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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Well, technically - if you're using a VSTi (Virtual Studio Technology Instrument,) that's a plugin. This could very well be the cause in the latency you're experience in Cakewalk as @Cactus Music mentioned earlier in this thread. Not every Vst(i) works perfect in every DAW. The "very best Grand Piano" might run smooth in Logic, but not in PT. The vienna symphonic orchestra plugin, might run smooth in CbB, but not in reaper. Its the same as how quick it is to create a sidechain bus/aux track in Cakewalk, but requires more clicks in another. Every DAW has its own language and mood swings with certain things. Your job as the user - is to identify the issue and report it. What works flawless on my system, might not work favorable on system. This greatly depends on the different specs of of system and we maintain it. You cant use your DAW system to stream movies, or for graphic designing and to store all kind of things on it. That's asking for problems. Upgrade some of your system specs, invest in a cheap laptop and use this as your home machine and keep the desktop solely for making music on. It is also recommended to have a seperate machine for your second DAW. Often this is also the case in point. Each DAW requires different settings for your sound driver. So everytime you open another DAW on the same system (including video editors etc.) they always change the default settings in your OS. This among many reason i can mention now create playback latency. So instead of crying about this, educate yourself on system tweaks and if you're still unhappy about it - nothing stops you from using the other DAW you do not have license for.
  2. I run the same latency. There could be some cumulative windows updates that's causing your issue. It might also be some recent driver you have done. Theres also the possiblility of your antivirus slowing things down. It can be some background apps consuming cpu resources. Check any of these - if they pan out, then its a plugin you're using in your chain. Its always a cat and mouse game with this issue.
  3. I can confirm this. I believe i've reported this before earlier this year.
  4. I believe you have answered your own question. Dont just think "DAW." You have to consider the plugins you'll be using too. Vst and Vsti such as iZotope and Omnisphere requires a powerful system.
  5. If this is true: There's either some routing issue going wrong | or | it could be related to a specific "favorite" plugin you have been using for years. If it was a bug a lot of users would have reported this. Try replacing the plugins one-by-one and see if the problem disappears. If there's an improvement in your system - then you'll know its a plugin causing the issue. You can then report this plugin here and to its manufacturer for them to look at. A lot of plugins compatibility with CbB got improved this way over the years since Bandlab took over.
  6. Weird indeed. Heres something even stranger. Everytime i opened the project, I would get a two second feedback of the drums which sounds like a delay. On play there was definitely an issue and as you've mentioned, toggling the interleave removed that, but also "bleeds" slightly into stereo - barely noticeble, but its there. Strange thing: I've replaced EZD3 with my AD3 and now I cant reproduce the problem anymore. I haven't done anything else, besides toggling the interleave back and forth and replacing EZD3 with my AD3 and back to EZD3.
  7. How can this be happening again when it never happened in the first place? The OP's entire system packed up - so it was not linked to "The Cake" what-so-ever. You're issue seems to be plugin manager related, this thread was open on a BSOD issue.
  8. I just ran into this topic that's currently open as well. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/49435-audio-track-view-asymmetry/
  9. Try cutting away bass frequencies by making slightly more headroom to correct the issue. Do this with the smallest slope curve your EQ has - around 10-30Hz. Do the same in with the highend side with the smallest slope curve and what i mean by smallest - lean towards the linear line, as apposed to a brickwall cutoff.
  10. OR . . . Turn the input/output list to a flatbed - "a flyout flatlist view." Easy-Peezy!
  11. First of all you need to create a Bandlab account to activate Cakewalk. In Cakewalk under the Help Tab click on SIGN-IN. A pop up window will appear - click on "CREATE Account." Once you have created your account return to CAKEWALK locate the HELP TAB Again and sign in from within Cakewalk. It should activate itself. If you're activating it by using the the B.A (bandlab assistant) app then it wont work. Here are some reports on B.A not working anymore. Also: This might be because "Internet Explorer" are not supported by Microsoft anymore. Cakewalk needs to install "Webview."
  12. It always works. Read the manual to get a better understanding to why it works and why it might cause issues at times.
