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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Try this jesse 9 Dreams t
  2. I’m in when it hits ~$20. t you know it will…
  3. lofi hifi skyfi; matters not... not sure if this is the iliad or the odyssey; but it is truly epic love the fade Jesse t
  4. Where are you doing the editing? In the "Grid" inside EZD3 or in the PRV? t
  5. Late to the party, but much enjoyed! t
  6. I'm a sucker for a $20 Marshall, and I have an iLok account, but when I hit that on the install, I bailed... Just me, what can I say. t
  7. Well done Dean. Much enjoyed the listen (I'll not mention the length as Nigel covered that). Only small crits here; that kick is "booming" in the DT 990's here, pretty sure it would "move" some air in the sub. I'd center that guitar up, and look at the amp sim; lot of "fizz" in the top. Cab emulation? Should be rolling off pretty steep at 5k. Off course this is the second time I've mentioned that this morning so maybe its the 70 year old "knackered" ears... t
  8. Down tempo P? Not what I expected. IF this was the final mix (and apparently it is not), I (you) would "carve" some space for the vocal. Looking forward to the final mix. t
  9. Without a doubt! But (there's always a but), that lead guitar is a little (a lot) "toppy" (fizzy) to my ear. I'd look at what you're using as the amp sim. What cab emulation are you using? Pretty much the vast majority of "holy grail" speakers roll off sharply at around 5k; my guess is this is not. Just my nickel98, take it with a grain of salt; free advice is worth exactly what you've paid for it... t and please don't take that as I did not enjoy your work.
  10. Enjoyed the listen Bjorn! t
  11. You know I'm a fan! Cowabunga, Kawabunga, Kowabunga! Any way you spell it, its meaning all the same; surf's up! t
  12. I'm pretty deep in the TT eco system, but the EZKeys Sound Track packs have never sent me scurrying for my 6 pack serials list... Am I missing anything @Bapu? t
  13. I do not see the Road King Black Cabinet in the Custom Shop. However, both the Mark IIC+ and the RKB cab show up in Amp 5. So many thanks to @Sidney Earl Goodroe, as I would have chased my tail over this... (well, maybe not, not a big MESA fan) t
  14. Liked the demo, ?'s on the final mix. t
  15. Always a fan here ?'s! Cannot comment on the improvement over the original mix as the original is no longer up. t
  16. ?'s ? t left my comments over at SoundCloud; shouldn't vous?
  17. I think you could have made the cut for the 200 Motels soundtrack... ?'s t
  18. Beck was playing blues when Clapton was wanking on “For Your Love” (my interpretation of Clapton’s own words). Jeff was “channeling” Hendrix (Shapes & I’m a Man) while Jimi was Jimmy James and the Blue Flames. Simply the greatest guitarist of all time. t @batsbrew you might add “Jeff Beck” to the title.
  19. Undoubtedly the finest guitarist ever! RIP Jeff. t
  20. The L22 is a very fine vocal mic. My issue with it was trying to capture a stereo acoustic guitar track. I opted for the R88, that’s exactly what it was designed for; capturing a stereo image. Just my experience, trying to capture a stereo image with the L22 just didn’t work for me. YMMV? t
  21. Not when I had the L22. The back diaphragm always had a weaker signal. Maybe things are improved now. I went with an AEA R88, it is a stereo microphone. t
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