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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. When they were young, my kids discovered my Alesis MMT-8 [Multi-track MIDI Song Sequencer] in a pile of unused gear. It had a whole bunch of rubbery buttons and a flip-top instruction panel that the kids loved to play pretend with. While I regretted that the buttons were wonky and the ease of use was more on the difficult side of the scale, I did not regret that the kids appropriated it for their own playful purposes. In fact, I was glad to see it be useful for something. They had much more fun with it than I ever did.
  2. Hmmmm. I know a lot of artists that distribute their music via Bandcamp. As a consumer of music, I appreciate that I can listen and then choose whether or not I want to support an artist. Also (again as a consumer), I like that artists can set their own prices, run their own promotions, etc.. The same holds true for people I know that have used Bandcamp for their netlabels. I have found that is a great way to find music I might not have otherwise been exposed to.
  3. OeYi seems not to have read that no new features will be added to CbB. My guess is the sort-of implied question not asked is, "Since CbB is now in EndOfLife status (as a product), can a feature be added to export Cakewalk Projects to other DAW formats?" Another guess, the OP might not have read/understood all that has been written so far about what's going on. I am still groggy from an old-man-afternoon-nap, so I won't try to summarize (1) what been written, (2) what's known, (3) what's up in the air, and (4) possible options for using existing Cakewalk/SONAR/CbB projects in Cakewalk Next and/or Cakewalk Sonar, or other DAWs.
  4. Thanks. That ^^^ makes sense if that's what they mean. But if that's what they mean, they need say what they mean.
  5. This makes sense if that is indeed what they were trying to say. Maybe they say that when people buy a subscription plan and the warning is just a reminder. I never would have thought that subscription licensees had to be logged in at least once every 72 hours otherwise the subscription gets cancelled. That can't be what they are saying, can it?
  6. If this just a poorly worded, "Downloads in progress. Are you sure you want to exit the IK Product Manager?" warning? Or, is it as ominous as it seems at first glance?
  7. I took another look at the PCR M50 manual. Sorry to say I don't think it allows for swapping min and max values for CCs. I also tried some MFX plug-ins and I don't have one that will let you do that. Maybe someone else knows of an MFX plug-in that can do it. Maybe this might work? Let's ask @Variorum. BUT WAIT!!! Maybe CSMultiCompanderV2 will work:
  8. If the range for CC64 is set from 0 to 127, can you change it to go from 127 to 0 (i.e., swap max and min values)?
  9. During the mid 70s I lent a Minimoog and Sample/Hold to a "friend" who claimed that the warehouse the band had everything stored in was broken into and all the gear was "stolen." The "good news" was that the organizer of the band had insurance on the contents, But I had to sign a bill of sale to the band leader to the get the money. After I had move some 2,500 miles away (to Seattle), I learned more details and pieced them together: The alleged break-in was actually a theft by the band leader who had sold the Moog gear to a Big, Famous Guitar Store in Rochester, NY. But rather than hold onto it until I could get someone over to the store to identify it and make arrangements (negotiate) to get it back [I don't remember how much the band leader got for it], the Big Famous Guitar Store allegedly gave it back to the Band Leader and got their money back. At today's prices my "investment" would have increased at least ten-fold. I learned some very valuable lessons: Don't trust "friends; don't trust guitarists; don't trust guitar stores; don't trust musicians; in fact: don't trust anyone. And never lend anything of any value to anyone. Also, never empty your savings account for gear that you just "have to" have. No regerts; just some latent bitterness that is evidently still tucked away in my memory. It will probably still be there after I no longer remember who my kids are when I see them, and when I no longer remember even my own name.
  10. The new one is 1.08. The webpage graphics still show images of the product manager based on 10 authorizations. They don't screw up intentionally. They don't screw up intentionally. They don't screw up intentionally. They don't screw up intentionally. They don't screw up intentionally.
  11. Oh. I just went to look to see if we can unauthorize computers we no longer have access to. BUT, the version I installed yesterday is already out of date. Maybe they put in a notice about the number of authorizations being cut in half? Maybe they put in an authorization/unauthorization manager? Maybe they changed something else and didn't tell anyone? Caveat Emptor.
  12. Yesterday I looked to see what computers IK Product Manager listed for my products. I specifically looked for the authorization manager thinking I would see a reason for the drop. I could not find where the software said what computers I had authorized for which products. Maybe I missed it? Also, I looked to see if I had multiple authorizations for each purchased product. So far as I can see, they aggregate the authorizations. When I have a chance, I would double check, but it seems to me if I buy Product X and then buy a second product that includes Product X, I should still have authorizations for Product the original purchase. There may be other issues with the after-the-fact explanation.
  13. People should tell IK Customer Support as well as flagging Peter. The more people they hear from, the more they know how serious an issue it is.
  14. I forgot to remind myself, "They don't do this stuff intentionally. They don't do this stuff intentionally. . . . "
  15. Thanks for the confirmation that its not something I did. A couple of minutes ago I realized that I only have 4 authorizations for TONEX CS, which I only put on one PC and haven't downloaded any models since the first few weeks I got it.
  16. I think I know what happened. I had the problem where I had updates but now downloads left. So IK was "kind enough" to give me 180 days. So I bought a 2TB external SSD to download the files there. But they didn't go there. So I had top download them to my PC's HDD BU first (external storage) and then copied them. But I ran out of storage on the BU device. So I had to delete them as I moved then to the SSD. Then I discovered that a lot of the downloads times out and were on BU storage as "Unconfirmed Downloads" (or whatever they call it when the downloads don't finish properly. So, I chose "retry" and a number of the uncompleted downloads finished up. But I still have over 70 that I didn't complete before the 180 days was up. For example: Unconfirmed 277758.crdownload . If my suspicion is correct (not sure, though; you never can tell), even though I have multiple licenses for almost all my IK products, I seem to have been "charged" [authorizations] for all those downloads. Either that, or the IK Product Manager that just came out has some errors (aka SNAFUs).
  17. Maybe each time you get a new product that includes a new license for a product you already paid for they reduce the number of Authorizations? Maybe each time you run Product Manager it takes away some Authorizations? For most current IK products I authorized one computer. For some, I first had them on an older PC. That's two computers. I also had some on my laptop to see how they worked there. So if I started out with 10 authorizations, why does product manager say I have 3 left for some products or 4 for some or 5 for some? Even the IKPM page product manager page shows images with 9.
  18. WOW. When did they reduce the number of authorizations? I thought it used to be 10 per product?
  19. Windows says "Don't Run." Who should I trust? Tough decision here. ?
  20. Found manuals for the BK-7m. It certainly looks like it has its roots in the Intelligent Arranger series.
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