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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Will.

    RIP Avid.

    Its the dark truth.
  2. Will.

    RIP Avid.

    Everyone is a die hard STone user these days. They stole most of our feature requests. ?
  3. Heres the thing: We sometimes forget to do oversampling in a plugin or virtual instrument on a track. If im correct here - ive watched a video on the latest release of STone where they said, the DAW does its own oversampling per track under the hood, where as CbB does this per project? The point is - it only takes one plugin to introdue these aliasing artifacts in the bounce/render stage. Sometimes oversampling are not needed, where you can fix this with Lookahead if the plugin provides it. This can also be a wrong export setting issue, such as wrong buffer size, sample rate and dithering presets. If can also an import sample rate conversion of a sample that was used - even in a track bounce.
  4. So, the company Avid has been sold for $1.4Billion by private equity firm Symphony Technology Group. What?! Crazy!!!
  5. Will.

    Loopback issues

    Highlight the section you want to loop record, record your information and then drag the wav clips onto its own tracks. Some clips will be greyed out, highlight these clips and press the lettet "K." Do you have your drivers installed to get rid of your clicks and pops.
  6. ??? Isnt there one already?
  7. Besides pushing faders and checking low end all the time - have you considered that you might be over compressing your individual tracks and Master bus? Compressors are great tools to have in your arsenal, but it can ruin your dynamics in your music. If a track doesnt require a compressor, why use it? Have you try swapping a compressor out for a saturator to trim some of your peaks? Why lower the "Gain knob" when its not needed? Are your pannings sitting in their own spaces in your Master sessions? Have you check for excessive stereo information? Why use reverb on every track? Have you tried to swap a reverb for a delay? Are you heavy handed on low pass filters? Why use downward compression when upward compression might be needed? Are you recording at the proper gain stage? Why turn down gain stage volumes when you can move away from the mic, or closer to it to sit well above the noise floor? Well, dear friend you came to the right place! Your questions are well taken care of. This message will self destruct oneday when this forum dont exsist anymore. T&Cs apply. Aint that a pickle! Right. Jokes aside. You need to consider all that was mentioned above. HOT TIP! Before you crank those faders, almost everytime when you make a cut, boost, high pass or low pass with an eq your levels rises too with your kicks and bass tracks. This can lead to sum muddiness tricking your brain in thinking your levels are low. Almost always EQ to the key of your track. Again: if it is not needed why use it? If you can EQ, Compress, Reverb, Delay within you Midi/Vst Instrument why use a plugin when you've already gotten the polish/desired taste to your sound? Dont over kill your peaks and dynamics. If it aint broke, why fix it? [Soliloquy] Did i drink coffee just now? Oh-well, kitchen here I come.
  8. It could be that your AV is reading it as a potential virus.
  9. They will spam the forum 8hours later "when they get approved." It has been seen doing on many sites. You register as a legit user and once you're accepted, you run the algorithm to spam the site with your ads. I still think an option for users to move spams to a "Spam" folder would be a best option. The mods can then com in and do their job by confirming them and delete it.
  10. Welcome to CbB. Stay tuned to this forum. We're getting a new DAW soon and an upgrade to Sonar very soon.
  11. I think the best solution here would be to create a "Spam Folder" in the forum and gove access to users to only "MOVE" these posts to the folder for a mod to come in and confirm its spam and delete it. In my Time-Zome I saw spam that was 4hrs old sitting without being removed. This option can be added next to the title of the post under the 3 dots tab next to the post for users to quickly move these posts to the spam folder for a mod to confirm and delete them.
  12. These spammers are back doing it again in the Instrument topic.
  13. Site is being Spam. Report these threads everyone.
  14. BPM, Project snap settings, Piano roll snap PLUS Piano roll Grid view all work as a team. In order to have your loop running, you have to set your grid view according to your desired snap setting in your PRV and to loop this is highly dependent on your project snap settings.
  15. Just done some 30 mins test and its working fine here. Did crazy effects with it on Aux/Bus and directly on the tracks. Works fine. Perhaps its doing it on a specific favorable synth you like? Try with different tracks/synths in a new "test" project.
  16. By default CbB shows the Peak value and not the RMS value. This can be changed. Changing meter options.
  17. Thats not where you disable your sound devices. Go to your Audio Properties. 1) Right click the sound icon in your system tray 2) Choose Open sound settings. 3) Then Manage sound devices. 4) Click on the devices you'd like to disable.
  18. Yep! The best option would be to disable it, otherwise windows will just reinstall the regkey to it. Mine is permanently disbaled instead of deleting the Hotkey.
  19. I am loving the new mobi look. It has a way more modern look with new information on the page you enter. Pretty sweet. Can do with some improvement on the extra space and bigger logo.
  20. Totally understandable. A scalable interface is what we have requested before and want. Pretty sure there will be one or two extra features added. I wouldnt be unhappy if nothing gets added now. The scalable interface is all thats needed for now, so the bakers can take as much time needed before the launch. I'm just curious on the new facelift and design.
  21. At this point I would be happy with just one image | or | a few images as a compilation video on youtube. The DAW can bake some more.
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