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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Ken, I'm more than happy to donate toward your dream geetar … … where should I send this D string?
  2. A brief tale of: Strummy appears in court, all thanks to Kenny In hindsight m'lud, maybe I should have been a little clearer with my pronunciation and diction when I repeatedly offered her a "mouthful of my salty peanuts" ?
  3. Sadly Notes, there are plenty of slave owners and thousands of slaves in 2021AD. We never hear about them in the media because they don't fit the narrative.
  4. I am part of the choir ? 1980 Reading Festival Crowd - Merry Xmas Everyone
  5. 'Tis a mysterious, nay legendary, mystical and mysterious beastie that some say crawled forth from the primordial soup at the very birth of life countless eons ago and uttered the mysterious yet emphatic first words ever spoken by any carbon-based organism this side of the Andromeda galaxy. Those utterances have echoed down the centuries and have become as legendary and mysterious as the mysterious life-form that spaketh them. Those profound and unforgettable words, should you need reminding, were: "Tune thy mighty third string on thy mighty Fender - other basses are available - until it resonateth at the perfick pitch of the A Minor note". Either that or some bloke wiv sum basses, too many plug-ins, and an unmissable pair of plump, perky and protuberant moobs.
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