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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. I was tempted Jesse, I was. But you scolded me last time…. I’m relaxing, getting ready for the trek home so ?️ ?’t ? of anything clever to say other than that was pretty awesome! ?’s ? t
  2. Not my genre, but I always enjoy tuning in to see/hear what you’re up to. t
  3. Listening on Bose cans, so take this with a grain of salt. The bass is right up front and present. The guitar solos seem a bit drowned in the reverb consequently. Enjoyed the tune. t I actually kind of liked Megan in Suits. Don’t follow the royal family, so pretty much have ignored all the drama ?…
  4. Jeff I think you need to add a rhythm instrument. For me it would be a rhythm guitar, and I’d have the bass “push” the tune at some point (meaning it would get busier). just my nickel98… t
  5. That was quite something Jerry. Very impressed! Would like a little more detail about the photos… t
  6. Outstanding colab. ?’s to all involved. t
  7. Listened and enjoyed. ? t
  8. DeeringAmps


    Missed the first mix, this one sounds great! ?’s ? t would have dropped a like and comment at SC, but it hates my phone….
  9. Can’t comment on the low end, I’m on the Bose cans today and they tend to hype the low end. Did enjoy! The “subject” looks a bit like the actress in Weird Science; IIRC. All in all, ?’s t
  10. A personal retrospective, I love it. The video takes it to the next level (note gents, I have the disc). And that sax!!! yes and that too! this one is a home run (well they all are aren’t they?) ?? t
  11. The MT drums sound great. Each guitar has its unique tone ?; really outstanding. Agree the tune needs a “focal” point; I’m sure it will come. I too suffer from that, a lot! We’re all looking for our personal Bernie Taupin; eh? ?’s t
  12. Classic Freddy J. Truth be told, “truth” has been pretty much thrown out the window as of late. You captured that well my friend. ?’s and ? t
  13. Excellent songwriting. Stellar performances all. Great mix Baps!
  14. I love shameless promotion! t
  15. Yep! ? Much props (to all the usual suspects?) t
  16. Signup for newsletter get an extra 15% with code: SPNEWSLETTER purchased, not yet”installed”, I’m out of town… t been looking for a “good” (and cheap) ***** (whoops should have been sexy) sax, library!
  17. DeeringAmps

    Sad Day

    Lovely tribute Wooks. My heart goes out to you both. t
  18. Finally got a moment to jump on YT and leave my like and comment! Have Y'all? t
  19. The future’s so bright ? t
  20. iPhones are not mp3 friendly (mine at least). I’ll get back to it…. t
  21. Late to the party here so I’ll just echo the above. Lovely ambiance on this one. ?‘s ? t would have liked and commented over at SC, but alas, trying to do so on my phone is a nightmare…
  22. I’ll echo all of the above. Brilliant work! The tune is even better with the video; ?‘s ? Tried to like and comment over at YT, but the phone app for YT is just a flaming turd. All the best, t
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