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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ............................ oily ?
  2. If you like the sound of a certain finger pattern you're playing on your guitar, copy it into this Online Chord Analyser and it will give you some suggestions for the name/s of the chord/s.
  3. Is it true his parents simply couldn't spell Kenya?
  4. I think it must be you mate, Crazy Horses is a great tune ?
  5. U2 --> Stiff Little Fingers: I Don't Like You
  6. An aubergine of the eggplant genus Appeared with a certain freeness In a post by our Ed At the top of this thread Because it looks just like a p ..
  7. More cowbell sir … … an older boy Van Halen made me do it, honest.
  8. Ken, I'll see your Donna The Donkey, and I'll raise you a Muffin The Mule* ? * Which, incidentally, is still a criminal offence in most parts of Great Britain ? .
  9. I heard that it's in a special folder somewhere that's never been allowed to see the light of day. You really need to let it go now ? ......... but please don't ?
  10. "X1 has been the most successful SONAR launch ever" I'll just leave that there ?
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