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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Check “folder locations” in preferences. Perhaps you have something pointing there?
  2. Most excellent at all levels! Love the bass tone. The drum and bass breakdown at the 2 minute mark; BRILLIANT! ?'s! t
  3. Thanks for shepherding us through BF & CM. You’ve earned a little time off!? Enjoy! t
  4. alrighty, for $10 seemed like a "no brainer"! t Hey, its not "Friday" and its not "Monday" so I really didn't "break" my "I'm not getting sucked in on any BF or CM deals", rioght!
  5. A little “witchcraft” on Page’s part?
  6. He does look remarkably like Pagey!
  7. <I’ll probably regret this> From a “marketing” standpoint this is on a par with the Gibson shutdown (thanks again Henry) What I fear most, is the loss of user base; day after day after day. Am I confident that it will all sort itself out? Yep, but at what cost? (again in terms of user base) IF this thing is ready, roll it out. IF NOT, this will become a classic case of “stepping in pooh”, and NOT coming out “smelling like a rose”. </ I’ll probably regret this> t
  8. I’ve owned “budget” tube mics and a Bock Audio 250 (3k ish). I’ve finally settled on the TLM103 (not tube). Came to the realization that tube mics, for my voice at least, are more work than they are worth (for me). YMMV t I hear good things about the TLM102. I’d love to own a U87, but pretty sure the bang for the buck wouldn’t be there for my voice.
  9. I don’t see any flaws in the pic. Nice! t
  10. Sounds good to me. Although, I use VSTi’s so I would op for a 250gb SSD for the OS. Samples on one m2, projects on the other. Many in the community rely on Jim for their needs. I have 2 Cats, eventually I will have a third… t
  11. 2 drives MINIMUM, but below is better. C for OS and all programs A (audio) all your CWP projects D (data) if I “save” anything (except CWP) S (samples) for all your VSTi samples, also I create a “junction” that keeps any data that programs want to “dump” on the C drive (IKM is notorious for this, gigs of shite [ie: Tracks, Amp 5 etc] that should not be on the C drive) If a program needs more than 100megs of data to reference, I make a junction. V (video) if you do video. I also have a B (backup) drive internal and external. Why so many drives? Keep the C drive “lean and mean” 250 gig SSD (my systems use about 70gigs currently) is way more than enough, IF you “monitor” what lazy programmers put there (see IKM note) Evidently taking a few extra steps designing their installers is a “few” too many. BACKUP that C drive “religiously”. Image, Image, image. If a new install causes a problem, ET can “phone home”. Problem solved. You can thank me later…. t
  12. Are we certain of that? Currently W7is unsupported, but obviously still works. iZotope ( maybe it was celemony) caused me to move to W10 on the old machine. I did an “in place” update on that and it was “buggy” as hell. Finally had to do a “real” install. The Bakers have said W10 is part of the “minimum” system requirements? t
  13. By far this is the MOST important step! even pretty experienced users (moi) sometimes forget this… t
  14. @Steve Patrick ol pal, I’m going to wait IKM out on this one. The general consensus on Tonex seems to be that the third party “captures” tend to be better than IK’s. (please feel free to “set me straight” if this is not what you are seeing/hearing) We all know from past experience that this “signature” package will be a “nickel98”, sooner or later (probably sooner). I have the pedal, but have not been able to spend any significant time with it. Some changes in “venue” for me that are dragging on; so YMMV! t We miss you Dog House!
  15. Gawd NO! But, we are IBTL! ? I so told myself I would not do this again. I hate being a “troll”, even inadvertently… t
  16. PC World. I think that was who the “buy” on W10 was through. Maybe someone with a better memory can enlighten us. t
  17. There’s a thread somewhere, W10 Pro was cheap and legit. I bought a copy, figuring to update the old Cat to W10 Pro as that “in place” was flakey. But the reinstall works, and I’m lazy. Can’t remember when that “deal” was offered, had to be in the “deals” forum, but good luck searching for it… wish I could be more help. t
  18. Win10 pro on my latest StudioCat, OEM Did an “in place” upgrade to W10 Home on the old Cat. Never was “right”. It finally “puked” and W10 did a reinstall on its own. Had to reauthorize most programs, but woks flawless now. If that W10 you have is a “retail” version it’s yours (IIRC), however if it’s OEM I think it’s tied to the original hardware. I’ve bought some “budget” versions of W7 and never been burned, but as W11 is the “current” OS; like you I’d be nervous. Again, maybe Jim can lend some advice. t
  19. Maybe @Jim Roseberry can give some advice. I would definitely go “pro”. Home lets MS stick their “nose under the tent” a bit too much to suit me. YMMV t
  20. Just a note here. I generally mix the “rockers” a little hotter than the ballads. Also, I send the left channel to the “mains” and the right channel to the monitors. Consequently all tracks are mono. Some tunes I add some applause to that left channel. If there is a live performance by the artist in question, I’ll mix in their intro/outro “banter” with the crowd. The monitor mix always “calls” the tune, the key, and the correct key for the “harp” player; then the count in. Been using this method since Cake 3.0; cassettes, then CD’s, now everything is on my phone. Patch it into a pair of line ins on the PA. The first time a text came in during a performance was fun. Airplane mode fixed that. Works for me, YMMV… t
  21. Have you tried to authorized CbB after you are logged into site? Log in, open Cakewalk, then try to authorize? t
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