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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. @bitflipperDid you call Beacon? I realize you supervised the faucet replacement, but the plumber should have insisted that at least the hot supply line be replaced when he replaced the hot water turn off. That is “standard” practice. (I know that is no consolation). t
  2. Perhaps you can edit the aud.ini file and place the devices in the order you desire? It’s a simple text file. Option 2: I’m not sure how CbB places each driver as you install them. But, you could try uninstalling all drivers and then (after figuring out how CbB prioritizes them) install in the order you wish them to appear. t
  3. I have a PRS like that. I play it a little, but I’m afraid to “play out” with it. One “bounce” off the mic stand and the value drops a ton. Great guitar, shame I’m just “holding” it “captive”…
  4. I started out with my “tracks” on cassette, then CDs, then patching the iPhone into the PA. The tracks are recorded 48/24, but exported as 320 MP3’s, then the phone “dumbs” them down to 240; I think. The audience could care less, but maybe that’s a reflection of my performance?? t
  5. As much as I love Best, $.76, too much work to jump back and forth.., lol
  6. Bummed I missed day one, I was on the road. $10 midi, I don’t care what genre, NO BRAINER!!!! t
  7. Almost missed this one! $10 midi, no brainer! Its Ballads 2 ezKeys midi now. again, no brainer!!! t
  8. Reverb.com has its pros and cons. That being said, I’ve had good luck buying and selling. eBay was ok at one time, but (IMHO) it’s a shite show these days. Craigslist is “sketchy”, but I’ve used it some (more general merch, not instruments). Did the Paul listed by Mike and Mike sell? I’ve done business with them and they have a good grasp of the market, but “one off” items like this can be “hit or miss”. “TV Yellow” is a hot item; for Juniors and Specials, but a Standard? Takes a “special” client I would think. Goldtops and ‘Bursts for “Standards”, at least in my experience… Give the Mikes a call, maybe they can give you some insight. t Where is it written that you can’t “tune” a Paul any way you like? I get it, you want to use its value to move “sideways” on some new gear. I’ve bought many “good” to “great” guitars, seems like each has a “song” or two to give me; then I move on. Rarely have I lost money on a “previously” owned guitar You and me both brother…
  9. @qiaohan Go to: Preferences>Audio>Devices and select the M2. If the M2 is NOT there, start a new thread with a title something like “CbB does not see M2”. Explain that Sonar Platinum does “see” the M2. Screen shots would help. I’m sure the forum can get this sorted, but you need a separate thread. Your request here will get “buried”. t
  10. Jim’s reputation is solid here on the forum, but just in case someone lands here looking for a new build he/she should know that Jim’s builds are the “best” and just as important, customer service is job “one”! so yes, thanks @Jim Roseberry! t
  11. John, personally I think your (very good) tutorials will be just as valid a year or two on as they are today. Sonar X3>Sonar Platinum>CbB>Sonar has been a long slow evolution. Things I did in X3 I still do in CbB. Just my nickel98, t
  12. @orcmid as promidi indicated above Sonar and Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB) will peacefully co-exist. In fact, I would guess that the majority of long time forum members have at least two versions of Sonar side by side with CbB. for example on my office rig l have: Sonar 8.5 Sonar X1 Sonar X2 Sonar X3 Sonar Platinum CbB (Cakewalk by Bandlab) all existing side by side and fully functionable... t
  13. Hammer down on I-5 today. Perfect for keeping the “pedal to the metal”! ? to all involved t
  14. DeeringAmps


    Late to the party here, long cannonball run, CA to WA state. Hammer down. Excellent work Wooks! Makes burning up the pavement bearable… t
  15. Still lovin’ it Mark! The only thing I would change; after “through the day” fades, I’d have the drummer bring back in the outro solo with a little more action. just my nickel98… t
  16. Sounds good here Mark. I am on the Bose cans and they tend to hype the bass. Writing, performance and arrangement all top notch. ?’s t
  17. All good here, although I would push the BG vox up a notch. Much enjoyed ? t
  18. @Bapu and I just keep the Drum, Keys and Bass six packs “full”. Simples! t
  19. Should read “my favorite of my sister’s”… Was she cute? I don’t remember… t
  20. My favorite of hers was Jimmy Reed at Carnegie Hall. most the rest of hers was pop drivel t
  21. Stones baby, The Rolling Stones! 12x5, Out of Our Heads, or Rolling Stones Now, can’t remember which; but you know what they say “If you claim to remember the 60’s, you definitely weren’t there”… t
  22. DeeringAmps

    Noob here

    Is “input echo” engaged?
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