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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Just of the bet here:Cant this be done with Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C in the current PRV instrument and then Ctrl+V in the newly created track? Without the Articulations being copied? Just a random question.
  2. EXAMPLE ONLY!!! Here we go: This will give you the option to keep both Freeze and Audio information - in case editing is required on the instrument track, and only the highlighted region will be "freezed" by "right click."
  3. Hey Murat, Thanks. Yeah I know, but it comes with disadvantages.
  4. Gif2: What if you can freeze the individual files to an Audio track with a feature by right clicking? Right now, what I do is freeze the synth drag it down and do my "edits" and bounce the information on the "Audio Track" there, but this is a stretch at times - especially if you're just testing an idea with creativity. So, being able to "freeze to an audio track" by right clicking on the midi file, without having to freeze the synth first and then drag down - will be a much smoother workflow as you would still have the Freeze track in Midi and the "Midi Information" on an "Audio track" in audio information .
  5. Okay - I admit, I might have gotten the approach and idea towards my concept of the request wrong before. Gif1: At the moment if you want to bounce clips together after you've done a freeze and the audio clip has been edit with cut (as you might know, we cut and reverse certain sections on notes/chords in the region of the file/clip, a lot in EDM, Hiphop, Pop (3 major genre's at the moment.) This can't be done on the freeze track. I respect that, as you might want to go and unfreeze to alter a few information on it later.
  6. I'm uploading the final thought to what I think, I might have meant with this. I'll try not to be long with this at the bottom.
  7. If it can be done with export - why would it be a problem to do this "in place, in house, on the spot?"
  8. This is a "discussion," (as how it says in the discriiption heading what can be posted in the Feedback loop category.) If i'd only asked "What update everyone would like to see in 2021 - I would've post it as a Q&A under its tab. So, from this discussion anyone can then go and request these idea's if they get plenty of reaction. I don't see why this can't be done as a discussion. But, I'll make it clear for everyone and edit the title.
  9. Hi Jim. I hear you loud and clear. The Ctrl-Double does it for me though. It resets all my faders to zero same goes for the panpots, gain and send. It doesn't do a global reset though. Let me get back at you later.
  10. Do you perhaps have any group tracks that are linked?
  11. Easy: Here you go. All you have to do is Choose your desired format upon export. TIP: Create subfolders for each format like - e.g. "Stem folders, Wav Files, MP3" etc. and every time you export a certain format - only that folder will appear. Have Fun!✌️
  12. Yeah - you can't go wrong with Workspaces. ("PUN ALERT") It's like looking through your own personal "Lenses" into your workflow. ? I have them customed to every template, I've created for most major popular genre's projects I get to mix - or my own.
  13. Save your workspaces with your templates. Cakewalk makes this super easy. I made a custom template and named it "Empty" by overriding the one thats already included, and moved a copy to my external. It saves your workspaces with the desired custom templates. So, every time I start a new project, I just hit"Ctrl+S" and rename the newly project without altering the custom template. Here's the PDF of the documentation. Search "Cakewalk Workspaces" It's on page 68/69 https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
  14. It's done with "CTRL+Double Click" just make sure you select all the tracks with Ctrl+A to "highlight/Select all tracks." This will help you. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=KeyboardShortcuts.html But, a "Global Reset" wouldn't be a bad idea though.
  15. Have no idea, as I only have the Player/Sampler. Don't own any of their hardware yet - if that's what Timo was refering to.
  16. Yeah. Fully aware of that. Crazy about the player and their products. That's why I've been saving up for the s49. But if there's no support . . . ?
  17. ? This can't be! NO support? I was going to spoil myself end month with this - been saving up for this. ?
  18. Thanks @Jonathan Sasor Yeah, I always run a test on these things before committing to the new update.
  19. Yeah. I thought you meant the prochannel as a whole - that you can do. Move up and down. Knob adjustment with mousewheel - meh. A no-no. My fader port is collecting dust. literally used 4 days, but can't use 40% of it's function.
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