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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. DeeringAmps


    Lots of good constructive crits, so I'll just ?'s, and keep an eye out (ear out?) for the remix... t If you do go back and rework the drum track, I would let it dominate a bit more, this is the genre for it.
  2. Left my comments over at SC. All the best to ya in the New Year Jack, keep up the good work! t
  3. On second listen, I'd go back and fix those. t truth be told I had missed them but AOL had hit me with the mail received chime and I guess I just ignored them first time thru...
  4. DeeringAmps


    who doesn't enjoy a little dream now & then? ? t
  5. Much enjoyed! What library did the voices come from? t
  6. @Reid Rosefelt I successfully extracted the files using 7-Zip. I selected all 4, extracted all at once, as illustrated in the video Embertone posted. I then dropped the Honkeytonk Harmonica folder that was created in my Native Instruments folder. Then I dropped the Honkeytonk Harmonica.nki (from the Instruments folder) into Kontact 7. (these instructions are for those that are not exactly Kontakt literate; that would be me. Not for Reid ?) Thanks for the link to the VI thread. Still no contact from support ?, but I'm sure they are busy... t
  7. Yep, the .zip.001 etc files WILL NOT OPEN. Tried FireFox and Edge (actually thought Edge was the culprit, MS after all) And YES, like you, I did try to rename all to no avail. I also have a support ticket in, but that was Friday, and it was a holiday weekend. We will have to see, holiday is over; ever hopeful. Thanks for the link... t
  8. Not my genre, but much appreciated. Best of luck with the ep. Subscribed, liked, and commented over at YouTube; hope y'all will too... t
  9. Much enjoyed Barry! As always, great storytelling. ?'s ? I'm guessing these are shots from back in the day? t one little crit, you're overdoing the drive a bit on the one guitar (the mid-rangey strat?)
  10. It appears that the cpu hit is a bit "lighter" than Neutron's unmask; if that's a concern for anyone... First use, when I demoed it, I felt that the "effect" was pretty subtle (as in I couldn't hear it). I re-visited it today (to compare the cpu hit) and it wasn't "subtle" at all. I could pretty much "duck" the "band" completely. I thought I had it set up right originally; maybe not so much? t
  11. Agree with all above. Keep at it! t
  12. Jeff I think this is very well done. Having said that, I must agree with Larry that it runs a bit too long. ? t
  13. Well done! ?'s Always a joy when some collaboration is shared on the forum... t
  14. I was offered a charter membership in Procrastinators Unanimous, t
  15. I resolve to make no commitments that I have no intention of honoring... t such as New Year's resolutions
  16. Anybody else have "issues" with the zip files? Mine are titled: HonkeytonkHarmonica.zip.001 thru 004 I can't get them to open. (obviously [or not?] I have a support ticket in)... t
  17. Nicely done! You should put this up in the songs Forum. What's the user forum like on Taxi? Was a member years ago, but never hung out on their forum... t and you convinced me, jumped over to Embertone and "laid my money down". I had upgraded to Kontact 7 thinking I should pick this up. You pushed me over the edge...
  18. Can't comment on the sub bass, but there's plenty of bass on the DT-990's here. Nicley done. t
  19. So about $106 USD. so the extra is VAT? t
  20. I'd check Thomm Music first, all six pacs are currently $88. Six packs are generally between $83 and $89; must be due to whatever is the current Euro to USD conversion... t
  21. Is that a small pick guard SG? Bigsby term; ya? circa? t
  22. Other than digging into the vocals in melodyne, been doing this since Cake Pro 3.0. I actually have hours of cassettes from those days… t
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