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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. @Mister Cakewalk sonar Do you have proof that you paid for the older products? Not sure if Support can help if you do have the proof of purchase, but I doubt they can help if you don't have any proof. ADDENDUM: I took another look at your post. Are saying that you never paid for any of the older products and that you want these for free now? By the way, if you installed Cakewalk by Bandlab, you should have TTS-1.
  2. Hmmmm. I took another look at what I did earlier based on these comments. My guess as to how the problem might have happened is wrong. (Thanks for the additional thoughts.) To recreate a project that looked like what the OP posted (just a single midi track pointed to SI-Drums), I had deleted the instrument track from the Track View. But I still had the SI-Drums in the Synth Rack. Not sure if that's how the OP did it. So, maybe it is a driver issue after all.
  3. Thanks. I was trying to figure out how that happened (SI-Drums available without an instrument track being present). The most likely explanation I could come up with is that when the SI-Drums were inserted (through whatever method was used), the OP might have just checked MIDI Source in the dialogue. If that's what happened, I'd suggest the using the Simple Instrument option until the OP is more familiar with the uses for other options.
  4. The 'scope 's waveform and spectrum views are indeed nice!!
  5. Where you have the Track Control Manager that says "Custom," do you see what you need if you change that to "All?"
  6. Damn those professional preset designers! ?
  7. IIRC even before I used Workspaces, the Notes data persisted from project to project. I don't recall ever exploring where that came from. @John Vere I see that you have a custom Workspace ("Johns"). Do you know if Workspaces can be used to have different sets of pre-filled Notes data? If you don't know, I could give it a try.
  8. Re: Previous discussions of MNotepad and Lyrics. I remember being part of a discussion on this, and if we are thinking of the same discussion, it was msmcleod you are thinking of.
  9. Based on High-Speed Math Self-Taught (a do-it-in-your-head book from the 1950s/1960s) I will often do something like this: Round the price to a workable number. For example, $149.99 ==> $150 (the price). Divide by ten. $150 ==> $15. Multiply by 3. $15 ==> $45. (max Jampoints allowed in $) Subtract from the price. $150 - $45 = $105. Classic example: Multiplying by 25 can be done mentally by multiplying by 100 [aka moving the decimal over two places] and dividing by 4. 1664 ==> 166400 ==> 41600 Or, vice versa 1664 ==> 416 ==> 41600 As for your second wish ("Always deduct the points that are about to expire first. The last time I made a purchase, it deducted some points I got for free and left the ones that were about to expire.") I didn't know they did it that way. I agree. Your way would be more customer oriented!!!
  10. I also had stuff like this in mind when I posted the following comment in the thread where people are discussing "Updates? WTF is going on with them?" [my paraphrasing to project what I see as some attitudes implicit in the discussion] ? I called it optimistic speculation because I wouldn't mind if it were true even though I think its highly unlikely.
  11. Optimistic speculation: Maybe they are tackling some longstanding bugs that are baked in due to old code that are so embedded they are nearly impossible to repair. Those would take more time to unravel and resolve.
  12. I have noticed it on occasion, but not a whole lot. When its a request for help, I take it as a sign to avoid replying--kind of like people who are so frustrated and in need of an immediate answer that they post the same issue in several places (sometimes in a demanding or a demeaning tone of voice). So I think its helpful.
  13. I know that. I even said that.
  14. Recently an informative thread announcing and discussing the latest Melda Production Sale was closed. I assume it was closed as part of a policy that in part seeks to keep commercial vendors from posting sales for their businesses. I agree that the recent proliferation of vendors posting advertisement (especially for sales) was getting to be a bit much and I supported the efforts to stem the proliferation. However, I think Cakewalk users (past and preset) as well as others who use the forum should be able to get the additional discount for first time purchases from Melda Production. So, here's my referral coupon / code: PLEASE NOTE: I will not profit in any way from a new Melda Customer using the code. If fact, I verified this. I have nothing to gain. I will not profit from anyone using my code. I suspect that there are others here in a similar position. BUT: I don't mind in the slightest if other Cakewalk users earn referral credits they can use. So if you have the codes from other Cakewalk users, that's OK by me!
  15. For newcomers to the issues being discussed here, some of those posts are slightly inaccurate but they could lead to significant misunderstandings. (1) Sample libraries (aka sound content) are products and are affected by the 180-day download as abacab noted (2) The last time I looked, the licenses are for thirty years. Probably not a big deal if you are 55 ; might be significant if you are younger. YMMV ? Background: a couple of years ago I got caught up in one of IK's legendary group buys. I read the rules, read the forum posts, asked questions, got answers, etc. Nevertheless, I ended up wasting "promotions' (aka freebies) because there were still some nitty gritty details I didn't understand and made decisions that gave me things I already had. IMPORTANT: Not blaming IK or forum members. Just highlighting some of the finer to points in case others can benefit from the kinds of mistakes I made.
