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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. You have to wait until Monday to ask him if his website is legit? ?
  2. That could be the title of Bapu's autobiography ...
  3. Ur like so within ur rites to do that. Ta very muchly ?
  4. I (normally) loathe people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". In my case, I'm prepared to make an exception. I do enjoy being corrected though, it will ensure I'm more assiduous in future.
  5. That's fine - I didn't make that one ?
  6. Straummy, why do you goad Craigb (ITIHRN) into posting his pic of everyone claiming to be Bapu? ? I wouldn't mind, but I created that wonderful piece o fart. And he never credits me.
  7. You only joined this forum yesterday Tim. Unless you're name is Bapu, you're old post count from the Cakewalk forum doesn't follow you to this new incarnation.
  8. You're not taking this seriously are you Wibbly? Anywho ...
  9. I'm right-handed, but I can operate a mouse very comfortably left-handed - as long as the left/right click buttons are set for right-handed use. My dad was almost perfectly ambidextrous, though he preferred writing left-handed. I, on the other hand, am perfectly amphibious.
  10. That's been said about me before. Mostly by me ?
  11. Bapsi's always got a bass in his hands. Where's the option in the poll for: "Always holding one's massive instrument"?
  12. That is because you are, quite obviously, a witch. I shall however refrain from calling for you to be burnt at the stake ?
  13. Fender UK sell just about everything in their current range and ship for free for orders over £50. They sell at about the same price as most other UK-based online retailers; in fact the prices for new US-made Fender guitars seem to be the same price wherever you look, a bit like a cartel where nobody sells cheap and they all make the same margins. You can pick up a bargain from the main online dealers when new ranges of certain items are starting to be stocked (I picked up both my US Tele Deluxe and my US Strat Deluxe cheaper than they were then selling 'Standard' models for, I guess as they were making room for the new 'Elite' range (which replaced 'Deluxe'). I have noticed Fender UK never seem to discount amps and guitars, only occasionally running promotions on accessories etc. That's probably because they only seem to have the most up to date models of any range up for sale.
  14. Shane, could you not acquire one direct from Fender, e.g: https://www.fender.com/en-US/acoustasonic-guitars/telecaster/american-acoustasonic-telecaster-left-handed/0972018221.html
  15. That should handle all my compression needs. It's only taken 15 years, but I feel I no longer have to explain my crap jokes to you ? "Well done" ~ John (2011)
  16. I've just shared a little catch-up email conversation with Mike 'Spacey' and am happy to report that he's doing great!
  17. Yeah, good luck for whatever comes next. I've had some great (and varied) jobs over the years, even worked for myself for over 10 years, but one in particular turned out just like the one you mention - in hindsight (ain't it a wonderful thing!), I stuck around far too long and dearly wish I hadn't. Life's too short and all that ? .
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