  13. Will.

    Resolution size option.

    I think i'll try out the 24 inch at 1920x1280 Thanks. Definitely is, it will get there eventually.
  14. Try turning the 64 bit double precision engine off (if you have it on.) Lastly: Make sure that your Mackie driver is the only driver making use of your computer. I have never bothered with Win 8, but i believe the steps are the same. So you might want to go to control panel, audio drivers and disable every other sound drivers thats installed on your PC. From Realtek to software that install drivers unknowingly, like music players, video editors, video/music converters, lame drivers and certain codec software. Also check and replace the cables of your Mackie BB.
  15. Is there a thread open already on this? ? For me Ctrl + ⬅⬆➡⬇ the directional arrow keys has been working great so far.
  16. That's because The purpose of these is to identify the best Take to be used. To give you a better understanding. Chose a single track and expand its lane. You will see that the same track are being displayed in the lane. This mirror clip (not a copy) is basically the properties information of the original track. Now, this is what others DAWs might call "Dubs" with the original track the Guide. These dubs within the matrix view of this track are then being used for "comping" purposes. Like in the old days where artists such as Michael Jackson and Celine Dion would record 64 "Takes" of the original vocal track and later be used as over dubs for "comping" on pitch correction, duration and so on. . . Its an old feature from the analog era which has been implented in the digital world of today. It was used on taping edits and nothing else. This is why we're saying the samething. It only ever had the purpose for "comping." We're not trying to kill this idea - we're just trying to look for benefits in this. Yes, with digital we can drag it to another track and it becomes a seperate track, but within the same matrix view of the guide track (original track) it really doesnt serve as anything else. To me the signal flow is the road block. The signal will have to go . . . Track>lanes back to the track and then out? Feedback issues already, and +dB increases? Like i said: I can only see this work with sidechain "MAYBE." Exactly the same as it works when sending it to an effects input. Here it will just be on a take lane? No . . . Also unnecessary extra input features and crazy to begin with. Wont be an improvement. Anyway . . . Keep it alive. It might just spark an idea somewhere useful.
  17. Its a good suggestion that you're bringing forward, but at the moment there some high walls in the middle of this. We first need to break these walls down and be sure that it wont hinder/break the signal flow. That was the example i was trying to bring forward. How will it fit in the signal flow. I'm really trying to picture, but i dont see a way around it. I can actually picture where it might benefit, but the signal flow it the issue. My idea on this would be with the sidechain processing as an "Input" Yet, that signal flow stands in the way everytime.
  18. Take lanes: Picture a room with a storage closet quick. The "room" is the main track in this scenario whereby the take lanes are just the storage closet within this "hyperthetical" room of ours, where it stores the extra Takes of the original track. Lets imagine now this storage closet stores flamable liquids - will you be able to light a match (the effect) in there and keep the fire under control to prevent the room from burning too? That's the complications here. Take lanes are basically just the storage closet in the room which is the main track and clip.
  19. It will just be an extra duplicate option to the channel. Wont bring any changes.
  20. This will be destrutive not so? Much like the clip fx bin.
  21. Goes back as far as february. When I reported this.
  22. If it has been moved for a feature request, I'll be the first to start then . . . +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  23. Finally! God is good, he exist indeed. Every answer you've attempted to give me has been incorrect anyhow. So, I do not see how this will affect me.
  24. You're the best! ? Thanks a million. Ah! Great insight knowledge to have and to apply on other areas such as with effect too. There are certain brand name delay and doubler plugins that has a similiar problem, but in a reversed/opposite sense. Normally most delay effect will have a differnce of 0.1sec on their time start from the original source, but then theres the once that start exactly dead on the time (0.0sec) as the source clip. So this is really great ammo to have on these timebase effects - especially in use within a combination of modulators and delay effects on certain short audio sources such as a hat, stick, rimshot, snap, clap etc. Thanks a lot.
  25. @Barth Right click on the faders and "Revert" back to the previous tweak. It is often a great idea to dry your eyes out with the manual.
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