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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. I get “pops” in delays if the tune has tempo changes and I set the delay to “sync to tempo”. Something to check. t
  2. Nothing wrong with loops Riff. Whatever it takes to “feed” the muse. t
  3. Got that nice Chuck Berry “chug”. We’re all Chuck’s “children”; eh? ? t
  4. Usually I pass on the praise stuff. Clever the way he dropped the beats in the chorus. (I actually “learned that from Sounds of Silence IIRC) Good bit of work on your part it would seem. Vocal might be riding a bit high over the backing track. Pretty sure I’m hearing some “artifacts” from auto harmony (I generally avoid that type of thing). There’s some “clams” or just bad note choices in the guitar track. The overall “sound” of that era and medium are present. But you played the hand you were dealt pretty well so all things considered ? ? t Welcome to the forum, look forward to more.
  5. Damn you been busy! do me a favor though, ya gotta leave just a moment of silence and let that last note ring. These are “rookie mistakes”. Get with the “program”, I’m givin’ ya “jewels” here; just like Pacino in Sent of a Woman. Don’t make me get the flamethrower out! t i love ❤️ that film!
  6. Great groove on this one. Relaxing in the van, up on “PillHill” here in the Emerald City; waiting on the wife to return from a docs appointment. Yeah man ?’s… t
  7. DeeringAmps

    Robbie's Muse

    Robbie, really enjoy your stuff; my apologies for not getting to each and every one. But, you got six on page one man. Might want to space ‘em out a bit. just sayin’… t
  8. I totally “missed” the reference, you should link the Frogman, totally worth a listen. Gotta get the forumites “hipped” baby.
  9. Keep on keeping on my brother. You are roots rock, R&B, blues, rockabilly, etc, rolled up in one big package! Its always Christmas Day for me when I hear a new one from Freddy J. I remember the little listening booths at Wallich’s Music City, grooving’ to the latest singles… ?’s ? t Sam and I are both smiling’..,
  10. Welcome back! Look forward to it… t
  11. Did I hear someone say “stuck in Lodi again”? enjoyed! t in the van, on the phone, the quote didn’t come out perfect, but you get my meaning. Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t add a ? ‘s on the harmonica.
  12. DeeringAmps


    I’m always reminded of The Association when I listen to your tunes. Yep! ? t
  13. Maybe I should have PM’d this. Your guitar parts are pretty convincing. I would add a little vibrato to the last notes on those arpeggios. It’s all about “touch”. Anytime a “good” player holds a note, he “shakes” it a little bit. And if working in the “classic” minor pentatonic scale, you push the minor third a bit sharp if you dwell on it at all. Just some of the “subtle” things that, for me at least, define a “good” guitar player. And as I said your guitar parts are “convincing” t
  14. Much enjoyed. I’m listening in the Dodge Caravan today, so the kick is a little heavy, but that’s normal in the van. Nice guitar work! ? t
  15. Lots of elements here that I really like John. The meter is a little tough for me to follow; but its your song, your production. I dropped a "like" here, and at SoundClick. Held my interest, no doubt about that! t
  16. I here you! t sea what I did their?
  17. Just a note here. I junction all “content” that does not “ask” where I want to put it. Cakewalk, and all other programs are on the C drive. The core program just doesn’t take up that much disc space. Oh, and one last note: IF you have one M2 drive, put the samples on it, not the OS. just sayin’, you can thank me later… t
  18. I rarely like to say "this is one of your better" But... t
  19. @User 905133 The '71 50th Anniversary box set arrived yesterday. The 200 Motels box set is due tomorrow. THANKS AGAIN! (and YES I am shouting!) t I have 200 Motels: Vinyl, CD, VHS (I'll have to look, but I'm sure I have the DVD) Missed Opening Night, but saw it in the first run...
  20. Much enjoyed. ? t D'Addario Half Rounds, buy an extra G
  21. Subscribed, tried to ring the bell (feature turned off for kids) and hit the "like". Big ?'s and ? Good one MrMcKool mrkocol (for some reason I always see Kocol as Kool) t oh, and I love some "shameless" promotion...
  22. Arrived safe and sound! The old office rig recognized it immediately, I think I heard it Purr "Where ya been old friend?" One in the Studio, one for the Office; nothing could be better, than to see her in a sweater whoops! PRICELESS! t where are my manners; Thank You Jack!
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