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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Yes, you can play midi note data on a software synth without having any MIDI Output devices selected. Preferences > MIDI > Devices > Outputs = hardware ports connected to MIDI devices that receive and play MIDI data You can enter MIDI data in several different ways, including using the piano roll. Preferences > MIDI > Devices > Inputs = hardware ports connected to MIDI devices that send MIDI data
  2. I got notified on the forum 2 or 3 years ago. However, before that no one from Cakewalk ever sent me an e-mail that SONAR was going out of business back in 2017, and no one from Bandlab ever sent me an e-mail in 2018 that they had resurrected the software. It wasn't until after I had wasted money on another company's useless software (2019) that someone I knew online mentioned that Cakewalk was now being offered by Bandlab. I could have save $150 and a whole lot of time trying to get the other DAW to work. Sorry, no pity from me that users of Cakewalk by Bandlab didn't know that Bandlab Assistant stopped being used for CbB years ago.
  3. In college I met someone who claimed that Father Sarducci (an occasional character on the US TV Show Saturday Night Live played by Don Novello) was actually Frank Zappa. I accepted his right to cling to that opinion. My bad. My main intent in posting the link to the original Mr No Name thread was not to prove that he lied, but that (1) I have a history of trying to help people, (2) I have a history of asking clarifying questions, and (3) to point to the background for some of my statements to Starship Krupa above. I should have been more clear as to my reasons for including the link, even if the enumeration of reasons like that is something I learned in academia and could be considered pedantic. ?
  4. If you want to believe Mr No Name's false accusation against me, I suppose there are some that would say "Everyone is entitled to their opinion" to which we can add "even if they are factually wrong." TLDR. Oh wait...... Sorry, force of habit.? @Starship Krupa After re-reading the original "Mr No Name" thread and seeing the length and pedantry in some of my posts, I think we should pretend we were separated at birth. Otherwise some people will jump to the false conclusion that you and I are the same person. ?
  5. If you think this is funny, you are an *****. In case anyone is inclined to believe Mr No Name's blatant, malicious, and malevolent lie, you might want to read this thread.
  6. Well, I was confused by your answering a question as if you were the person the question was addressed to. One other option was that you have (at least) two accounts and for some reason you were using Mr No Name so you could post things you didn't want people to associate with Starship Krupa. I thought that would be too ridiculous (though not impossible), which was why I expressed surprised. I mean if I quote person X and ask directly "what did you mean when you said Y?" and you know I know the history, but person X presents himself as someone new to the community who doesn't read manuals, why would you answer a question as if you are someone else? I suppose if you wanted to answer on behalf of Mr No Name (assuming you are two different people) Based on the posts I have seen made under the name of Mr No Name, I had no reason to assume he didn't mean what he actually said. So I did the responsible thing and asked a direct question to get clarification. So I was quite surprised that you told me something that I have every reason to believe you know I knew. Your insinuation that I might have been "deliberately obtuse" is very problematic. As I stated, based on previous posts I have read from the Mr No Name account, I would have been wrong to assume that Mr No Name meant So far as I have seen from his posts Mr No Name could very well have thought that Cakewalk was designed as a free DAW so Bandlab [the company] could attract people to Bandlab [the software / app / ecosystem]. This is an false dichotomy. In case it's not clear, I asked for clarification about what "Mr No Name" meant by what he said. It was clear that I was asking a direct question for the purpose of getting a clarification of what he meant. I don't understand at all how that was not clear to you from my post.
  7. I hate to tell you because I thought you knew, but Cakewalk was around long before Bandlab acquired the Intellectual Property that became CbB.
  8. There are many ways of expressing dissatisfaction with the status quo. IMO, it's on the complainers not the company (to borrow your wording) for distorting the current state of affairs. I would rather the Bakers spend their time continuing to make daily improvements in the new products instead of paying attention to all the noise.
  9. https://www.roland.com/uk/blog/rd-stage-pianos-history/#:~:text=In 2001%2C the next big,the JV and XV Series. https://cdn.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/RD-500_OM.pdf https://www.roland.com/global/products/hp700_series/#:~:text=Roland's HP700 series supports your,instrument that grows with you. https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/HP704_702_eng02_W.pdf
  10. In another thread on a different issue, David Baay wrote something that explains what I wrote (see above): This makes sense!! Thanks.
