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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. That's because E-Mu products were abandoned. There seems to have been enough interest in Sound ROMS for the hardware over the past decade or so, that they were regularly being sold (not just listed, but sold) on third party platforms for more than E-Mu was selling them. Legal copies of Sound CD ROMs also commanded decent prices. Unfortunately, people started selling pirated copies and then making copies available on sharing sites. Those pirated copies and the availability of sharing sites cut into any incentive to reissue legitimate copies. Not sure if DSF had the rights to do that. Considering that Emulator X3 worked well with SONAR, we cannot be sure what the OP meant by memory leaks and bugs. As far as "there is no one around who still; cares about the Emulator X3 software," based on all that has been written over the years, I would argue that the comment is more of a reflection of what Creative L:abs did to kill the brand than the usefulness of the software. On the hardware side, there has been enough interest for several people to work on designing Sound ROMS. From what I have seen, at least one person has been successful. Of course, as we all know, despite all the limitations, flaws, and failings of software (not to forget about the various sales/marketing schemes consumers have issues with), no one wants hardware any more.
  2. In case it wasn't clear in my post, I was talking about the Proteus X/Emulator X software. I have not seen DSF do anything with the Proteus X/Emulator X software. If he does have an agreement with Creative Labs to be able to revise and make available the software as well as the samples, that would be good to know. I have tried to find out the details on line, but from what I have seen he only has the rights to convert, repackage, sell, and market the samples/sounds. There are those of us who have legally owned rights to use the samples/sounds. Since the software has basically been abandoned, it would be nice have the software updated. Neither Creative Labs nor DSF has shown any interest in doing that so far as I have seen. Having looked at the documentation for some of the new products which can use the remarketed samples/sounds, those products do not offer the capabilities of the Proteus X/Emulator X. Your "best bet" is IMO inferior at best. ? PS: In my experience, before the recent issues with authorizing a license, the Emulator X3 software worked exceptionally well under Windows 10 Pro and was very efficient.
  3. In between the time of the original discussions from 2001 and now, I have had issues with Emulator X3, too. For the longest time after Creative Labs abandoned the software, the authorization server still worked (based on my experience). However, it no longer seems to work. On my previous audio PC on which Emulator X3 was authorized, the software sometimes worked and sometimes gave an error message and Cakewalk refused to let the plug-in work. On my newest audio PC, I cannot even get baseline authorization in standalone mode. I really wish Bandlab would have offered to take the E-Mu software off the hands of Creative Labs and updated it to be the sampler that a number SONAR/Cakewalk users have been asking for over the span of several years. As long as people have resurrected this ancient thread, I just thought I'd mention that Emulator X3 was a power house program that even today uses fewer CPU resources than a number of contemporary soft synths. And for those who don't know, the standalone version was effective handling 64 channels of audio.
  4. Yes, it was. I got as a freebie several years ago (2020). I still haven't found a good use for it, although I have tried several times. How do others use it?
  5. I just used Ctrl+S with the focus on a VST window [Instrument] and CbB saved the project. UPDATE: It also worked with a VST3 [Instrument]. UPDATE 2: It also worked with a VST3 [Audio FX]. UPDATE 3: I just changed a whole bunch of things and whenever a VST/VST3 had the focus, Ctrl+S worked. So far the only ways I could get Ctrl+S not to work properly was when Browser > Notes was in edit mode when a floating/undocked window had the focus.
  6. I don't think the size is an issue here, but just as an FYI in case in the future you want to change the size on an image, you can. Here I just used the link to your image and reduced the width from 1000 to 650 and checked the box to keep the original aspect ratio.
  7. Good lord, for whom? Just to clarify any possible misinterpretation, I was not saying that to me shaming CbB-only users is fun. As is evident by the context, I was squarely against those who tell users of older versions of SONAR/Cakewalk that they shouldn't be using older versions. I was saying that there might be legitimate reasons why users of CbB might not opt to use either of the new products, a point to which you agree: While were on the subject, obviously the other wording on the Forum's Home page also would have to be changed since Cakewalk by Bandlab and CbB are mentioned in the sub-forum descriptions: Thanks for the opportunity to clarify my previous post.
  8. I knew that Randy Newman wrote this song , but thought that his version came out after it was a hit with Three Dog Night. So, I looked it up and just learned that Randy Newman gave it to Eric Burdon to record first. Does that make Randy Newman's version a cover of a cover?
  9. I didn't get the notice today. It might be because I did a proactive activation refresh a couple of weeks ago--just before some people started getting bent out of shape in the Cakewalk Next/Cakewalk Sonar thread. From June 9th.
  10. Ctrl+S is what I have for Save. Did you change your key bindings? Or maybe I changed mine? Either way, you can change it. Did you look at Global Bindings? Does this table help? I am in the US. Maybe you have a keyboard for a different country?
