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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Post a selfie!? t Sorry, I was distracted for a moment, Yes it’s working here…
  2. that's my guess... t mybad there. I've mentioned before "Don't feed the trolls" and I do believe that otherwise well meaning members get stuck in this "My question/issue isn't being answered" and are in effect "trolling" the forum. We should just ignore the second, third and umptenth time they ask the same question...
  3. Not at concerts, or clubs; I was there to "steal" as much technique as I could from the guitar player. Not easily done when stoned or inebriated...
  4. @Bapu Am I to take it you have no recollection of the evening's events? Perhaps you burned a hole in your t-shirt ala @bitflipper? t
  5. The Free at Madison Square Garden, and Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, Evidently Rory Gallagher's band The Taste, opened some of the gigs. Free and Delaney and Bonnie in Inglewood. As I remember it EC had no fire that evening, although I do believe I remember him playing a Firebird V . Various photos from the tour show him on a 'Burst, his famous ES335, the Firebird and a Strat. If he played more than one that night I don't remember. He was "stage left" (consistent with tour photos) and "obscured" by a PA column; as we were in the "cheap seats", high up, with an "angled" view of the stage. The "low point" of the night, for me, was when Delaney et al, came on stage at the end for the big "jam". Any of this consistent with your memory? t pretty sure I hustled up a copy of Tons of Sobs the next day...
  6. IIRC, the bakers have said it’s tied to the change in their servers. Evidently bringing Next and Sonar online have “priority”. While I am sympathetic to your problem, “offline” authorization is not (a priority). Clearly the bakers, as well as this community, all are puzzled that a couple of minutes online is such an “issue”. No community members have a “clue” when “offline” will be available. Evidently, IF the bakers “know”, they’re not saying. My advice, cue the drum roll… t silence
  7. What’s not to love here? Totally defines why a vintage Paul straight into a four input Marshall is all any guitarist needs to light up the stage. Paul Rodgers is one of those rare vocalists that is maybe better live than on record. No melodyne, no over dubs or punch ins. Just pure energy. Saw them live, opening for Blind Faith in ‘69. Thought “who are these cocky little English c-u-n-t-s?” Impatient to see EC let it rip. Well by the end of their set I was a FAN (no all right now yet). And Blind Faith, Bonnie & Delaney;? This version is a bit fast, but listen to Kossoff’s “touch”! Amazing, and that Tobbacco ‘Burst is a BEAST! Still gives me shivers… t thanks for posting, seen a lot of these, but my first for this version.
  8. Back when I had a beer/wine license, the one thing you DID NOT DO was get on the wrong side of the WSLCB! I’ve lived in WA almost 56 of my 71 years, and natives still view me as a “Californian”. (and owned only one piece of property, 54 years) But not for much longer, watch out CA, the prodigal son returns… t
  9. Back when we were in “heavy rotation” on the frat party circuit the last set was dedicated to 8mm porn, while we played over and over again Louie Louie, Gloria and Satisfaction, with the frat boys each taking a turn singing them. Between helping ourselves to the beer keg, and the 8mm porn, I thought “I’d do this for free!” (Hey, I was all of 14 that first time). On second thought, Maybe that won’t work for your gig Bit. ? t
  10. We’ll, it won’t be McCartney/Lennon that’s for sure! ? t
  11. j, everything you say in your post is true. I have been “outspoken” when it comes to admonishing what I refer to as “the hand wringers”. BUT, from a “marketing” perspective, the last twelve months is a major boondoggle. (I’m 71, and have been in retail/service my entire adult life). At this point, I’m concerned that we are approaching “Henry” level alienation of the user base. I’m “invested” and will support Cake no matter how long it takes. But I am saddened each and every time we lose another user to Studio One, Reaper, etcetera.. so unnecessary. t i don’t believe your post deserves the thumbs down, but I understand those (including me) who are tired and frustrated, of/by all the hand wringing.
  12. I’ll just echo all of the above. Top shelf production across the board. Always a joy when a new Devine Lie track drops! t
  13. “Does anybody really care?” ? t
  14. What are you waiting for Pav? No-brainer, no-brainer, no-brainer! we ALL told you this! ✌️ t
  15. $17.84 ish if you pickup a "six pack" from Thomann... https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_drum_midi_6_pack_2.htm t Six pacs have been as low as $81, now that was a "deal"!
  16. Yeah, if he had shown the "outputs" section we'd know for sure. t
  17. No Whammy Jammy Points here at IKM? Love Sunset and Fame, so why not?? @cclarryShould I "hold" registering for the next IKM monster buy? t glad you enjoyed the cruise, sorry I didn't have time to "catch" you here in the PacNW. my life is "complicated" right now... @Bapu Made copious notes to make sure I don't pull a stoopid 'ol man and buy two, maybe three times...
  18. is a NO-BRAINER! Just pull the trigger… t
  19. I have RELIVE (love the "Massive" preset), @heath row what are the good ones? t told myself I was sitting BF out, no will power! @Bapu"Damn you! Curse you! Is this what you wanted to see?"
  20. I see your point. BUT, I'm telling you, it IS the shiz... Late in a project, gotta re-track some guitars, lots of VST's happening, latency up near max. Come on you've been there, play through pedal, zero latency, just like being plugged into the amp. No heat, no hum, no "stage volume" necessary! As I said above, The Shiz! t
  21. @Doug Rintoul Buy the pedal, they're great! t
  22. Becan is a sacred cow (swine?) around here Rain. Careful!
  23. Yes, this is when I realized I had too many. But hey how much is enough? Never Enough! t
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