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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Beautiful Jerry đź‘Ť's đź‘Ź t Jerry, I'm a year behind you and I'll never complete moment 1 of symphony 1, but I do occasionally manage to kick out a three minute rocker. My advice, stick to whatever daily composition schedule works you and keep up the good work!
  2. @backwoods is it safe to assume you have CbB installed. Is it working properly? @Noel Borthwick has been busy on the forum today. Maybe he’ll chime in… t
  3. Its all about the midi. MODO 2 (and I have it as well) has some patterns, but its nothing like the TT universe. YMMV, t
  4. @Magic Russ Usually there's a disclaimer. HTH, t
  5. @excalibur Time for a support ticket over at BandLab. t this might explain the problem...
  6. Here's your link TrueFire All Access TrueFire is a great resource, or as I like to say, edumacation tool for guitar players; lots of great lessons, theory, etcetera. If you're already a member, it kicks your membership out another year. Gotta love these guys... BandLab marketing could learn a lot here... Now, no one ever pays "retail", pretty much they run "deals" at $99 all the time. Didn't pay attention to the expiration date on the SweetWater $20 kicker... t
  7. @excalibur here's your link Bandlab Membership t
  8. Also $19 guitars, basses and drums. t
  9. @PJHthe latest version dropped 15 hours ago. Did it fix your issue? t
  10. Oh, I think we are approaching critical mass now… t
  11. @AndyB01 in truth I am making the same assumption and we both know that to assume makes an ***** out of u and me. As we have been cautioned about questioning BL marketing decisions I will say no more… t well, I guess a $ $ is verboten…
  12. There I fixed it for you. A perk of the BandLab Membership is the use of Sonar and Next. t one unfortunate thing (unless something has changed) is that current members won’t be able to extend their current memberships. Unlike, to mention just a couple, TrueFire and Groove3. UPDATE: Nothing has changed, tried the $71 link and was informed "You already have the membership"; well, fine. Cell phone providers, streaming services, etcetera; all provide one time only New Customer discounts...
  13. You can do a “save as” per project to a backup drive internal and/or external. OR just pickup your entire projects folder and drop that to, again, an internal and/or external drive. This assumes all project folders are in one folder. For example, on my system I have a dedicated drive (I label Audio) on which is a folder ( labeled CWP) where all my Cakewalk projects reside. HTH, t
  14. Does anyone (other than @Bapu) have the Pipe Organ installed, and actually use it? tia t
  15. Looking like Michaelangelo’s David or Adonis is a heavy burden… t
  16. Comment and like at SC, listen #152. Actually got on with my iPhone; the wonders never cease… t
  17. Hit the like at YT but the counter stayed at 0. Comments disabled? well 👏and 👍’s here. t
  18. IBTL my guess is we have our toes over the line of the ToS… t
  19. Are you sure your export is the Master ONLY? IMHO, you are exporting ALL busses, not just the Master. I could be wrong... t
  20. Low frequency, you need mass. Layers of 5/8” sheet rock. Way cheaper (and effective) than rock wool or OC703. I’d layer it inside and out. just my nickel98 on the subject… t
  21. Left comment and like over at YT. Hope the rest of the community will as well. Very beautifully done, so tender; much enjoyed Jane. I was listening on my phone, into my hearing aids, so perhaps that’s why the guitar is so low in the mix. If I was producing, I turn the guitar up. Only crit from me. t
  22. DeeringAmps

    Dis Chord

    This had kind of slipped through the cracks. Glad to see it back in rotation! t
  23. BestService has the EBX's at $43.56, then the "BestCoin" kicker at $1.47 gets it down to $42 and change... t
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