  11. Instrument files (*.ins) shouldn't affect whether or not CbB (Cakewalk by Bandlab) sees your interface. Years ago I borrowed a Mio usb to midi interface cable to test drive and it worked very well, but that was on an XP SP3 PC. Does the interface show up as a midi device in Preferences > MIDI > Devices? A screenshot might help to figure out what's going on. Also, under MIDI > Playback and Recording, does it say MME or UWP? Update: For the Roland Instrument file which contains the definition for the RD-700GX, see the links on this page . However, the manual I found for the Digital Piano RD-700 is copyrighted 2001, which is not quite 30 years old. What model do you have? If yours is really from 1994, there might not be an *.ins file for your model. The earliest Roland.ins file I have is from 1998. I sometimes have good luck searching for *.ins files on the internet, so I will look to see if there is an instrument definition for your model.
  12. What do you mean when you say Cakewalk was designed to attract people to the bandlab platform?
  13. Message I started: but when I came back to finish up, John Vere had written: But there seems to be a new problem (or a manifestation of the original problem that didn't get fixed): First of all, are you using the same file or did you make a "Save As" copy of it to try to repair? That might or might not be necessary; that's just what I have done. Second, are you loading the project in CbB's Safe Mode? Not sure it will help, but it might be worth trying. NOTE: There are plenty of people trying to help you with this one and I am hesitant to interfere, but since no one else mentioned these two points, here's my "two-cents worth" just in case they help.
  14. SOS article (for Cakewalk Project 5) SOS article (for Cakewalk Project 5 v. 2)
  15. The only time I lose the metronome is when I accidentally change it to MIDI. So, last night I tried to get rid of (exclude) the grooveplayer in the Menu-based Cakewalk plug-in manager. It was excluded (or so it said), I rescanned plug-ins, and I even restarted CbB, but I couldn't make the Metronome fail to sound. I still have the metronome today. So I renamed this: to GroovePlayer.pulled & rebooted CbB. That gave me tht Missing plug-in error warning box which included this: GroovePlayer (Track: 'LRS track bus'). And that's how I got rid of the Metronome. So I shut down CbB, renamed it back to GroovePlayer.dll, rebooted CbB, and viola--I had the metronome back. Note: I have some older Grooveplayer.dll files in storage areas of an external BU HDD, but I don't think those are being picked up by CbB. They are older than the one from 4/24/2018 (9/12/2013 and 8/10/2011) and are smaller (the 9/12/2013 file is either 795 KB, or 659 KB for the x86 version; the 8/10/2011 is 682 KB). Perhaps these details can be helpful in determining if you have the correct dll and if it's in the right place. As for editing the registry, I don't mess with that.
  16. I also had a version of some audio software Magix did that was geared towards kids. I think it was in the Win 98 SE era and might have had the word Jam in the title. I might still have the manual somewhere. Maybe it was called Music Maker; I'll have to look. I used Cakewalk and I got the Magix thing because one of my kids was interested in making music and I thought Cakewalk was a bit too advanced. Anyhow, maybe Magix had Music Maker and Movie Maker as an audio-video product line.
  17. OOOPS. I guess no one suggested to @DNnX to add - SOLVED to the Topic.
  18. Would you be kind enough to post the link to the specific post where this is stated? Thanks.
  19. What are you basing this assertion on? If its from a reputable source, please post the link. If it's just someone's opinion, does the source say it's a fact or identify it as speculation? If it originates from you, what facts did you put together to come up with this conclusion?
  20. Gearspace has a thread "Is this site a fake? - pluginboutique.SHOP" from mid March 2022!!!!
  21. Thanks for the clarification. I have the manual for Sony's Screenblast Movie Studio (2003). I am sure I test drove the software when I first got it, but I have no files on my current computers. There might be some tests I did on an XP SP3 PC. For a few years I played around with Nero software, even tested editing some OBS captures with it.
  22. I get these things: I just checked with Everything (Void Tools) and the zip files for the Sound Libraries I have been updating are definitely eating up my drive space. I have also been taking screenshots of My PC to keep an eye on the free space on my HDD. Not sure if the Sound Libraries will install properly (assuming I don't run out of GBs). But the last IK Product Manager update I did has the % meter.
  23. Looks like Tonex CS has also been updated:
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