  11. Is this a reply to my comment? I could be wrong, but it looks to me from the screen shots posted above, Tracks 1 - 6 and the Metronome and Preview bus are being sent to the Master bus, but the Master bus is being routed to None / Ninguno. Yes, there could be other audio issues, but if it were me, I'd check the destination for the Master bus to make sure it is routed to a sound card/sound device. It would also be nice to see where the Hardware Output console strip is being sent. Since the system only has one audio output, if the Hardware Output strip isn't pointed to it (the Focusrite), that could be an issue.
  12. In some cases if [ I ] is set to None, it is actually Omni. By the way [ I ] is Input. As a word "Ninguno" might mean "None," but setting [ I ] to "None" can display as "Omni." In this case, for [ O ] = "Ninguno" on the Master Bus, it means "None." Meaning the audio going to the Master Bus is going Nowhere. PS: The Omni/None thing has been a source of confusion. Not sure if its the same in Spanish.
  13. Why not use a more modern PC (e.g., XP era), that has a 5 1/4" floppy drive to copy the disks to a thumb drive? Never mind. I don't think XP era PCs had 5 1/4" drives.
  14. Yes, by different people; No, by one person. Only individuals who have made no purchases can use a referral code. Once you made a purchase, you cannot use a referral code.
  15. My bad. I have a lifelong habit of being late to spot malevolent intent.
  16. ahem . . . . just saying: its not a competition. Honestly, I don't understand why you are so adamant--so much so that you need to give a heads up that you will be back to tell everyone who participated in this thread, "I told you so." Again, JMO, people are entitled to their personal preferences for themselves. However, saying you will stop being an aggressive advocate on the Cakewalk Discussion Board for the time being, but you promise to be back to proclaim at a later date to say, "See??? I was right!!!!!!!" sounds like you will be anxiously awaiting that moment should it ever come. Hope you enjoyed reading the history. As you probably have heard, those who fail to learn from history are apt to repeat mistakes that others have made [paraphrased].
  17. You jolted a memory!!! During the last century I also tried Corel's version of Linux and in fact still have "Using Word Perfect 8 for Linux." You might remember, at one point Word Perfect was the only serious competition for Microsoft Word. Corel invested a lot of energy trying to promote Linux. Microsoft even invested in Corel and some speculated MS had an interest in seeing if Linux would fly. For those who don't know, Corel was later bought out from being a publicly traded company. Shareholders who had the foresight to see it coming (and anyone who had insider information) could have sold their shares for more than the buyout gave them. PS: It looks like I still have some backup copies of corellinux-oc_1.2.iso. I might have earlier versions somewhere. Historical FYI links: Link to wikipedia blub on Corel Linux OS. Link to 2000 Forbes article.
  18. I am not really a basher of Linux. I can't comment on when others last tried Linux, But I last tried several distros August 2008, including Ubuntu Studio and gNewSense and I have to agree that Linux has come a log way since 1995 (or actually 2000, when I previously gave Linux a serious look). Speaking just for myself, my choice not to use Linux is not based on it being either worse or even different (as in the sense of being unfamiliar and requiring time to learn). Moreover, it is based on my needs. And I do understand expressing personal preferences and even making polite requests. Peace.
  19. No rush on my part to switch to Studio One. I can wait until Mike (or someone else) does a full comparison of the two with regard to workflow.
  20. Taking the video as a whole, he focused of a number of things that were important to him and presumably to most (or maybe all) of his followers. However, he left out a number of things that might be more important to others. As a result people who have no experience with Studio One would have to try Studio one to make comparisons themselves. I agree that his intro (approximately 4 minutes long) and his conclusion provide a context for his opinions. However, the personal workflow efficiencies he highlighted might not be the same workflow efficiencies that save someone else considerable time. For example, I save considerable time with preferred common tasks by having well-tuned Workspaces that satisfy my efficiency needs. Regrettably, from his video I have no idea if Studio One has some kind of massive customizability function for workflows. It might or it might not. Based on what he chose to focus on and how he framed his Cakewalk v. Studio One comparison, he hasn't sold me on the benefits of Studio One. To clarify my comment, its not that I have no desire to learn a new DAW or new workflows; its more that given his personal efficiencies (as demonstrated in the comparison video), he did not convinced me that it is worth my while to spend the time to learn to use Studio One to find out if it would meet my needs. Sorry if this wasn't clear. This is not simply about inertia, maintaining the status quo, stick with a set of specific learned steps. If I need to create personal workflow efficiencies for certain sets of musical tasks I will be working on, (1) I know I can create targeted Workspaces in CbB, (2) I know how to create them, (3) I know that using them will repeatedly save me many steps (once I take some time to set a new Workspace up), and (4) switching between different custom Workspaces has become automatic. Based on the video, I would have to teach myself Studio One even before I knew whether or not there was a comparable feature that would give me the flexibility to create workflow templates, and if there were, I'd then have to teach myself how to use the flexibility tool to begin to see if it were better in Cakewalk. The video is called "Cakewalk VS Studio One WORKFLOW" and upon watching the video for a second time, I now see his failure to compare Cakewalk's workflow flexibility feature (Workspaces) with the counterpart in Studio One a serious omission. PS: Because I asked in a public thread, I already know that Workspaces will be carried over to Cakewalk Sonar.
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