  16. Note: my "Sad" emoji is no reflection on you. You are just the messenger of the sad news.
  17. For me, I can easily decide to keep a few of the soft synths I have collected and try to sell the rest, but VM presents a problem. It would be very difficult to divyy up the collection of modules and bundles into ones to keep and ones to sell. Even though I don't need any of the CA products included in the recent Humble Bundle now, $20 + might be wise. With Nucleus and Ignite, I could include Core in any pre-August 1st sale I choose to do. I would especially miss the Plug-in Hosts, but this mid-course business model change requires some re-thinking. UPDATE: The Level Up! Bundle is $20+. I have changed that above. Also, for the 5 CA keys (CA2600, VM Ignite, Galactic Reverb, Memory Mode, and PS-20), the Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio key , and the $25 Soundtrack Loops Voucher "The redemption deadline is October 31, 2023 at 11:00:00 AM PDT."
  18. OUCH! I had been thinking that after I die, my kids would be able to recoup some of what I paid for my soft synths by selling them after the kids inherit everything. But with the new rules, it seems like I will have to try to sell my Cherry Audio synths by August 1st otherwise my investment will be instantly worthless. That suck's out loud. The kids are not into synths and making music otherwise I'd transfer ownership now so they can use the synths. Looks like I'll have to bundle all of them except a few that I want to use in my remaining lifespan and try to sell them en masse. Thanks for the heads up!!!
  19. This is important, too--even more important than calculated savings over listed prices (sale or non-sale). My holdings are different than yours, but the concept is the same. I am mildly interested in the sound libraries I don't have. Having gotten a collection of quality emulations at half the price of TS 4 MAX. my GAS is well under control. ? As for the only IK instrument I don't have (Synthi), Cherry Audio's Elka-X (together with an optional $10 Sound Pack for 100 new presets) caused me to change my previous "I'll wait for TS 4 MAX" feelings.
  20. There might be other ways neither of us have seen, but here's where I found it: Track View > Tracks (a Track View Menu Tab) > Selected Tracks Input (on the drop down). Not sure if that's how the OP got there, but the dialog looks identical. [ View v ] [ Options v ] [ Tracks v ] [ Clips v ] [ MIDI v ] [Region FX v ] Does this mean you will be looking for another thing to tweak in your themes? ? (I couldn't find it in Colin's theming guide.) NOTE: From what I have seen [ I ] for the specific track cannot be "None" or "Omni" for this to work. [ I ] need to be either "All Inputs" or a specific input.
  21. I never used that dialog before, but since I have experience with the E-Mu 2x2 and it is hooked up, I just checked and it works. I tend to use the track control widget. For the MIDI track in question, make sure the [ I ]nput control does not say "None." I tested the dialog you want to use after I set the MIDI Input control widget [ I } to All > Omni (all devices, all midi channels) and the dialog you are using worked. I also tried the port I named "Available (front)" and "P2500 (No FX). Those are the friendly names I gave the E-Mu 2x2's port to help me remember which is which. Again, if the MIDI [ I }nput control widget said "None," the dialog box was also greyed out for that routing option. But once I chose "All > Omni" or one of the named ports, the routing option for that dialog box worked. I never used that dialog box before, but my results were consistent. If this doesn't work for you, post some screen shots of the widget, the options and what you have selected. Based on what you wrote, it sounds like the E-Mu 2x2 is properly checked under Preferences > MIDI > Devices.
  22. I agree with this in large part based on my calculations of how customers owning / having paid for fewer items in a bundled product get considerably more products for their money and sometimes even pay less for that bundled product. I agree with accentuating the positive, but a great deal for one person might be a vastly inferior deal for someone else. In my opinion, every consumer needs to understand as much as they can so they can determine for themselves whether as individuals they are getting a great deal or an inferior deal. Saying something is a great deal for all consumers is grossly misleading. Similarly, saying the new IK pricing is a bad deal for all consumers is also not true. Caveat emptor!
  23. Between yesterday and today I did some comparisons of a couple of the new pricing options. My calculations overwhelmingly support @Bruno de Souza Lino 's assertion over @John1984's assertion. Sorry, but I do not have the time to make spreadsheets showing a whole range of comparisons. However, this disparity can be mathematically demonstrated to be true. Note: I have intentionally excluded the user retention issue (a priority or not a priority) because (1) that cannot be mathematically demonstrated (verified or negated), (2) it is an opinion, and (3) from what I have seen IK has strategies for user retention. Not saying the other strategies are the best they could have, just that I have seen other retention strategies.
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