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Everything posted by Will.

  1. You can also group all your Drum Aux Tracks and send them to another Aux/Bus Tracks Named "Drums" and work them all as one track from there. Or I send all my 808's including Kicks, Claps, Snares, Toms Percussion, all to one Aux. Should there be a need for further cuts or boosts - you can always go back to the individual tracks and do it there . This saves a lot more CPU and Ram usage and less strain on the over performance as you'll be using less Plugins. Ps: I do understand all our workflow are different, but a separate trial and error test, to see how this could be implemented in your workflow and improvement will work - wont hurt to try. ✌
  2. Got you! Yeah it doesn't allow that (Well, I haven't bother to check for this yet.) Reason: I'm so used to "Ghost Information." What it allow us to do though, is the ability to edited the separate tracks by viewing the ghost information from the other copy in the previous track - if you're doing chorus or lip edits. Pretty much the same as how the PRV does it, and allow us to work with this.?
  3. If I understand you correctly - yes, it works right. Here's the thing. Not only do you open melodyne, but you also placing it directly on the clip (As how it's being used standard in CbB.) This means that, what ever edits you do, will be permanent after you render the region - "It's the exact same concept of adding a plugin directly on a clip." This means: When ever you close melodyne without rendering it to the region - you have to open the editor by going to the end of the clip, click on that little RegionFX Box and choose "Open Editor" if it's not docked in the multidock. It not a bug, it's been working that way since it was added to the Cakewalk product in Sonar Platinum. For this to work (be sync'd with the track view,) the region you wish to work on needs to be looped in track view - assuming you're not familiar with it (Which I apologize for.) You have to highlight the region in the clip you wish to work on, then: press Ctrl+L on the keyboard to loop the area and to point Melodyne in the direction of the cursors/markers and Now time - with that of the Track View.
  4. You need to make sure that the tempo of the samples you import, are of the same BPM with that on the DAW and each other.
  5. There's seems to be a bug with inserting Mono Instrument tracks. When trying to insert two of the same instruments. The output of Track 1 and 2 of the inserts are linked and not split - As seen in the picture. It also sometimes creates 2 inserts and a midi track. Stereo outputs works fine. I hardly never use two of the same mono inserts, so it's been a while and I'm pretty sure this used to work before. Instrument Track Per Output and "Split Instrument Tracks" can't be selected at the same time. Could that be the cause?
  6. Seriously? ARE YOU REALLY GONNA TELL ME THAT'S HOW THAT WORKS WHEN IT'S CLEARLY PITCHBEND. Wow!!! Don't know what DAW you're using - all I know is, im using cakewalk.
  7. What you need to remember is, if your samples are not the same BPM - it will definitely be a monster quest for anyone that is starting out -- irrespective of which you're using. You will have to stretch; cut them; nudge them and often, you'll have to stretch most of those split clips to be sync'd with the tempo and your "Beats Per Minute"(BPM.) Best that you watch some video's on how BPM work with samples. Once you understand that concept - it will be like breathing.
  8. This Ariticulations feature won't be fixed overnight. This is gonna take some time to master and get it to work as it should. We shouldn't rush it. I think it's gonna take at least 3 more months for it to be in focus with the DAW. #MuchRespect to the team working hard on this - it's a true headache for sure. ?
  9. I hear your point and frustration. It happens sometimes. I've had it happen to me with too. You have to think "Workstations" with this issue. Your custom workstation and your custom template settings work as team. So every changes you make to your windows; screens and preferences settings, save your workstations to your tenplate from anywhere in a project - you don't have to do this on an empty template. So, the next time you update, Cakewalk wont revert you back to the default template settings and workstations.
  10. Always a good idea to create your own personal custom Templates and save them on an external device.
  11. Hi Team. Future request for Meters to switch with the interleave between Mono and Stereo. ~W~
  12. Oh - This is easy! Been available for a few years. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Go crazy. Note: Your Midi Keyboard need to be connected for this to work. Have fun!
  13. Hi Team. Can we please get the Renaming of tracks to follow in clips, or the Renaming of clips to follow in tracks? Another awesome feature would be to have a next button in the dialog box, to eliminate having to exit everytime. Another way this could be done, is to synchronize that orange highlighted little box on the track number to the Rectangle Indication box around the name, so that those can work in line with that of the clip. Right now, the white highlighted area with those of the track works independently. When you sometime use the directional arrow key, it falls on the Solo, Mute, phase, Write or Read button at times - making it impossible to move to the next track to rename by pressing ENTER. I know this can be done in the Track Tab, but using shortcut keys is much more convenient.
  14. Can we fix Replace Old With New in preferences for the official release? This use to work in previous versions - as I use this a lot with replacing samples.
  15. Lol. The folder is just there. Look at the Aux tracks between. I use my Group Aux tracks as a divider between multiple tracks and obviously color tracks to identify each Group track with that of its tracks.
  16. Yeah, I figured it will go there. I was hoping to avoid that, as the discussing is not on how to execute a send or routing with a send -- "Hence" my so many other threads on this when it's done with instrument track as a direct Wet/Sidechain track. I'll keep exploring my way, maybe i'll across a way without having to rely on the "regular" send inserts. I always improve my workflow and the creative aspect of the mixing field everyday.
  17. One would think by sending a copy, it would create the stereo image in discussion.
  18. Seriously! You're gonna make silly assumptions like that? Ever heard of exploring idea's and suggestions?
  19. Yeah, but wouldn't it be awesome if it can be done without the use of a plugin like the channel tool. Plugins sometimes adds the unwanted color or signal you don't really need for that specific use/project. I use the channel tools frequently with other plugins in it's category, but often always comes with limitations - like with automation and sound design. Not to mention having to duplicate the track then to achieve the idea you are after -- adding more strain to your CPU usage. The PLUS side of this is - you can then set the pan levels to a specific setting in the stereo field and use a Widening pluging to further enhance the stereo. I think you'll be able to achieve great things with it -- I know I do when I use duplicate tracks, but that comes with it's own phase issues. Oh! By the way! Those Output and Input names you see there are the patch point "Renamed."
  20. Didn't bother to route it, as it does'nt make any different. Yes: Track 1 is routed to Track 2 Via patch-point -- with the input of track 2 going into Track 1 (Vocal track.) This creates another copy of Track 1. So, I assumed that it would be possible to pan them individually on opposite stereo fields.
  21. Are you talking about something like this?
  22. Will.

    Mobile app

    Lol. It helps to stay up to date of how the business are changing commercial wise. Plus, being involve with the youth and their way of handling the business today, helps a lot with my company. It's been said a million times over-and-over -- your biggest major genre today is HipHop and EDM and if you want to compete in the industry, that is where you need to invest your knowledge in. Digital Marketing, Sales, Revenue, Promotion Campaigns, Merchandise and P.R is all digital today.
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