakewalk's sysex view. Tedious to be comprehensive, but fairly easy to set up banks of sysex commands in SONAR/Cakewalk, tweak values, see what changes, and note the actual range/results (as opposed to what the documentation said). Nowadays people who use software synths and FX have exposed parameters for micro-managing parameters (provided the manufacturer make them available).
  5. Its been in Cakewalk SONAR for decades. The last time I looked it was sill there. In the early days, it was great for storing and loading patch and sequencer data and controlling parameters on hardware that had a few buttons, a single knob, etc. Especially handy when you find out that a module's 30+ year old battery died and you need to reload user preset banks. Also handy for hardware that only had volatile memory for user patches and no battery whatsoever.
  6. There's something "poetic" about listening to a version of this song repeatedly on a desert island: On the other hand there's a version of this:
  7. Thanks for the clarification. Although I didn't install Melodyne on my current audio PC, it might be in a folder from a back up drive in my vst scan path. YUP! I have v. in my one of my scan path folders.
  8. duplicate post - please delete or ignore
  9. I dragged a MIDI Drum Loop (wav file) into a midi track. This is what CbB did as I expected it to do since I do not have Melodyne except that which is built into CbB. EDIT: See scook's clarification below. I must have a version on my current PC. In case its not clear, I am not disagreeing. I am just showing that it works.
  10. User 905133

    midi? audio?

    Good question. I haven't used my custom *.ins files in ages. So from Preferences I went to MIDI > Instruments > Define > Import and then navigated to where I had a backup of MySONAR-BU1-2004-09-04.ins. Then I selected one of the Instrument Definitions I compiled ages ago to assign it to 16 channels on the port I wanted. Once I Oked it the current Caklewalk (CbB) imported the definition into the Master.ins file in my AppData folder -- C:\Users\ [MyName]\AppData\roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core. Here's a relevant link to the Online Documentation. Thanks for asking. A few days ago I decided I will integrate some of my hardware sound modules back into my current setup to supplement software synths.
  11. Thanks for the overview, details, and link. The demos give a better idea of the breadth of what's included. FWIW, here's what's in Swatches.
  12. I remember doing Chandler's Taiko modelling project. I thought it was a tutorial to teach us how to create our own presets. Was it one that he posted the final version he did?
  13. The price of peanuts has gone up. ? Some people blame ******* ******; others blame ******* ****. ?
  14. I just listened to them (the ones in Swatches). I think they (the ones in Swatches) may be directed towards a limited range of musical genres. Not sure if they represent the entire Sound Pack. Personally, my modular of choice is VM, but I do like the sounds of CV-1 (the ones in CV-1 itself which others have done). I have chosen not to develop custom patches in CV-1 (too old to learn enough to develop personal proficiency to a level that would make it worth my while). However, if AAS develops knock out patches in other Sound Packs that target other genres, I can see using CV-1 as a sound expansion module.
  15. I just did a very quick 1 measure test (took 20-30 seconds) that I can jam on using C, D, E, & F.
  16. I have had the beta version for a while and was far more impressed with Meldway Grand than the Dream Machine, but I never thought about trying the arpeggiator with the Dream Machine before you mentioned it. Great suggestion!!!
  17. I am not logged in to my account; not sure what prices people are seeing; it might be worth checking out the current sales and discounts page.
  18. I gave up trying to sync SONAR/Cakewalk to a hardware BPM sequencer (Proteus 2500). It worked somewhat, but took too much effort. That's part of it. Also, I found that having more than one project loaded even if I was only working on one at a time was a major problem! I tracked that down, but don't remember all the details. I seem to recall I had projects with different sync or metronome settings. Not 100% sure. Just mentioning the details that I remember in case you really want to try to make it happen. Not sure if I wrote up any of the experiences. I do remember a discussion from 2-3 years ago where I had timing bytes issues when trying to coordinate synchronization. IIRC that involved P2500 --> SONAR/Cakewalk --> other BPM gear. Not sure if you are attempting anything like that, too.
  19. Perfect timing. I was just looking at the Kontakt Player manual and choosing either Player or Komplete Start (which includes the player). Considering that my workflow is so ingrained with the E-Mu experience (hardware more so, software to a lesser extent) it seems like I would be frustrated trying to use Kontakt as a substitute. I have experience with the hardware and E-Mu sysex and can often find ways of doing things beyond the conventional. In fact, I recently put my Proteus 2500 (16 fully assignable knobs + 16 assignable trigger buttons + sequencer etc.) back into service as a hardware controller for Voltage Modular. I have other options for using Emulator X3 on an older PC (if the authorization hasn't disappeared) as well as hardware. Again, thanks for the comments. For people who are already into the Kontakt ecosystem, the DSF bundle sounds like an excellent deal. They have solid credentials! BTW, a few months ago, I saw the re-invented in-brands/AIR Music Technology was also offering DSF sounds. Just mentioning that to show new things have been happening with DSF. Not recommending AIR over Kontakt at all.
  20. New? In new condition?? Vintage Pro??? Have you seen, someone is making new sound roms for the P2K/CS line. I believe the prices are better than all those price gougers at a famous on-line marketplace.
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