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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Hand wringers will wring their hands, I mean, that's just what they do; right? t <thinking aloud> I wish they'd just release the beech, the studio rig is in the office today for the build 75 update. Sure would make my life easier! What do you say Noel, just put it out there... </thinking aloud>
  2. All of the above! t actually this would a convenient way for me to handle my promise to reimburse anyone who has "issues" with the New Sonar... ?
  3. System specific? That would be my guess. How to fix it? Yikes! t
  4. @Keni I feel for ya, but I'm not seeing any "slow to load" issues here. t
  5. AFAIK, open in any version of Cake and save as .mid. Not good news as you have no PC. t
  6. Platinum requires a one time authorization via Command Center, although I do believe this can be done offline. “ET” phoning home is a CbB thing. small price to pay really…
  7. The Korg is connected to the Audiobox interface? If so no, no driver necessary. CbB “sees” only the Audiobox port. Is the Korg the sound source? Or is the midi driving a VSTi?
  8. What is listed in Preferences > Midi > Devices as your midi input and output devices? Make sure the Korg is attached to whatever is listed there. If no midi device is listed, CbB will always assign TTS-1 a the default midi device. t
  9. Is CbB open first? The keyboard and audio interface should both be on BEFORE you launch CbB. I always boot up the computer first, then fire up the audio interface (in this case RME UFX). One caveat here: my midi keyboard is USB powered, so it is powered up as soon as the USB port is "hot". Also, my Control Surface is on before I boot the computer (firewire, Tascam FW1884; it is slow to connect to the computer if it is "hot" before Windows launches...) So all interfaces that CbB will "need" are up and working BEFORE I launch CbB. I never launch CbB by double clicking a cwp file, but that's just me (it unclear from your post what exactly your routine is). t
  10. I run three monitors and have never experienced what you describe. However, when I bring the Studio rig into the office for updates, Cake is only minimally displayed because it's on only one monitor. BTW, Is the curve in the screen really as pronounced as it looks in the pics? t
  11. You left out the “or so”. Let me be clear, I have no “inside” information. Just years of being a customer since Cakewalk Pro 3.0. t
  12. Those are guaranteed to bite you in the ar$e!
  13. Think this will stop all the "hand wringing" upstairs and down? DOUBT IT! But rest assured, all of those whose sphincters are in a knot, Noel and the crew WILL NOT leave you "twisting in the wind". The "NEW" SONAR will open all your existing .cwp files AND all your old .wrk files; (and all the "questions" ad nauseam you have raised). I personally guarantee it! As Howard Hughes, famously said, "If this goose don't fly I will leave this country and not return!" Better yet, if the "new" SONAR does not open all your existing .cwp files, I will personally refund the $200 or so you paid for it!* There, that is all children, you can now return to your regularly scheduled programing... t *limited to the first ten who can demonstrate that a "working" cwp file will not open in new SONAR
  14. DeeringAmps

    Prairie trail

    10 bar progression? Way COOL!! always enjoy your work, big fan! t
  15. I’ve never bonded with Neutron or Nectar. Relied on Ozone, but lately it’s just the EQ match followed by Lurssen then the FabFilter limiter to catch any stray peaks. My small “m” mastering is still evolving… t
  16. @Lynn Wilsonthanks for bumping this back to the top of the page. I was going to do it myself. Its interesting how some tunes “fall thru the cracks”. I love Freddy’s tunes… t
  17. Was anyone ever impressed with LANDR results?
  18. The Who, Rush, Yes; I “get” them all. But I’m an “old” guy, maybe all my “taste” is in my mouth. THAT would be sacrilege! t
  19. @kennywtelejazzthanks for putting up the list. I avoid most commercial sites due to the endless ads, links etcetera… t
  20. Good question p! I “check” on cans, buds, and even the iPhone. But I still prefer “working” on the monitors. Old man, old ways die hard… t
  21. DeeringAmps

    Quad Cortex

    Apologies to @bluzdogin advance, I don’t want to hijack your thread. @Jim Roseberryhow do the captures compare to Tonex? t
  22. ?'s left my comments and like over at YouTube; did you? t
  23. All 250 of them are Jeff Beck! Not a tough decision. Beck was playing the blues with the Tridents while Clapton was dreaming of being a “Bluesman”. Jeff was laying down the Psychedelic Rock when Chas Chandler brought Hendrix to London. Jeff owned prog rock Head and shoulders above any who came before or after that is all… t
  24. Jerry you never cease to amaze & delight me! ?'s t
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