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Everything posted by Will.

  1. First and foremost: The title of this topic is misleading. Secondly: Yeah. Can hardly call this an issue - perhaps for newcomers, yes. It's a known issue. I literally just thought it depends on your zoom perspective. How far, or close you're zoomed in/out. I don't know if it's the same with CbB though, but when aligning corners in CAD it is also not accurate within its grid snap. Perhaps they have a different reason for it | or| maybe I am missing a feature in there - who knows? Maybe this will help. Node.mp4 I normally just do the Ctrl and drag to snap it "perfectly" to the grid - irrespective to what zoom percentage I am in. Easy-Peasy, and it works like a charm - every time.
  2. LOL! Dude, come on - your feelings. You want something that every user would not have an option to. You will have an option to not use the built-in sampler. I personally dont want to work with AI. You can use a sampler with AI tempo in it too. See . . . options. FWIW: I work everyday with music. I work in a "professional" roam. I go the whole nine yards. I travel overseas. Thats why I said, we interpret the word "professional" differently. In todays world of music the word "professional" does not exist anymore. I even keep air quoting the word losely. You get 13 year old teenagers that mix better than most legends/icons of today. That's what i'm trying to tell you. Hits are being created on just a laptop and mouse with 4inch monitors. These rascals make millions - way more than what "professionals" make these days. So tell me what it means to be a "professional" these days in music. FWIW: Im not killing your request. I'm mainly just pointing out some real-life issues that comes with it.
  3. Not to start any debate. I guess we all interpret"professionals" differently. I dont.
  4. ?? Well, you can always wait a 100 years before you make music. ?? AI coding will never EVER! be accurate. I've been in studios where they use sonible plugins and yet, always have to correct it. The human ears will always have an advantage over AI. Keep in mind: all these algorithms that these things use, are also just based on a "humans" knowledge on spectrum frequencies, and dynamic ranges. So, human error in these codes are inevitible. Every mic, vocal, guitar, keyboard, studio, reflection, accoustics, dynamics and locations are different - irrespective on whether it is the same song being played over and over. Every space you get is different. Meaning it will never give you an accurate result. It's the same with two producers in the same studio, working on the same song, using the same equipment. One will do a better job than the other, because we hear details better. So, an AI system will NEVER be as great. Music requires and demand human expressions. Though: I guess, there are maybe certain aspects where it might (using it losely) work for some people. After all theres no right or wrong way in music production. If it works for you - i mean, you're using it. Just my little humble opinion.
  5. There is one. You can even create/select your own folders, from where to import/export or to save in. You can read the document where to find this, or how to create your own default audio folders within the preference window. You can also create one folder with subfolders outside of cakewalk and just select that one as your default imported audio folder. Experiment with this first in case you do not like it. Each DAW uses their own language and terms on certain features that are unique only to that specific DAW. You might say Bounce to Clip here - another DAW will say Commit/Render to Clip. So, everything you need to know, you will find in the offline document.
  6. I hear you. It's in that installer too. It's the one I mentioned -- it being the web installer. You can download the offline document from there, or from within the DAW | and | I'm referring to the full offline document - not the quick guide. The BA (Bandlab Assistant) is broken. Has been for almost a year or two. Trying to download Cakewalk from the BA stuck(s) at a certain percentage.
  7. Perhaps the OP needs to check the project tempo as well to bring this to speed with the fps.
  8. Well said. I know this comes from a place without trying to start a debate on this. Just to add to this without starting any form of debate as well: If Asio4All is just a wrapper of WASAPI, what makes it any less useful to use? Anyway . . . I also always think about these when this topic comes up . . . It's what's being used with laptops all over Why would companies go through all the troubles to create these if today's onboard soundcards were not decent enough. There are literally studios that runs all their equipment with this little setup. There are well-known artists that made hits songs with just an onboard soundcard, which also won them an award. In fact, most hit songs today, are made in a bedroom and on a laptop. I'm probably going to be angry 10 years from now sitting with my handful of equipment and the two I'm yet to buy very soon. Until then . . . analog world it is for me though.
  9. This is not a "hidden feature" when its being used by many. When ever I buy a new DAW. The first thing i do is to look at the Shortcuts and Recording features.
  10. Just download the documentation like we all did. If you go to the help tab in the DAW and click check for update a popup toast will give you the option to download the offline documentation. You can also use the web installer to get it. It was there - the option was given to you, you should have just ticked it. Im not saying you did/have - neither of that, but . . . Getting Cakewalk from third-party websites, is still considered as piracy even if it is free. ALSO: There's the help module if you press Y on the keyboard and this one is not hidden. It is by default open when you install Cakewalk with the options to close/remove/hide/undock it.
  11. I did do a windows update on friday. I'll try to install the full installer package now that i have it, instead of the updates and see how it goes this week out. Thanks.
  12. No problem. Its just, theres absolutely nothing in the project. Like I said: I would literally just play some chords using the free kontakt player with its factory presets.
  13. This build seems to be crashing a lot | and I never get them. This is at least the third time it has crashed on me since the update. I would literally just play some chords and then without a warning. It shuts on me.
  14. That is not how your original post reads. It is working here.
  15. You're probably mistaking that shortcut to another DAW. Cakewalk Shortcut for recordings: Record: R Step Record on/off: SHIFT+R Arm all tracks for recording: CTRL+R (then just press R) Toggle Track Arm for selected track: ALT+R
  16. Trying this out and it has some major flaws. It produces information down the middle. Alternatively: Use two sends in pre-fader mode with the slider to -INF. Issue with this is . . . the two Aux Tracks needs to be in mono on the interleave and with its "Inputs set to stereo. ? otherwise it cancel out. Second issue here are the send pan knobs. You cant set it to "Follow Track Pan." This introduces two extra steps. Luckily if doing this effect on a rise, so its a quick workaround for I need to revist your original TIP above. Perhaps my delay settings was wrong. I tried this with the Valhalla and it has a strict follow interleave protocol to the bone. NOTE: the effect needs to be in pre-fader mode, so that it can be placed in a space far back.
  17. Just made a video to demonstrate the possibilities CbB has, if you know how to do it. We still need that thing people keep asking for though! I forgot its name. ? FWIW: We just need to remove some limitations on cropping and loop playback so that we can HEAR what we're doing as I have requested before, please. The steps of bouncing to track could've been eliminated if these restrictions were gone, so that we can create better samples. https://youtu.be/wa_U5Cs_4sc
  18. This seems to have worked. a lot of steps, but it worked. Thanks.
  19. Feature request to crop clips to at least 2TICKS in size with a further smaller size to the Playback Loop Markers please.
  20. Apologies. I just figured out what caused the issue. Human error my side. Both the original and the Aux was active. Meaning in order to fully test this, the original track (track being sent) needs to be muted with only the aux track active to test this. I must have forgotten this on when updating to Build 027 testing this out.
  21. The Plogue VSTi from ARIA Engine seems to crash Cakewalk a lot. I removed mine many moons ago.
  22. Well, that is definitely a FL STUDIO pop up window. Would have been a white and (occasionally) organe bar strip on the pop up window if it was CbB related.
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