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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Equal to rotation of the 45x45 pixel undershreddies? Which reminds me - have you finished with your turn yet? I believe I'm next, but be aware I'll be sending them straight back if you haven't scrubbed all the skid marks out of the gusset.
  2. Excellent idea. I'll take my share first if I may. We do get 50 years each, no?
  3. Pfft ..... you always have to lower the tone of my highbrow intelligous freds*. * Before they get nuked, that is
  4. ? You bloody Philistein Phillipstain Phillisstein Phillastein ...................... sceptic ?
  5. Details HERE. I think their estimate may be missing a zero at the end.
  6. The singer seems a little angry ? I'll get me coat.
  7. We get it. Irony is easy to understand ferrous Brits.
  8. Quick query to any moderator who may read this: Did my sensible, educational, thought provoking and interesting thread concerning the declassified Russian documentary about the Tsar Bomb get er..... um........ nuked*? Fair enough - I have absolutely no problem whatsoever if it was removed for its 'non-music-related' subject matter, but could I politely ask that the rules are enforced fairly and across the board going forward? A cursory view down the first couple of page of the CH reveals a litany of other non-music-related threads that have been completely left alone, and some remain whose only relevance to music seems to be the vague, if not intangible, inclusion of a musical instrument in the title. Thanks. * The aforementioned irony.
  9. Very cool. But there's a hand missing. What is the missing hand fingering? Enquiring minds need answers.
  10. The Darkness have always exemplified this approach Dave - it takes some front to release a (very popular) Christmas single with such a gloriously none-too-PC title ? ..
  11. A sheep in a swimsuit just drove past me at around 200mph … … it was a lamb bikini.
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