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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. And in your honor, I will not look up "PFL" to be consistent with your philosophy / professed way-of-being-in-the-world. ?
  2. One of the things I had been writing up earlier was how my setup/workflow works with soft synths. Add an instrument track Automatically input echo comes on Record a short part (bass, chords, etc.) Add another instrument track Automatically input echo switched to the current track Manually unarm the previous track and arm the current track Record another layer and so on The workflow is so natural for me (mind to hands), that I had to stop typing my reply to the OP to be able to verify that it was as simple as I remembered it being. I have no doubt that if I switched to another music-making tool, it wouldn't be as "intuitive" and I'd have to spend time to figure out how to do it with the new tool. To me learning new music-making tools is a fact of life.
  3. To be honest, I had to work very hard to try to figure out what you were trying to say because the way you were describing the issue was not very clear. That's why I had to spend time asking clarifying questions, breaking your post down into bite size pieces, etc. I think I did a fairly decent job of playing stupid to meet your needs just as a user trying to help another user. That being said, I thought of asking if you had input echo on, but that is so basic, I didn't want to risk insulting your intelligence. My bad for not taking the risk.
  4. I have about 25 of them laid out in Kushview Element so I can learn them and customize / design my presets. They look different, especially the ones with devices. This strategy works for me; not sure it will help you to get to know them on a deeper level, but maybe. If you have the free bundle without the paid license, the different plugins might look more similar to each other. Not sure.
  5. Personally, I like that the Melda Plugins (as awkward as they are) have consistency across their line of plugins. Once you learn how to navigate the complexities of one, the others are very similar. I would hate to have to learn each plugin's underlying design separately. Of course, there is definitely quite a bit of design variety for devices, instruments, etc.
  6. Thanks. I was just writing up some other details that included the line you quoted, but that's it in a nutshell.
  7. Not bizarre at all. It's a basic procedure--turning on and off the input echo based on the specifics of your needs. It relates to routing. Cakewalk is very flexible, but the trade off is that you have to take the time to understand how it works and decide what workflow is best for you. There are modes where the input echo automatically turns on, but there are many times when users don't want it turned on. I am wondering how you inserted an instrument track without the input echo turning on. I just tried several methods and input echo lit up. Also, when I added a second instrument track, the input echo for that track lit up and the input echo light on the first track turned off. Maybe other DAWs have all VSTis playing live input from a single source all the time and that's what you are used to?
  8. Glad to hear you solved the problem. For more on the button see this.
  9. I haven't used one of those, but I can't imagine that it wouldn't work. I assume by connected you mean it shows up under Preferences > MIDI > Devices and it is checked in the Inputs section? If so, can you record notes from it on a MIDI track?
  10. From what I can tell from online information, the Micro Key 25 doesn't have built-in sounds and doesn't have a speaker to playback sounds that might be coming from the computer to it via usb (if that is what it is supposed to do). Maybe you are saying that the VSTis aren't receiving MIDI data from the MicroKey 25? inbuilt stock keyboard = Cakewalk's virtual keyboard? See this for documentation on the Cakewalk's Virtual Controller / Keyboard. Makes sense; glad that part of your setup is working. Cakewalk does use ASIO. By ASIO do you mean ASIO4ALL? If so, your problem makes sense. Cakewalk by Bandlab doesn't work with ASIO4ALL. Try using Windows Audio: Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording. I suggest starting with WASAPI Shared to see if that works for you. It works for me if I have the Instrument track's MIDI Input set to Omni. Hope this helps.
  11. Here's another great example of a pre-emptive strike.
  12. Perfect example of what I call a pre-emptive attack.
  13. UPDATE: It might have been 5-6 weeks ago in response to their "Unlock the Prize: Take Our Survey for a Chance to Win Big!" Survey. BTW, I didn't win a prize, but if my suggestion was in the back of their minds when they created that page in response to your e-mail, that's a win for all of us! Consumers of the world, UNITE!!!!
  14. Thanks for that link. I won't take any credit since they added it for you, but several months ago in response to an arturia survey, (under additional comments, IIRC) I specifically asked for more transparency on their special pricing policy because people get different amounts and have to share information to try to figure out the pricing rules. I probably did not mention this forum, but I think I did refer to "various forums" or something close. So, thanks for writing to them and getting them to do this!!! JMO: Transparency like this is a win for consumers.
