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Everything posted by User 905133
I got a popup that says I don't recall seeing that with previous REMatrix freebies. I might have missed it, though.
I am not laughing at you with the ha-ha emoji; laughing at myself. I feel like a "dunderhead" (whatever that is) for not digging this out for you. I have maintained a personal *.ods file [spreadsheet] for a number of years to track which IK products I had (not presets, though) and which ones were included in their bundle variants. In fact, I consulted the spreadsheet when there was the Humble Bundle deal a few months ago.
Are we allowed to play this? ð
Thanks for this handy bite-sized chunk of info. I generally don't do anything like this, but your concise mini-review was perfect to focus my hands-on self-exploration.
Thanks for the heads-up. Here's a link for others interested in the 17.04 beta changes.
Malfunction of track Solo when using MIDI remote control
User 905133 replied to GraemeSPa's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
FWIW, I don't generally use controllers (e.g. CCs) as control surfaces for the DAW's functions. For the most part I use buttons, knobs, sliders, etc. to control synths (including soft synths w/in my DAW. However, earlier today I confirmed this [remote control CCs change the Solo on/off display but not the function itself] with my keyboard using CbB build 125. I just did another test (and confirmation) with a nanokontrol. I am reminded of a similar issue I had a few years ago with the inspector-based arpeggiator's Latch display v. the Latch function. IIRC there were other anomalies like that--CCs made the button's display toggle on and off, but not the button's function. -
Do I need to say why "Ouch" warrants triple points? Beatles Parody Soundtrack Song Parody [Hard Day's Night - > Help ] Commentary on the "special day."
Thanks. This might be it. Although I used to shop at my local Guitar Center, I didn't have an account.
How long did it take to get the license (assuming you got it)? I ask because I ordered mine around 5-6 hours ago and still no license. Their Help Desk said it can take up to 24 to 48 hours.
Fake News! ððð
This is an excellent question. I had T-Racks 5 Max [not Max v.2] and got T-Racks 6 CS. Based on that admittedly limited experience, the plug-ins scanned as different plug-ins. That's all I know and defer to others with more knowledge of T-Racks 6.
Apologies if I was too subtle. I assumed that people would read the link and realize it wasn't an upgrade but the full version. UPDATE: Evidently Sweetwater has changed the price. See discussion below.
https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TRackS6MAX--ik-multimedia-t-racks-6-max-software-suite UPDATE: Evidently Sweetwater has changed [increased] the price. See discussion below.
I want to pay Bandlab in Singapore dollars!
User 905133 replied to John Vere's topic in The Coffee House
I seem to recall seeing him in the forum fairly recently--possibly with a new song? Did you look there? -
Bandlab Membership perks have expanded with new effects
User 905133 replied to Pragi's topic in Deals
WOW. I can't remember the last time I used The Bandlab App. As a non-online DAW user I forgot how to use Bandlab Studio, but I see that some DAW-based test tunes I did and tested the Publish to Bandlab feature with are there along with some tests from 2019-2021. -
So is ASIO4ALL from the 1990s? or from 2000s? Sorry, I am so old I can't remember dates; it just seems like it was around forever. Maybe I have some old hard drives from when I used to have Sound Blaster Cards? Maybe they will still work in some old PC I have collecting dust?
When is Sonar going to have some new toys to play with?
User 905133 replied to Cannimagine's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
Certainly, but they will also be for Sonar users who didn't buy anything from the old Cakewalk company. Gosh, darn! I have been holding out for a sliding scale discount based on how much Loyalists have paid over the decades to all the former makers of Cakewalk software since Cakewalk for MS-DOS! ðĪŠ -
theme Tuncury Light Green Theme Updated for CbB 2021.12
User 905133 replied to scook's topic in UI Themes
Just a guess (I could be wrong): if it was updated, the date would be reflected on his webpage. -
Confused by reply on Sonar by Caldecott. Hope?
User 905133 replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
FEATURE REQUEST (which I hope is or could be under serious consideration wrt Z3TA+): Please bring back the ability to use the FX with external audio which was in Z3TA+ 1.5. It need not be a separate plug-in; a single plug-in that can handle audio input might serve the same purpose (depending on efficiencies). Thanks. -
This helps explains politics (among many other things). What "we" think we see is incorrect when measured by standardized, time-tested objective tools. This reminds me of a book I got as child. Based on the cover image, it was most likely Visual Illusions Their Causes, Characteristics and Applications by M. Luckiesh (published by Dover Press). ADDENDUM: Found it on line in a few different formats: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/36297/36297-h/36297-h.htm https://archive.org/details/visualillusionst00luck_0/page/n3/mode/2up Note: No copyright issues here--it's from 1922, originally published by Van Nostrand.