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Everything posted by Will.

  1. I ran this problem. All I did was Ctrl+Alt+Del and closed every instance of CbB that was open in the Task Manager. Opened CbB again, now it works fine. Don't know why that happened, but it's gone now.
  2. I guess when you read "too much" in what someone was trying to say - this tend to happen. Yet, you're still making comparisons between DAW's that migrated between Mac and Windows and a "Windows only" DAW.
  3. I think this discussion -- "which has turned into some sort of heated debate" between @Maestro @Teegarden and @Craig Reeves is interesting, but I feel one crucial information has been left out. First of all, there's been some really interesting pointers given and counter attacks too. I feel this is unfair though, Meaning - We can't really make comparisons or compare Cakewalk with the DAW's mention in previous replies nor we actually say and to quote what Maestro said: I bet more professionals use Logic Pro X than they do Cakewalk. Of course, this will is true. So is it for FL Studio; Cubase; Pro Tools and Ableton -- why though? Well, your standard system in any professional studio's are Mac. That's why every professional studio uses Pro tools, Logic and FL Studio as their standard DAW. Cakewalk is yet to migrate over into that world. Gibson had a beta version running with Sonar, but hack knows what happen to it after they've shut down. So it's unfair to say or claim such discussion. If Cakewalk had to migrate over to Mac 30 years ago - I bet this debate would've gone differently. So, I think there's a bit of a disadvantage in the discussion on this. Yeah, I will go as far to say - for me, personally it's the best free "Windows DAW" out on the market right now.
  4. Yes, it will work fine. I've done it as a "On the road Studio" with a group for demo songs. Just download "Asio4all" - it's all you need.
  5. Hi Team. I love my pan pots on my busses, both input pan and standard center pan. There just come that time when things goes wrong with it - especially with the control surface or with controller that's assigned to them. So my request is can we get a locked or enable/disabled feature to them, to avoid some mishaps. I just had such incident where I went insane trying to figure out why my reverb is off centered while the pan pot was dead centered -- just to find out the "input pan" was 37% to the left. Probably would've still looked for the cause if I didn't think to look there.
  6. Will.

    Midi tracks go flat.

    Yeah. Check your pitch bend wheel on the midi - it happens to the best of us.
  7. Will.

    Bus versus Pan

    If you look closely - it is there. Question: Can you collaps your properties and show both bus pane and track view in the console view? Meaning your tracks and Buss tracks together.
  8. Does Cakewalk instruments comes with their own keyswitches? (like Legato, pizzicato, staccato etc.)
  9. Oh - clip scaling, yeah, that make sense. Track zoom is possible, but not scaling. Yep definitely a +1 from me for multiple clip scaling. For lanes though, I normally do it on the clip and move the lane down afterwards. Yeah. Multiple Clip Scaling would be a great addition.
  10. Before I answer this not sure which zoom you're referring too. The "clip zoom height factor" or normal track zoom for all tracks (This is possible, but of course, except for lanes.)
  11. Yeah. This is the problem. See in PT there's no envelope involved with this. You just highlight a section and lower the volume with the "Little fader." And in Cakewalk we have the envelope - making people believe it's normal volume "Automation." Cakewalk dynamic waveform with the envelope for "Clip gain," is what we're all referring too. All that needs to be done is, to select the region, "Cut it," select your setting do the crossfades and done. That's all our friend needs to do.
  12. Technically, you're the one doing that and assuming it. (Guess I better make it clear here that i'm not arguing just trying to explain how it works in Cakewalk.) We were all trying to help you, by telling you clip gain is possible in cakewalk and that Cakewalk just keeps the envelope visible. Why so angry - "slogan."
  13. We've been telling you this forever! Clip gain in ProTools is "Automation" with cakewalk the envelope is just visible and "PT" not. The dynamic waveform gets altered as well as seen in the GIF demostrated by @Lord Tim It's exactly the same thing. Lol. "Why so angry" is the slogan of my Record Label.
  14. It's exactly that. I don't know of other clip gain that works differently in other daws. I own a copy of "Pro tools" and Ableton lite and it's the same thing. Why so angry.
  15. LOL! By trying to enforce the word "Professional" down on me does not help your case. But hold your horsey, no one said you were stupid. No one said you didn't know what a "De-esser" is. All i meant was you can ride one in automation. Anyway . . . If you were such a "professional" you would've known that what I said, still stand firm. The "Gain" knob for each channel - Meaning, each clip -- allows you to automate each clip individually. You also would've known that clip gain automation has been possible in cakewalk for years. FWIW: There is also a thing called "Shift" on the keyboard too. When in clip mode, hold down on that shift thing and drag down on the selected area you want to "de-ess." Why are you so angry.
  16. Why there when the people who can help him instantly is right here in the thread helping everyone? It was said early in this thread to send all related queries right here.
  17. I think this needs to be removed. I flipped out on this too a while back. Why would we want that?
  18. Please add this feature to the official release.
  19. How new are you to cakewalk? How new are you to mixing? Every De-esser has an adjustable gain fader. Grouping the vocals will allow you to treat them as one track. FWIW! Right at the top of every channel in the console view -- there's a little knob called "Gain" (aka clip gain) and in track view it's a slider. Why so angry if you don't fully know something?
  20. You also have to make sure it is your default soundcard. What's your settings under Playback and Recording TAB?
  21. Dude send them straight here. You'll get ×10 the response to your issue.
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