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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I am just a Cakewalk users (i.e., not staff or anything), but thought I'd share my solution--vibrant colors (or whatever colors work for you).
  2. Thanks for the link to the details in your post from January about your modified keyboard (including the enlarged keyboard picture in the pdf). Your original post in the current thread now makes more sense. As I now understand it, you already had your own setup (including keyboard mappings/bindings using your modified keyboard) that worked very well for you and the changes Cakewalk did really messed that up. I now understand why you would rather see Cakewalk focus on other features/optimizations (that you need more than "Workspaces/Lenses"). I will have to look more closely at your post from January to see if there is anything I can borrow to use in designing my own customized "Workspaces." For what it's worth, in a box, I have a prototype [breadboard] of the start of an arduino-based midi controller. It has been collecting dust for a few years. If I get back to it (one of these years), I might want to borrow some ideas from your modified-keyboard-as-Cakewalk-controller project.
  3. Your keyboard arrangement looks interesting as far as I can read the large labels. Unfortunately, the labels on the keys are too small, but I get the idea.
  4. Hi. Over the past few months I have worked on developing my own personal Workspaces [formerly Lenses]. On my "to-do" list is testing and developing different key bindings for use in different Workspaces. I have noticed that with 2019.11, Workspaces seem to be faster to switch/load than previously. With your interest in key bindings, have you tested the use of Workspaces to switch sets of key bindings? If so, I am wondering if you have any specific observations to share--things that work, things that don't work as expected, specific uses of key bindings that seem well-suited for specific tasks, etc. Last week, a fellow Cakewalk user posted some Workspaces in trying to solve a problem. I looked at those and got some excellent ideas related to PRV key bindings that I will try to work into my personal Workspaces (such as my "Staff Entry" Workspace). I mention this to give you an idea of what I am interested in--if you have explored using Workspaces to switch key binding sets. Thanks.
  5. Good question, Jim; I was wondering about this, too. I fantasized a momentary rectangular magnifying glass type thing that when you hover on a collapsed track folder might show what's in the folder. That way, when looking for a specific track in a pane of collapsed folders, we could just hover over them one by one instead of ||: expanding and collapsing :|| many folders. Not sure if that what the request was for, but that's the mental image it conjured up for me. (Just don't ask me to try to make a mock up of this!) ?
  6. I thought that solo referred to recorded tracks, not to midi thru to external gear. At least that's what I get when I read "Soloing Tracks." To me, Midi Thru refers to something different. To me it sounds like you want to request a new feature--solo external gear, maybe? I can think of a number of possible ways to address the confusion caused by the MSR buttons being immediately adjacent to the midi thru button. It seems to me that intuitively (i.e., just looking at the buttons as buttons on the top track line) they seem to have a similarity; but, the midi thru button is very different. I am not sure what you are trying to do, but maybe an option in [P] Preferences will help . The "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" under "MIDI - Playback and Recording" can be disabled. Also, thanks for raising this issue; it gave me an opportunity to explore the buttons in the "Mix" Module and how they interact with the track buttons on highlighted/active and unhighlighted tracks and folders. I never knew there was so much flexibility in configuring them!!!!
  7. Is your CAL stuff available somewhere?  Thanks.


    1. Michael Vogel

      Michael Vogel

      Here’s a (1week) time limited link to my OneDrive account where you can download the zip file and a number of other documents. 



    2. User 905133

      User 905133

      Thanks!!  I looked at the CAL programs way back when (maybe Cakewalk for MS-DOS and for Windows 3.1), and had no idea that there was more to them until recently. I took a quick look (while downloading) and have made a mental note to read these resources more thoroughly.


    3. Michael Vogel

      Michael Vogel

      CAL is specific to Cakewalk (Cakewalk Application Language). 
      CAL  was deprecated 10+ years ago around Sonar 8.5 or X1 so not not only are there no new developments, some of the features no longer work. 
      Only those parts connected to the included CAL scripts still work properly. Anything else CAL wise is a bit of a lottery. 

