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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Good to know that XLN customer service was able to tell you how to revert to the older AD2. I only needed to contact them twice over the years and found they were very helpful in both those instances.
  2. Not sure you are aware, but there was also an update several months ago.
  3. It's on sale again for $12 for another 13 days (same link).
  4. Also, look at the video Plugin Boutique has on YouTube: It is from November 2021, approx. 1 month before my screenshot. I could be wrong, but this might be a clearance sale of virtual "New Old Stock" [old serials at a major discount].
  5. I don't keep track of IK's product variants any more. But I seem to recall a VI bundle was available previously.** Not sure of the exact name of the contents because I only tracked the names of overlapping bundles to compare with what I already had have(to see how many of the included products I didn't have that were included in the bundle). I could be wrong, but based on the items that were missing from this bundle (compared with what I have had for a few years) I noticed that this bundle does not have some newer ST4 sound packs and SYN2 Instruments. Yesterday I also tried to find a record of the previous VI bundle to see if this was new or old and to post a link to a comparison, but I couldn't find it. It might be that the VI bundle focuses on the base instruments as opposed to the instruments plus the libraries. I'll let someone who knows more about the older VI bundle speak to that issue. That being said, if anyone is interested in this bundle, you might want to do some comparisons. My gut impression is that this might be a clearance sale of the same VI bundle that was offered previously. Caveat emptor. **UPDATE: I found an IK webpage screenshot from 2021 that includes the blurb for the previous Total VI MAX I saw: ". . . every virtual instrument for Total Studio 3.5 MAX is here."
  6. IIRC a few people suggested this a few years ago, maybe even several times.
  7. You can use a floating [undocked] window. Also, IIRC there is a shortcut key-combo that will let you not have dragged windows drop into one of the automatic placement slots.** I will see if I can find it. UPDATE: Try CTRL + Mouse Drag & Drop. **In case it's not clear, what I am calling "automatic placement slots" is what you call "that annoying blue thing."
  8. I looked at a version of the M50 editor manual I downloaded and also saw this ^^^. I then looked at the discussion. I could be wrong, but the issue seems to be about MIDI communication, not whether or not the editor itself is producing sound.
  9. (1) @sjoens I also found the post helpful (which is why I "liked" it yesterday), even though I haven't yet had a chance to explore it. (2) The last time I tried understanding how take lanes work, I ran into an issue that I ultimately decided to abandon until a future date. So, since today is indeed a future date from way back in 2022, I looked up a post about the issue I was having, mainly for my own benefit, but also in case others stumble onto any insights regarding soloed takes when projects are saved and reloaded. I have way too much to do and too little time, but exploring the points raised in this thread are now on my "to-do" list WRT using take lanes. @David Baay & @Starship Krupa Thanks for the details about your methods for using take lanes.
  10. What are you using to play the sounds from the MIDI data?** It sounds to me like you are not using hardware (an external sound-producing device). If so, are you using a software sound-producing device (e.g., VST)? If so, do you have a MIDI track routed properly to that device? There could be many reasons why you don't have sound, but that's the first thing I'd check based on the information you've given. It might help to show the tracks involved including the track control "widgets." As for the lack of MIDI I/O devices, are you using a MIDI interface? Do you have MIDI devices connected to your computer? Do you have the proper driver installed? **BTW, is it safe to assume you know that MIDI data is not audio and that you know you need either hardware or software to produce sound from the MIDI file?
  11. Yup! I did this several years ago, too. I also got notifications for live online events to see the best of new midi devices / tools (hardware and software) that had been developed and then submitted for consideration under various categories. The association made it super easy to stay connected in many ways.
  12. Since your workflow (tweaking notes in take lanes) is very different from my various workflows I have been trying to understand how you use the take lanes. For years I have used tracks as lanes but never took to exploring the use of Take Lanes. Several years ago I used an exploratory workflow on several songs-in-progress where I created a basic orchestrated progression (bass, drums, rhythmic chords, and pad chords) and used take lanes to trying layering all sorts of melody lines to try to make a pop/rock medley. Before that I never tried editing (adding / tweaking notes and other musical elements) on the take lane level. Since it was personally intuitive editing on the track level using such tools as the staff view, the event list, cutting and pasting, etc. I never took to using take lanes. They have some characteristics that would have taken far too much mental energy for me to try to understand what was going on with them (e.g., weird breaks when loop recording, strange issues when saving and restoring soloed/muted lanes, etc.). Not 100% sure, but when I was using the exploratory song-in-progress take-lanes-based workflow, I might have tried tweaking notes as well as editing take lanes, but since it wasn't personally intuitive, I went back to my tried-and-trusted methods (tracks as lanes). I don't recall if I tried combining sections of different takes within the take lanes subview. I might have tried and then just went back to my personally successful methods. Since then, I seem to recall reading some forum discussions of methods for using, selecting, and combining takes. I would be interested in hearing the details of how others successfully use take lanes. I have never doubted that for some users they can be very helpful. So, I would be interested in hearing from others as to how they use the take lanes subview. I don't use the PRV (personal preference), but this ^^^ might also benefit workflows which use other tools. I occasionally listen to and jam along with some of those old song-in-progress projects (esp. "Ray" -- so nicknamed because it is based on a Ray Manzarek style electric piano "bass" line). The next time I will try to make some time to explore what I was doing in combination with additional methods others present.
  13. Sorry to hear of your losses. Though I never shared my home with a dog, some have lived at the homes of my next-door neighbors (on both sides). As well, the sidewalk running past my house has been part of a regular routine for many neighborhood walkers (dogs accompanied by humans). Over the decades I have learned that dogs (as well as people) have their own unique "personalities" and special ways-of-being-in-the-world. Thanks for sharing Missi with us.
  14. Did you try it with an Instrument Track?
  15. Please note: The blurb (quoted above) is vague. I ran the MPluginManager 2 days ago, but didn't have Power Woodwinds. I did have a small Power Woodwinds jpg on my PC. If you already have MSoundFactory and run the MPluginManager, based on my experience you need to do the following: Select the MSOUNDFACTORY & MDRUMMER ADDONS tab. Scroll down to PowerWoodwinds [441MB]. Select Download & Install.
  16. I remember reading some discussions of arp patterns; not sure if it's possible to create user patterns in current software. http://project5.technetos.com/technique/alesion-arp.shtml
  17. For me, if the cutoff frequency doesn't work on something I used, I'd say it was more than a little glitchy. Maybe it works on your PC?
  18. I almost never use the Modfilter, so I have no idea if the behavior changed and if it is a change, when the change started happening, but I gave it a try and found that for presets that seem to mute the track, changing settings (esp. the cutoff frequency for several presets I tested) seem to cause a sharp mute/unmute effect (mostly at a very low frequency). Do you find that, too? Any settings? Yesterday I tested and with the knob tweaking I did I found the cutoff frequency (esp. around 100) toggled the effect between mute and unmute.
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