  15. I didn't read those comments as disrespecting Mike at all. It seems to me it is just recognizing what he has made clear in his videos.
  16. Interesting. I didn't realize that they keep changing what's included in the bundle. It's like what used to be called here a "Grab Bag" except you do get to see what's inside of the version you are grabbing. Interesting. They also changed the name of the bundle I picked up as well as the order. Now it says "Lifeline Expanse Lite." How often does it change? Anyone know? Mine is from Dec 4th.
  17. I saw the freebies yesterday and wasn't sure if they only worked in VX,** so I didn't download them. Thanks for these details and the review. **To clarify, the __Sounds page says with no clue they work with Analog Lab V. Nice to see that from inside Analog Lab V they can be used.
  18. There have been several threads about this. Some of them should come up if you type "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" into the forum search box (with the quotation marks so it looks for the phrase, not all the individual words. Let me see if I can find them. Update: Try this search link. I forgot to mention, if the search just does the current topic, switch it to "Everywhere" or "The whole forum," or however its worded.
  19. Thanks for reminding me! Ten years ago I did an textural improv with a late 1980s digital sound module--play a tone cluster and tweak the crap out of the sustained sound using its less than a handful of CCs plus whatever buttons on the panel did stuff in real time. Since then, I have had a knob on one of my usb keyboards with a "D0" sticker to remind me it's the Channel Aftertouch knob. I have only the vaguest memory of how I set that up, but sure enough I just looked. I had assigned it to CC 131. In looking for soft synths that respond to channel aftertouch, I found that Cherry Audio's One factory patch add vibrato for the last note played (even if a chord is played or multiple notes have been sustained). I can't remember when I last used the D0 knob on a regular basis, but being able to use CC131 to play with the timbre of a single note out of several notes that are sounding adds a new real time performance option. Thanks also to Examigan for asking about AT.
  20. In trying to find out why there are also updates to the non-new, non-reworked Instruments, I stumbled onto this: https://support.arturia.com/hc/en-us/articles/5392397216284-Program-Changes-in-V-Collection-9 Additional info: The update release notes for the ones I checked, now say: Startup preset can now be customized from the hamburger menu User preset banks picture can now be customized This is not new in Pigments (I previously added images to my own and third party banks)
  21. So, I listened to the demo tunes for first set of 4 "packs" and had "it" create 4 more using the same prompt (unchanged). Then I started listening to the wav files that went into making the demo tunes for some of the packs. I thought of how I could try to reword the prompt to get closer to what I want (such as adding "using high quality non-orchestral sounding audio samples"), but I decided (1) I don't want to continue trying to train the software by using the thumb up/thumb down buttons for each set of 4 sample packs based on the demo tunes, (2) I sincerely believe it would take far less time to create my own layers to combine without sounding like garbage, (3) I am starting to get a nasty headache from listening to the demo tunes and the wav files trying to figure out how to reword my request to try to come closer to what I thought I was describing. For me it might be more interesting (1) if the "try to read my mind based on the words I used" game came closer to what I had in mind (and have done with my own) and (2) if I had more time and interest to try to train the software. As for being competitive, I suspect this kind of thing can become more "cost effective" that using human to create content.
  22. Hmmmm. I tried "one to two minute slowly evolving, pleasantly mellow, ambient textures." I am not trying to figure out what words I can use to get what I was looking for. I had in mind sounds that were from one to two minutes in length each where a single sound slowly evolved in harmonic content (i.e., texturally) from the start of the sound to the end. I think I understand how results I got are related to some of the key words I used but are not what I thought I was asking for.
  23. As far as I can tell, the Cherry Audio Instruments and Ignite are the same as the April Bundle. My bad. See below. Evidently it the current one is the same as the October Humble Bundle. Based on my records, the Cherry Audio Instruments and Voltage Modular Ignite in the current Music Creators Power Pack (Holiday Encore) are the same ones offered in the Music Creators Power Pack that was offered April 2023.
  24. Thanks for confirming that despite nasty tinnitus and a huge mid- to high-range hearing loss, my septuagenarian ears are good for something! ? Thanks to your friend for asking and to you for sharing her method.
  25. Glad you were able to figure out the solution. Why do you want to see all plugins at the same time? Is it to choose what to insert somewhere within Cakewalk? Or is it to take an inventory of your plugins? If the latter, there is a tool available called VST Inventory (part of scook's CbB Tools).
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