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Everything posted by Will.

  1. I have one Mono vocal track that I've recorded for testing, (Mic check, 1;2) as I'm always trying to improve my workflow and such. Here's the deal, creating my own balancing 2-in-1 Stereo/Width Track, without having to duplicate and nudge one channel slightly by 5 Ticks -- is a huge deal for me to improve my sound and quality. There's great plugins for this out there, even the Channel Tool that comes with CbB ain't that bad. Steps for this: 1: Take an Audio File and load it up in a track. Pan it Hard Left. 2: Go to the output of the track and route it as a patch point. 3: Create a second Audio Track next to it, Now route the Input of the second audio track to the patch point. 4: Pan it Hard Right and Balance the track out as seen in the Picture above @msmcleod I know you'll be able to help with this. After setting this up, why does the output come out as a Mono Channel as seen above with the Master track? Shouldn't this be a true Stereo Track? As a copy was send to the second track to create that field? You can hear that it's leaning more towards the right channel than the left. PS: Those Output and Input names are the Patch Points Renamed.
  2. Will.

    Mobile app

    Sorry to raid on your parade: You're not the only one using Cakewalk or this forum. You will always have the option to stick to doing business from your house phone. I bet you the new generation will have a field day with this. Being able to Video or Voice call or instant messaging from within your DAW's mobile app would be a PLUS and those that will download the app. No other DAW has a platform like. But now of course, why would you find this interesting when you're stuck to old habbits. I think I see a resemblance here some where. I'm gonna leave you to it. Feel free to write another short novel as a reply.
  3. Will.

    Mobile app

    Lol. Like I said, they are two different platforms. The Bandlab Music App is for music creation and of course also for uploads. The Cakewalk app will be for everything related to the "Cakewalk forum" as it is now -- with just the exception of having it as a instant communication app in the palm of your hands. Instant communication and uploads (The same as instant messaging.)
  4. Uhmmm . . . . You could try going in to Preferences and change it there? Set according to taste - it works for me. The fact that it never gets attention on the forum, is probably because the option has been possible in Cakewalk for years much like all other similar requests. I only request something if I can't find it under Preferences. Enjoy. ?
  5. Will.

    Mobile app

    Nice Try. Unless you're a staff member - I don'tsee the point in me going that deep to reveal market strategies with you. Exactly how I've put it down. Does not sound like it, cause you're asking the same question repeatedly over-and-over just differently. Totally agree. You've been left behind much like a "loss-leader." Like I said, I don't the point in discussingit detail if you're not a staff member. I think it's pretty clear enough in my previous replies. You don't have to fully understand the reasons, you just to agree or disagree without bringing negativity in to it. The virtual/digital world works differently today. This is where you are 100% wrong. HENCE -- the statement I made about bringing negativity in to this. FYI - just because something is "free" to the public, doesn't mean you can't make money from it. It's only free because there's no "service fee; registration fee; or subscription fee." FWIW: Do you really think Whatsapp or Messenger is free? Do you really think apps where you can upload your songs for free downloads and streaming are free? and that users and the devs can't or dont actually earn an income from it? Everything on a "Free app" cost you, the user, money to use it. Do you think Google run on battery life alone? Do you really think they make money just from Ads? For every text you send, it cost you money/data to browse or upload or download a file (whether it's free open Wifi.) It costs someone a few bucks to provide "free wifi" at a coffee shop -- it's free to you, but someone paid for it and everytime you use it someone makes money from that. "So Again, everytime you send a text/browse or download or upload a file, it cost you Money/Data and everytime you use that Data someone else gets richer." So if you're onboard with this - Yay! If not, dont be selfish -- you're not the only one using this platform. This idea might benefit the next struggling musician/producer with such an app. Most importantly, It could help develop the brand further. I'm gonna leave it there.
  6. Will.

    Mobile app

    Dont be stuck in the 00's. No one mentioned anything about monetizing stuff or ads being placed on an app. How do Whatsapp make money? Do you see any ads on whatsapp? See this is the problem - when you don't understand something you shouldn't speculate on it. FYI - The bandlab platform and the Cakewalk forum are two different brands. Another reason why Cakewalk need young blood on their Dev team.
  7. Will.

    Mobile app

    No! A MOBILE APP FOR THE FORUM. Like Reverbnation; Soundcloud; Beatstars and so many others like them. How do Whatsapp; Facebook; Twitter or Instagram make revenue? By the usage of users using the app, right? So that capital can then be used to develop new plugins for Cakewalk "The DAW" -- It's kind of clear in the Post. Users will be able to make money on it much like how anyone can make money on Itunes; Youtube Music and Spotify with Free Streaming Services. Just because Cakewalk is free, doesn't mean you can't make money from it to improve the product. This has nothing to do with Cakewalk the DAW, but only the "platform" you're using to communicate right now. So its the website (This Forum) as a "mobile app."
  8. That's why we need a mobile app too. Help us get there by liking this thread and add some input to it, if you can to meep it alive. You can share it on reddit too. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/21193-mobile-app/
  9. @User 905133 @Mark Morgon-Shaw Guys no. Can you two talk this out please? We're all family here and it's never cool when family fight.
  10. I myself create HipHop and EDM daily in Cakewalk. It's only if I have a client sitting next to me and request to using a DAW they're familiar with to help with idea's they want for their instrumental tracks -- but when I'm all by myself, I use cakewalk. Yeah, of course external plugins will be required to create a certain sound which is extra work, but hey 12 years in the making using cakewalk, I know my way around the DAW. Here's another (What I think will be a great solution for developments.) Idea I've posted. Check it out and maybe help adding to the idea. It might caught someone's attention on the Dev team if we keep it alive. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/21193-mobile-app/
  11. Even a "flat list" for the category list and sub-menu will be acceptable. It will eliminate that torture of mouse click, if the list get out of memory and stretched out.
  12. Will.

