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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Yep. I'm gona give it straight. I've reset my entire configuration setting to default the third time. Different genre's same results with Reaper. Tried the laptop same results. Distortion are too more mouth watering in reaper. Demo'ing Studio One now and again results are different - fuller and more natural sound with effects. Next up will be my free Ableton that came with the interface. I also want to make something clear. I'm not doing this to make CbB seems bad - OH-NO! Cakewalk is rock solid! I just happened to test out Reaper - seeing that it has a free license until end of febuary and started noticing the difference. In CbB when sending an effect to an Aux or Bus there's that added +3db on effects. This is not so in these two DAWS I'm testing. What you send to a BUS is what you get out - which I miss, but the sound of the effects are way fuller than what it sounds in CbB and it's this "fuller more natural sound" that's bugging me and that caught me attention.
  2. Will.


    There's more control with 0.1db and you can really tell the difference immediately.
  3. Has this always been a default setting for you - OR - have you changed it recently? Do you know how to find your Project folders in Windows?
  4. Yeah. Was taught this in class 12 years ago. Seems like cakewalk still project a digital signal based sound.
  5. Did everything. Cakewalk is broken ?? Jokes aside - Compression are more sensitive. I immediately hear the attack, release and threshold work, as soon as I touch it them in reaper. In Cakewalk with the same piano and chords - it's a bit higher up. Reverb sounds fuller in Reaper and more thinner, but kind of "Shimmering" in CbB. Same bars and plugin setting, after exporting the test - and I find myself enjoying the sound reaper gives - though it took me 100 times longer. Routing things are weird in reaper. ?
  6. I've been using reaper almost a month now with it's free license and I'm thinking of investing in it. Before I do, I need confirmation on something. I've been using Cakewalk close to 12 years. Huge fan of it - it's my go to DAW. Question: Am I mistakenly to find that Reaper projects the sound differently than Cakewalk? My plugins sounds way fuller in Reaper. I really don't know how to explain it - but have anyone experience something like this? I hear compression better, the plugins are more sensitive there as what it is in CbB. The same with a Reverb - it sounds more true and natural than what it does in CbB. This is the same for every plugin. I use the same plugins in both and in CbB and there's a highly noticeable difference. Plugs I use everyday: MFreeFXBundle from MeldaProduction. If this is true . . . We need Cakewalk up there.
  7. Will.


    Thanks Scook. This Shortcut need to added in the documentation/PDF reference. Cant find it there.
  8. Will.


    Hey bakers and members. Kindly requesting to increase OR decrease the value of the volume fader with the mouse wheel by a 0.1db in both Console and Track View, please. Right now, it does so by a value of 1.5db which is not a problem (you can click drag or type in the value,) but speed and flexibility are crucial these days in production.
  9. Check your plugins - it could be a vst. Bypass each one individually and check if it still happens. Also check if the project you open are not linked to a second project that might be hanging open and "Saved As." I had this rare issue last year sometime. I had two projects open and every 30 mins or so, I would flip between the two, to make the deadline. Somehow, they got linked and saved as such. I had to go through 20 saved versions to fix this issue. It took me a while to figure this out. Thought-oh-no! Project lost. If you have different copies of the same project - open the from the project folder and see if the problem still persist.
  10. Will.

    TTS1 causing fatal error

    A reinstalled fixed this for me.
  11. Depending on your systems specs, you should be fine at 512. If you have Asio4All installed - delete it. What core is your CPU and how much Ram do you have installed? Also disable Cakewalks Upsample in the control bar - it's the "×2" in the MSR module. Next: Make sure all your windows cumulative updates are installed and that you have the latest Asio Drivers from Focusrite installed. Also make sure the sample rate of your interface are the same as that of your project in Cakewalk. Stop all background applications that might be running. Different machines = different approach in solutions. Your fan speeds of your PSU and CPU also plays a part in this. There's also your vsts - one that might not be trully compatible with CbB. If you have multiple projects open. (That's more processing being read.) It really helps if you can give more details of your system and windows version. It could be anything that can cause a dropout.
  12. I hear you. Keep bumping the topic up. Maybe it'll get some attention.
  13. I don't know. I never had a problem with dragging the bus pane In and Out. In fact, im using the Console View less everyday - adapting to woking in the Track View every second. Reason: I solely work in floating windows. I can easily do automation this ways. I'm a sucker for shortcut key bindings whether by default or custom. I view the Bus Pane in full window by Shift+B. If I do use folders - all my folders are where I want them to be and I find it easier to mix this way. Although, I hardly make use of folders - too much and unnecessary click work for me. Sorry, but yeah - I don't see how this could work. It's adding more steps in my view. You'll be scrolling back and forth to the individual track folder, click to view it and scroll to your track. Absolutely nothing wrong with the idea though! Maybe it's just me?
  14. Finding the best "Black Friday Deal" to spoil yourself with has never been this easy - well, stressful too. They're so great - you literally don't know what to get. Soliloquy: Now, where did I put this credit card. I swear, I can never find this thing when I need it. https://www.audiopluginguy.com/deals/ Have fun.
  15. Will.

    Articulation Help.

    Nice one! The video's was helpful too, although it's what I know already. So basically it is just a technique that affects the Dynamic, Length and the relationship change in a performance. I'm taking up tv scoring and it'll be my first work in television. That's why the reason on a bit of knowledge, education and information are required, other than the "self-taught" from just playing around with it since it was introduced in the DAW.
  16. Will.

    Articulation Help.

    Viewing them now. They are appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Will.

    Articulation Help.

    Pretty much the "Why" I need it. How to create and save my own maps - the fundamental need for it.
  18. There's no such thing as that. Click on the link above. Choose the 2020.09 and download the file given there. Click here: And scroll down to the 2020.09 installer, download the file and install it. Look for the "Rollback Installer." https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/20825-closed-202010-early-access/
  19. Here's the deal: Rollback to 2020.09 check how things work there - and do an update from within the DAW and refresh your Activation. Follow the link: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/21451-202011-feature-overview-updated-23-nov-2020/
  20. From both Assistant and DAW.
  21. FWIW: If you're not signed in after installation is done. No plugin will be assigned - it is literally the only thing I can think of that can cause that problem.
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