  8. I have almost no experience with PRV, but I looked in Sonar 3 Producer and am wondering if this is what's being discussed? First png: I had no data, but had a line drawing tool. It had a big + [plus] on the right side of the line that didn't get captured. ADDENDUM: Second png: hand drawn and line tool with data. Third png: tool bar with "Draw Line [L]" Tool
  9. I copied both "OK" and "Key/Mouse Killer" into the User Workspace folder. I opened Cakewalk, then a project, and first switched to "OK." No problems. I then switched to "Key/Mouse Killer." Both my typing keyboard and mouse worked. I will try a few more times. (2019.11 build 54) UPDATE: I tried playing projects, loading up to 3 more projects while one was playing, stopping and starting the transport, switching to and from the K/M Killer. At no point did I lose the ability to use my mouse and/or keyboard. I hope support/staff and help track down this elusive problem.
  10. Not sure if its just me, but are the preference boxes in English on both the German and French pages? If so, it makes sense--the help pages tell users in German and French how to change Cakewalk from English.
  11. User 905133

    Tempo changes

    @David Baay OK. Got it working. Thanks!!!!
  12. I appreciate the opportunity to test the consistency of my Workspaces-in-Progress. I now have more confidence in their design. Good to know the cause in your case.
  13. Try [P] > Customization > Display > Languages (Just a guess. I tried switching to German and got a Windows Pop-Up (UAC) asking if I wanted to allow Registry Console Tool to make a change.)
  14. I suspect this might be related to discussions in recent threads addressing screen sets, locked screen sets, and Workspaces. Are you using any of those to save/restore your project? This is one recent thread. I recall others. Also, in a thread related to a recent hotfix, there's this: See also Noel Borthwick's comments in the thread linked above. I recall other related references, too; I hope these (above) help get you to a customized solution that works for you.
  15. I like this as an alternative to going into Event List mode (multiple methods to do a task). Thanks!!
  16. User 905133

    Tempo changes

    I know I did this; I'd have to find the project (or the thread where it was discussed). I seem to recall a specific thread** where someone wanted to be able to stretch/shrink an audio file to make it fit a certain length. There might also be a method where audio is turned into a clip that has tempo. If I tried that, I don't remember. Maybe someone else can explain that process. UPDATE: See David Baay's setup steps for using Audiosnap. Footnote: From what I have seen plain old inserted/imported audio plays at its own rate while midi (and groove clips, I believe) track with the transport tempo. **Addendum: This is the thread I was remembering. PS: I seem to remember reading or seeing a video tutorial about other possible techniques (possibly mapping the tempo of audio). If so, those might be better options. I will defer to other who have more experience with / knowledge of those techniques. Addendum 2: Just found my "Fit-to-time" test to visually show at a glance the effect of the stretch. Mine was a textural piece, but it might work for your needs.
  17. User 905133