    Mobile app

    Hi Forum owners and members. I love this forum, it's a great educational platform on all things related to Cakewalk and music in general. I think we need to turn this into a mobile app and use it's revenue from all downloads and app usage to create new FX/instrument plugins for the DAW and more. I think it will make a great investment on future builds. The biggest mobile users today is your youth. You will then have your Bandlab Users and Cakewalk users joining in on the hype and sharing music on the mobile app. We can then link the mobile app to a new category on the forum right here to download or Stream their tracks/albums from the Mobile App, but need to think revenue wise with this.
  13. Been trying to help with this for a while now, but it falls on deaf ears. If you don't at least get a 10+ positive review, it's bye-bye idea. I work with the major genre's that the youth creates today on a daily basis. So, I know what's needed to get the youth to migrate over, but you can only do so much, if the senior members of the community on the forum don't find the request useful. The genre's these youth create, don't require them to use articulation maps. A few in the class I give said, the Arranger is "useless" too. I guess the Aim is more on classical music for Cakewalk. Although you can create any form of music in Cakewalk, it's main Aim is classical music. Which doesn't make sense seeing that it's free and more youth are downloading it, but as soon as hey discover it's limitation for EDM, HipHop, House and Dance, they move back to their piracy habits.
  14. Cakewalk had one, It was called"Dropzone." I guess they dont own the license to it. Just like "True Piano" that used to come with Studio Instruments.
  15. If a new feature such as the Arranger and the recent "Dynamic waveform" can be done, surely this can be coded in as well. There's progress bars all over in Cakewalk. Windows allow this all over their platform.
  16. Hey bakers. First of all, can we add the feature to insert an Aux Track from anywhere in the Console view and track view where there's an empty space. Secondly: Can we please make it possible to route an Aux track input to Audio Tracks for when we work with samples please. This is currently only possible with instrument tracks. I know we can use patch points for this too, but having the ability to route directly to Audio tracks has it's own advantage. 1: Another form of direct routing. 2: It's great for direct sidechain too. 3: Great for sound creation/Shape. 4: Another form of direct parallel compression or for Wet and Dry balance. 5: It's a direct pre-fader effect. 6: It does not amplify the signal as what a send fader does, by sending a copy to the aux track. I know you can just route the output to the Aux Track, but this is just sending the track to an aux so the entire signal gets affected when you do some tweaks. To demonstrate what I mean - create an instrument track. 2: Next to it, add an Audio track and route the input of that Audio track to the Instrument track -- "Ta-da!" you've just created your own side-chain track. Now you can lower the fader of your instrument track and it wont be affected. If this can added to Aux tracks to route audio tracks that way when working with samples - it's will be awesome.
  17. No problem. We're all family here - and as you know, family sometimes disagree on certain things too. I'm gonna do the same and apologise my side, if I'd offended you in any way. I had my share of getting my A** spanked on the forum too. That got me thinking -- maybe I should start approaching my replies differently and stop being so straight forward, Guess I have to thank the old man for his inheritance. (May his soul rest in peace.) It's all good bud. ☺ DAMMIT, Why are you so angry?
  18. And can we please get the mouse wheel to work on "Insert Audio FX" from the FX bin too Bakers. Thanks in advance.
  19. Not related to the EA3 topic on Articulations. In the next release can we make it possible to route the input of Aux tracks to audio tracks please. Currently, we can do it with instrument tracks, but not with audio tracks when samples are used.
  20. Most music today is done with only a USB mic. Realtec interface playback and recording and some decent headphones amongst the youth and get their stuff on radio. POP/EDM/DANCE and HIPHOP. I've got first hand experience recording a pop group only with what was mentioned above and a pair of Monkey Banana Gibbon Air Monitors. There's great free VST's to make digital sound like analogue. Some vinyl effects, with some saturation and distortion, it can create magic.
  21. Yet, again, with a quick response. Thanks Bakers.
  22. Good Day everyone. Is it possible to perhaps add a new feature to "Loop Construction" under the Loop properties - to allow us to trigger any sample by your midi keyboard/controller and with the computer keyboard to manipulate/transpose samples? This should've had been possible with loop construction way before Bandlab took over. Right now, the only way to audition the notes, is by manual choosing the key note and hit play everytime -- even then, this makes it a tedious procedure. Another addition to this would be the ability to move the file forward and backwards in the window too, for synchronize purpose with playback. This will be a traumendous improvement to the loop construction window and Cakewalk itself.
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