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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. @Bapu How does this stack up with Sunset Sound and Fame? TIA t
  2. @Bapu “Must Buy” on this one Ed? How often do you use it? TIA t
  3. Thought it might be Sunday, thanks for the confirmation! 👏 t
  4. Good reason not to move to Windows 11 here! t
  5. Like Freddy said : Haven’t left my like and comments at click yet, but I surely will; have vous? t
  6. Does Windows “see” the thunderbolt port? Sounds to me like it does not. t
  7. Comments left on YouTube. How ‘bout you?… t
  8. Like @Glenn Stantonabove, it’s solid here. I installed it back in March IIRC. It’s the path forward. t
  9. @MusicManOne can only hope! t
  10. Lots of discussion here about the “Room inside a Room” and “floating floors”. The “mids” you can block (lots of 5/8” drywall) and absorb (703 and/or rock wool). The lows, well like @craigbsaid; that’s the way whales, and I think elephants, communicate… t
  11. Please convey that to him for me as well. I can’t PM there at KVR because my post count is too low. I guess I could just “post” twice (that’s right, two posts) but when I was offered a “charter” membership to Procrastinators Unanimous, well I just never got around to it… t
  12. Yes, no problem there. I am running Sonar on two systems. As to the 3 day trial; IIRC, I agreed to the monthly payment when I started the trial. I have since remained on the monthly plan. Trying to take advantage of one of the discounted yearly plans I was advised to “cancel” my subscription (Sonar continued working just fine, meaning I could save my work) but I could not purchase the yearly until my monthly expired. Well in my case the “offer” expired before my existing monthly, and I missed it (frustrating, but that’s a different discussion). My advice, and I hope I’m right. Cancel now, Sonar should continue to work (by “work” I mean you can save your projects). Whether or not you will be offered the discounted price after your 3 day expires? That remains a mystery. Keep us in the loop! t
  13. “File save as” works here. Got internal and external drives for the backups. Just remember to tick the “include audio” box. t could have said; “piece of cake really”. Whoops, maybe I just did! ?
  14. @Johnbee58 today I fired up my “office rig”, it’s been offline well over a month. I launched CbB and sure enough, I got two toasts (or whatever they are called). One “there is an updated version available” and number two “you must reactivate”. That one has a button “sign in to BandLab” I did and CbB reactivated flawlessly. Then I updated to 2024.7, again flawlessly. One note I always “open folder” and close CbB before I run the update. BTW, did the exact same thing in Sonar, it all went flawless. So as @Bristol_Joneseysaid; “Pretty sure you’ll be ok” HTH, t
  15. Comment, like etc left at YouTube. ? t
  16. I've only been bitten once, but it bit me HARD! t
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