    Custom toolbars

    Not 100% sure if this is what you want, but it seems to me the Custom Module on the Control Bar might be what you are looking for (based on your reference to the save and cut buttons. I will work from that assumption for the time being. If the Custom Module is not on your Control Bar, enable it by (1) right clicking on the Control Bar, (2) selecting Modules, and (3) enabling the Custom Module. From there you can right click on any button and choose what functionality you want the button to have. Footnotes: (1) Below is one of "Mine" just as an example. (2) If you get into creating different Workspaces for different tasks/workflows, you can have different sets of customized buttons. For example, I have been working on a Staff Entry Workspace to help me focus on (1) entering notes either by a usb keyboard or by the Tools Module and (2) editing them either in the Staff View or another view (including the Event List).
  18. Hi. I am just a user of SONAR/Cakewalk; I am not staff and have no official connections. I would not even call myself a "power user," though I have been exploring it since this past summer. When I first saw your post, I explored the fret board because I had never seen it even though I have used the software for decades. I like learning new things others mention about my DAW of choice in case I can use new-to-me features. I set up a simple loop and I did see some problems with notes. Unfortunately, since I have no need to use the fret board display, I did not explore it as much as I have done with other features. It seemed to me (just a guess) that there is some sort of intelligence with the fret board display. For example, an isolated note will show up in one position, but based on later notes, the position will change. Maybe there is some sort of look-ahead process in the note placement algorithm (again, just a guess). I seem to remember that depending on the size of my multidock window, sometimes when the loop restarted, the first note was there and sometimes it wasn't. Again, I am not 100% certain of this as I didn't explore it extensively. I am just guessing here, but maybe the re-draw fret board itself interferes with the drawing of the first note. From what I have seen based on a very obscure bug I found and reported (which was subsequently fixed), I believe the team definitely wants to fix bugs. From what I have seen in this forum, it helps if they can reproduce the bugs. Maybe there is a configuration setting (just a guess) that can be changed that would help. @mgustavo Glad to see someone else looked into this. The things I saw were in the fret board display (as opposed to the Tab display). Let me see if I save the project I used to test. If so, I can post a screen shot. UPDATE: It does not look like I saved my fret board test.
  19. OK, you convinced me. I looked at Cantable again. It looks like they have a fair number of issues, complaints, feature requests, etc. That being said, I didn't see any verbal abuse of staff or users who like Cantable. For the time being, I will stick with a known quantity, even if it seems to be optimized for non-live uses.
  20. Will Workspace users still be able to design some with icons hidden and some with them showing?
  21. Is the multidock floating? If so, dock it. Or are you trying to have something like a full track view on Monitor 1 and a floating console on Monitor 2? Also, thanks for clarifying which specific visual elements are problematic. PS: I just tested one of my Workspaces [developed when they were Lenses]--"Undock-Float-001d." The console and Inspector open up on Monitor 2; other panes open up on Monitor 1. Not sure I can post a screen shot--will try. You don't have my custom Theme, but if you want to test drive the Workspace, let me know. On three tries right now opening three different projects, the console and Inspector opened up on my 2nd monitor and the first monitor has the expanded track view, floating Control Bar, and Floating Browser. Here's a different project with the same Workspace plus the same project when I switched to the Advanced Workspace [all on one monitor]. When I switched back to Float-Undock-001d, the visual arrangement returned. The second monitor had no Cakewalk panes/windows because I used the Advanced Workspace which only uses one monitor. Did I mention I think Workspaces are great (definitely improved from the former version of Lenses) and am looking forward to further refinements as forecast in another thread? In any case, I posted these in case you can use them to help with your Dual-Monitor setup. ADDENDUM: See warning about undocked / floating windows when having multiple projects loaded. Based on my experiences, not recommended!!
  22. I used to take the "Widget Filter"** for granted. It's usefulness solidified for me when I used the Track Control Manager. I think taking 3 -5 minutes on two different days creating my own Track Control presets [or "Widget Filters"] when I got back into Cakewalk in the summer really helped me. For each type of strip we can decide what "widgets" are useful to us personally. It helps me to focus by reducing visual distractions. For example my "==> MIDI" filter helps me focus when all I want to do is assign midi I/Os, banks, and/or presets. OK, now I can take the rest of the day off! ? ------------------------ ** Officially, I think its called "Track Control" in the Reference Guide. "Widget" is defined as being related to StudioWare panels, though "Widget Section" is the first column in the Manager, the Reference Guide refers to "Track view controls (widgets)," "Cakewalk knob or widget," etc. The term "widget" seems to have many uses (function overloading?). Anyhow, I think "Track Widget Filter" fits.
  23. Thanks for confirming this. I have one range (C2 to C4) going to an instance of TTS-1 on a single midi channel. I will try another range to create a second zone. (I am more used to setting up zones on usb keyboards!) OK. Got two different ranges going to two different channels on TTS-1. Addendum: with overlapping ranges you can get layering. Thanks for asking about this @bertus weyers and thanks for the suggestions @scook This technique fits in with a couple of personal project templates I have been working on.
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