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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. You are kidding; right? it’s a no brainer, upgrade; you can thank me later… t
  2. TT download is a little slow. Could be my isp, but guessing the sale is having the desired effect; we’re buying! t
  3. 👍’s Bjorn. SC hates my iPhone so I can’t comment there… t
  4. Enjoyed the listen. David and Nigel are probably right visa vie the vocal treatment. quite the write up! t and again, SC and my iPhone; blah blah blah. So no like/comments at SC.
  5. Lots of good suggestions above. Love the tune. Lather, rinse, and repeat the mix, we’ll have another listen… t as usual, SC and my iPhone don’t play nice so I couldn’t comment at SC.
  6. I had cancelled years ago, tried to re-up and change user name to DeeringAmps. This violated something in their rules. They say I can appeal, I responded 🖕 sorry to go off topic…
  7. I’ll just echo what’s been said above. liked and commented over at YT. 👍‘s 👏 t tried the fb link, forgot I’d been banned 😝
  8. https://www.ujam.com/black-friday-24/?utm_campaign=black-friday-24&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=announcement&utm_term=landing_page I got another 10% at checkout, and then a 20% voucher good til Dec 31st. MyBad, select guitars $19 also. t
  9. @altoricky What @Wookiee said above. 2024.07 is the latest release and I would have thought that it should deal with .vst3 folder properly. This popped up first with ToneX for me (and others, there are a couple of threads...). At first, we were dealing with it by removing the ."vst3" from the folder name. Then Sonar was updated to "deal" with it. I think CbB had been updated as well... But, you have to run the vst scan! Preferences>VST Scan>Manual Scan>Scan If that doesn't work, then same path but choose Reset... as Wookie said above. HTH, t
  10. Check the file structure where the .vst3 is located. If it’s in a folder that’s “xxx”.vst3 then there’s the problem. CbB didn’t like that. Again, not in front of my computer. If 2024.7 is not the latest CbB that’s the problem. If it is the latest CbB update, we’ll I can’t help ya…
  11. Have you updated Eventide lately? Sounds to me like the .vst3 (the plugin itself) is in a folder with .vst3 extension in the folder name. But this was fixed in CbB awhile back. Is 2024.7 the latest version? not in front of my computer. update CbB band run the vst scan… t
  12. +1 listening on iPhone bluetoothed to my hearing aids (not ideal!) so hard to give advice (the snare is hot). well written, fine vocal, HTH. 👍👍👏 t not a “camp” member so can’t help there, did I mention I liked the vocal?😎
  13. Liked it the first time it went up, still do! ’👍s 👏 t
  14. DeeringAmps

    The Show

    As mentioned above, you were being way too hard on yourself! Ditto… 👍‘S 👏 not a member of the “nation” so I couldn’t help you out there. (on my iPhone and couldn’t get the italics off… pita)
  15. DeeringAmps

    Night Lights

    Liked and commented at YouTube. Help a brother out folks… 👍👍 t
  16. Late to the party, I’ll just echo the comments above, especially with regards to the lap steel. Very nice. 👍‘s 👏 t
  17. Liked and commented over ta YT. Did you? t
  18. Another great one Jerry! 👍’s 👏 t
  19. That was stunning! I’ve been a huge fan since the first time I heard your work. Your midi orchestration is always amazing. You’ve upped your game on the video side. And the vocal on this is outstanding! So beautiful… 👍’s 👏 t
  20. @Metalhawk start a new thread, you’ll get more help… t
  21. @Pragi @jude77 its free, let’s try it out and report back.., t
  22. Like and comment at YouTube. The orchestration is especially good! 👍’s 👏 t
  23. Gary I’m sure I liked and commented the first time you had this up. I still love it! t oh damn, forgot to add 👍‘s 👏 I’ll even add 💗
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