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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Feature request to re-install/repair, or -what ever name fits the idea, (well-basically as what it suggests.) To "re-install/repair" the installation from within Cakewalk or Assistant. The only way for me to do this now, would be to rollback to 2020.10 and update to 2020.11 again - right?
  2. Yeah. Done all those checks yesterday, even cleaned out my fans, CPU and Powersupply. Checked all my windows updates too. I'm a huge believer in MSI for close to 20 years now. MSI Radeon RX - 4GB DDR5 What I haven't yet is a re-install. I'm looking at it now, but I don't see away to do that from in the within cakewalk or the Assistant.
  3. Are you signed in to your Bandlab Account?
  4. This is becoming more of a "need" now. I literally had to ask a client to stop recording for 10mins as I was busy going through my inputs and setting for why I'm in "stereo." This really messes with me sometimes - like, again today. Dont know why now after all this years.
  5. Have you set the input when adding a track to "Input 1/Left Input" for Mic recording?
  6. Analog obsession is giving away 55 amazingly free plugins. https://www.analogobsession.com/
  7. Have you tried alt+mouse wheel roll? If it's not on by default, go to Options in the track pane, scroll down to > Mouse wheel zoom options click on it and set your settings at now time and active track (I think that's what it reads) or which ever you prefet - not in front of the Studio System right now. Hope it's what you're looking for. You can also try the Ctrl+left,right,up and down directional arrow keys on the keyboard.
  8. Have you tried to re-install the DAW? Something could have gone wrong there.
  9. ? I hear you. I think we have to do it right. Drag down "box pops up" KEEP or BOUNCE" do your selection - done. Here's still a few midi users. Your way is fine too. ?
  10. Right on the nose! Although, we have to think about other users too. So a pop up dialogue box as suggested before, that prompts "keep the midi information"(for midi track users) or to bounce to track with audio information - like in your workflow right there, with its own individual shortcut keys.
  11. Hey Noel. Thanks for taking noticed on this post. I'll try to explain this in the best way in can, with detailed information. 1: Right now without freezing the synth, if you drag the Midi information down from the Instrument track - it creates a "Midi Track with midi information." If you freeze the track, we get the Audio Information we want, that can be dragged down then, but with extra steps (not too much of a deal breaker) to unfreeze the instrument track again. 2: I took some time earlier and read all the comments in here and you right, the "O.I" (Original Idea) became lost in discussions with a few holes in it - guilty. 3: Some of things what was said above made good suggestion. The aim for this is in my "3rd and last GIF" I have added to this post. "Drag midi information from "Instrument track" to an Audio "Track with Audio Information" (Wav file.) This brought me to a simple and quickest way that will speed up things a bit. With the drag down function: a small dialogue box that prompts "Keep as Midi (keep as is) " or "Bounce to Track" would be a better solution right now to speed up things. This will bounce the information to an Audio Track "dry only" with the output as that of the original instrument track. If there's a quickest way - awesome. For now, this can be discussed around the information on the idea given here - should there be any further questions around here.
  12. Oh - it came out as you were giving a workaround. All good though. ?
  13. Does anyone have the same lagging issue with deleting a bus/surround tracks in the console view? I noticed this for the first time in new version after inserting a "Surround bus" accidentally.
  14. Download Asio4All for your system if you dont have an interface (not needed, but it's better than defaultone build in to your system) When you're done with the download and installation of Asio4All - hit "P" on the keyboard. In the preference under the "Audio Tab" click on "Playback and Recording">>"Driver Mode" and choose the Asio driver. Link http://www.asio4all.org/
  15. So you only want the scale to be displayed, not the note and frequency it's written in?
  16. Hey Chris. Here's what you don't understand. Speaking for myself on this, because I am a sound designer too. I'm well aware of that - I use it a lot, as you can see in the 2nd GIF above. Here's the problem and limitations. With today's major 3 genre's being "EDM, Hip Hop and Pop," a lot of sound design goes in it. For starters: I create my own "Glitch effect with a midi file. In one "Bar" I can sit with +50 cuts per beat with a tick snap of 2-10 (this depends on tempo.) Some of those cuts get then transpose +2 or -4 in the PRV - depending on the effect I'm after. Here's the frustration part: Imagine creating your own "Granular" effect from the midi file with certain Segments/Regions having cuts on for some reason - and you want to convert them to Audio Information with the "drag and drop." Bet you after you've dragged down>zoom in to check if all the clips are (Because bouncing to clips for some reason dont wont on midi information) You'll have some of those cuts that didn't copy with - headache. So this "on-the-spot" right click for the "Bounce to Audio" without, having to deal with a "Dialogue Box" how you would like to deal with - would make such a huge difference with this. Obviously a "Setting in the "Freeze to Synth" or Track tab like the one there is now - to turn "Copy with FX" On or Off.
  17. You'll have the option to select the convertion with or without the effects or clip tail. I think it'll be an neat feature to our workflow and creativity.
  18. Yeah man. With an option to change it's preferences in the "Freeze option" tab - or "Bounce to track" in the Track Tab to disable the "Wet or Dry." In my workflow I'd prefer a dry clip with this. I +1000 this feature!
  19. There's a module called "Event Inspector." Click anywhere on an empty space in the control bar. You also have the option to disable some of the modules you don't need in the workspace manager. Go to your workspace tab and select "Manage Workspaces" and choose "Control Bar." I think there's a bug in it. I only noticed it now on midi files. If you bounce the midi it shows the key, but as soon as you click of highlight the midi file again the key disappears.
  20. Press CTRL+T thats how it should "copy/bounce/render/burn/write" the Midi File to Audio track with the audio information. Without any effects on it - Dry as Mars. Obviously, the instrument FX inside itself wont be able to be removed with this, but if it's possible - hack yeah. You'll then have the option under the "Freeze synth option" to select how you want this feature to "Bouce/Render/Burn/Copy" the information to an Audio track for you. Like how it works now - Add or Remove FX.
  21. Not quite - there's a Yes and a No here. The "No" part is: We don't want it to copy the FX plugs in the chain. We want it to only copy the "clip/audio information" to an Audio track - from there you can add effects to it like with any other track. The YES: Just with a "right click" under "bounce to clips" and your track will be created with the "Bounce to track" feature. From here it will be treated as any other "Audio Track." A simple Idea that started from confusions and Arguments, Finally understood. This is why we need to ask question instead of just shrugging the OP off.
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