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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Read the previous posts earlier in the topic on this matter. Just scroll to the beginning.
  2. No CbB, stays CbB. SONAR gets revived with new features and a new face. Thats it.
  3. My wish for NEXT is that its aimed more towards the HIP HOP and EDM Producers and Sound designers. The notes on the website does say its comes with built-in samples which i already like alot. I just hope its raw samples for us to mix and alter to our taste. I'm not a fan of samples that are "ready mixed." Sonar on the other hand - I have high hopes for it. I cant wait for the launch and I hope its not as cluttered as before. A Nice clean and Sexy interface is what keeps one glued to ONE DAW.
  4. Thats why CbB is coming out with its final update. This will be the last update to the free Daw you are using now. Sonar will be the DAW that will continue to be worked on and get new features every year. This has been said and explained numerous times. Cakewalk by Bandlab (the free DAW) will continue to work and be free with it getting its last and final update. Sonar will be the DAW that will be priced. It is the one putting on its makeup and glitters for its launch soon. Next is the "newborn" DAW that was created from scratch. The baby of Cakewalk and Sonar. It cant yet hold its head up straight by itself, that is why a few members will be selected to test it out before its public release. Read the announcement and website people.
  5. If only $4.99 was on the tables. I've got my coat and my beenie.
  6. The team is working on the "Software" not the website ?
  7. Are you guys perhaps creating a video on the new Sonar and Next products?
  8. Ah! Thanks. You're so kind! To be in Fanboi mode is better than being in grumpyboi mode all day. Fanboi for life. W.
  9. I feel brand new exciting plugins coming in the very near future too. I Iiterally just had this premonition.
  10. Why are you so angry and disappointed? Pretty sure you are welcome to move to your other 5 Daws you "Own." Using that loosely in context of what youve said with your own mouth. 100% of our permanent family members here already agrees on a fee. Some of us has even suggested and asked for this in multiple topics to happen so that we can support the DAW and keep growing by throwing resources in to the DAW, cause we have seen the potential it always had. If you are really unhappy in not wanting to pay for the DAW or any other software as you have stated, then dont use them. Come on people! You can not run a business without making a profit to put towards the growth of your company. Every resource cost money. The staff that works 100% day in and day out on this - needs to get paid too. Every bug that gets fixed, cost money. Theres litterally manpower that goes into this and i am pretty sure you wont get up every morning and go work for free | or | do something for free and dont get appreciated for your hardwork. I am pretty sure everyone agrees with me on this. Lets keep showing our support and appreciation towards our them. I too am sometimes unhappy with certain features, but guess what? I always appreciate what they do and give. We cant always have things our way just because we feel so. Thats the reality.
  11. Everyone is taking what @Noel Borthwick said in his example to the sonar days on the subscription way out of proportion. Thats what rent-to-own mean. You own the last month version of the daw when your last payment is done. This is what Noel said: How it works is you either pay for 12 consecutive monthly subs OR you purchase a one year subscription upfront. In both scenarios the last months version is permanently unlocked for you and you own it. I am onboard with this. If you werent part of the growth since day one - you wouldnt understand how far this daw has come. •Dynamic Waveforms • New Sidechain Routing made easier • Arranger • Articulations • CA2A made FREE • New Plugin flyout menus • Better ARA intergrations • Latest Elastic Audio updates • Thousands of Bug Fixes This is just to name a few updates and upgrades Oh! and did i mention thousands of bug fixes and stability? So, Im all for a subscription fee.
  12. Next is looking sexXYY! Can't wait to see how the new UI will look, especially the sidechain and output layout. So this means Bandlab officially now owns all rights to the Cakewalk brand if the name is changing back to "Sonar?" Exciting news indeed. Growth is a wonderfull adventure. We all can oneday say - we were there and that somewhere in here I have my ones and zeros printed in. Bravo! Team! Thanks for all the hardwork and the ears you lend out everyday to your community. Cant wait to be part of the first group/community to experience the new look.
  13. Will.

    Corrupted project

    Yikes! EastWest? Yeah! It is troublesome. I too, have had a similiar experience. Luckily mine started with only 3 instances of it. The NKS files with NI Kontrol worked with that specific project for me.
  14. Right the bottom of your Vocal channel strip are two slots. One with the letter "I" (for input) and one with the letter "O" (for Output) click on the slot with the letter "O" (output) and in the drop down menu that will appear, choose you Master Bus.
  15. Will.

    New monitors hunt.

    Hey Jesse. I've never workee on a Coaxial monitor before. I will hunt around to test them out for sure. Thanks.
  16. Will.

    New monitors hunt.

    Thanks Jackson. I actually worked on the Adams A7V before. They are exceptionally good monitors. Little expensive for me. Im familiar with their little brothers the T7V which are really great monitors and extremely clinical. I might go for them now that you've pointed me in that direction. I was leaning towards the Genelec 8010A, but now i might look into the Adam T7 twice cheaper than the A7V.
  17. M-Audio is a no brainer. Edifier is a big NO! They are not monitors at all.
  18. Will.

    Latency when armed

    WOW! Someone is psychic.
  19. Will.

    New monitors hunt.

    Im hunting for new monitors. Im still running the Rokits 6 G3 model, but im looking for something with a more flatter frequency. Now heres where the headache starts for me when searching for a monitor. Do you prefer a Flat Frequency response OR do you prefer a Tonal Balance Monitor thats somewhat clinical. I've owned the M-Audio BX8a, the Alesis MKII Passives which I still have and for the past 7years the KRK Rokit 6 G3. I feel like I need something better. Something less deceptive. What do you prefer in a Monitor? Great Image, AccurateTonal Balance, more Clinical or a flat frequency response?
  20. Will.

    Latency when armed

    You gonna get roasted for this because you are using "Asio4All." Asio4All is very bad on this forum, its the devil?himself. Get an interface is what will be thrown at you . . . but hey, I wash my hands. I was never here. ??‍♂️??
  21. It all depends on what you interpret as a "midi track." If you're refering to a channel/track - then NO. If you're refering to an instrument/Vsti like the TTS1 (which is a midi instrument,) then YES, you can do this. Watch some videos on Youtube. Different DAW = Different languages for "midi tracks." In cakewalk it is an actual virtual "midi channel strip/track."
  22. Ctrl+Alt then hit Del. Close all instances of cakewalk uou see between all those files in that windows.
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