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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Submit a support request to BandLab. I say this knowing that when I did exactly that, after trying to use their MEMFIFTY offer (50% off one month of BackStage Pass), it was suggested that all I need do was "cancel", then re-subscribe and enter the MEMFIFTY "coupon". Haven't done that yet, good thing as I would prefer the 30% offer, but not a "good thing", as it appears that since my subscription is good thru the 8th I'll be SOL. As I said above, Marketing? at BandLab? not so good... If I was "in charge", it would be time to "clean house" down in the marketing department; pitiful! (and bear in mind, I'm a FAN; of the software, and Noel et al) t UPDATE: No surprise here! Same result as @Greg Wynn experienced. I updated my "support" (really?) ticket with BandLab. Again, I'll keep Y'all "in the loop".......
  2. @Heath Row What could be easier than going here: Cakewalk Command Center (this is the current download for CCC, the old link to CCC no longer works) and installing all of your legacy products? (another of the "perks" we all have enjoyed since BL "bailed" us out of Henry's mess!) This has been covered numerous times by members who have recently: built new machines, updated older machines, etcetera... t
  3. What I said (paraphrased) is, it’s not “clear” that the monthly subscription price will remain at $10.50. was WRONG! BTW, the deal “ends” April 6; but as we all know it’s NOT uncommon that “deals” get extended. We don’t know how BL works yet. (if this was say, IKM, we’d figure the “deal” would last for months? sleep well ?… t
  4. @Heath Row “If you’ve been eyeing a subscription, you can save a sweet 30% off both monthly and annual Membership plans now in our Easter sale! That’s as low as $10.50 USD for exclusive creator tools, sweet artist services, platform perks, and more.“ Here's a more informative another link to the membership "deal": https://www.bandlab.com/membership the blog post leaves out the end date of April 6th and has the first month price incorrect... The thing that is NOT spelled out clearly; is $10.50 the first month or 12 months? See below: its $10.99 for the first month, $14.99 thereafter... Given the nature of music software and related “services”, you’re surprised that a “discount” is being offered? Pretty much, with most vendors; NEVER PAY RETAIL!!! I’m pretty sure this will continue to fill pages of forum threads… t
  5. That’s disappointing! I have a similar support ticket (MEMFIFTY) in. Their solution was “cancel your current subscription, then re-subscribe”. It’s troubling that you just can’t convert, or add additional time. Groove3 and TrueFire are good examples; they run a “sale”, you buy in and your subscription is extended. Simple! I mentioned, in no uncertain terms, that “marketing” is NOT BandLab’s forte. (all while assuring them I am/was trying to help; sometimes “tough love” is the only “true” love) The sale ends on the sixth, my subscription ends the eighth. Looks like both of us are SOL if BL can’t get its sh*t together. “The plot sickens”. How many more will “bail” and move on to StudioOne? The clock is ticking… t
  6. @Steve Thompson here's your link. https://www.bandlab.com/membership Evidently you have to cancel your monthly subscription, then re-subscribe; either to the yearly at $104.99 or monthly at $10.99 Promotion ends April 6. HTH, t
  7. Your son did a fine job on the keys. I see, and appreciate, the work that went into this. t your thinking "did he like and comment over ta SC?" You'll have to have a look. Perhaps take the opportunity to do the same?
  8. DeeringAmps

    Uber Alles

    Left my like & comment at SoundCloud. t this is the second time that comments left on the SoundCloud app (iPhone) have disappeared into the ether. All good now!
  9. Gotta love that gong there at end! way cool… t
  10. DeeringAmps


    Liked, commented, you guessed it my brothers, (dramatic pause) over at YouTube! What is that synth voice Terry? t
  11. DeeringAmps

    Bad Dog

    Here, here! left comment & like at YT. (am I sounding like a broken record here?) I am bound and determined to make this the “default” action every forum member makes… t
  12. Exactly what I saw this morning, because there was a new version available. I downloaded and installed; Simple! t
  13. @John Vere Maybe I should clarify here. which app returns the best separation? Next or Mixcraft? t
  14. Liked and commented on SoundCloud. ? ‘s ? t
  15. @John Vere please clarify; concerning stem separation, which of the two is useless? TIA t
  16. We’ll this is a hoot a-nanny! Liked and commented at the “click”! ? ‘s ? t
  17. Yep! Too often I jump on the “next best thing”. When I should just learn the tools I have. (sub “we” for “I” if you like) Really enjoyed this. Especially Larry, man can he drum! Hearing the cymbals better now… Left my like and comment on YouTube… t
  18. So right off the bat; ?‘s ? Is there some “personal” experience here, or is this “we write songs about people we’ve never met, in places we’ve never been, doing things we’ve never done”? (Ralph Murphy IIRC) Understand that I’m adjusting to new hearing aids, and they are pretty “toppy”. I hear a pretty harsh “squeak” in the acoustic solo at the 2:30 mark. I know how difficult these can be to “fix”. My solution has been D’addario half rounds. Downside, you lose a little “sparkle” and the “G” string doesn’t last long (I keep extras on hand). The upside, it all but eliminates the squeaks. Overall very nice, much enjoyed. Left a like and comment at SoundCloud. t
  19. DeeringAmps


    That's odd. However SC is always a little "wonky" on my iPhone. My guess is I didn't hit the arrow to post it? I added it just now, lets see how that goes... t
  20. @Wookiee In Sonar for me, and I have used the Problem Reporter. In reviewing DNxX's post I believe its Sonar for him as well. t
  21. You're not alone in that. Pretty much how it works here. I just put up with it... t
  22. I realize this is not exactly what you are seeing, but... When I run through the module selections in the Pro Channel all the VKFX (with the exception of VKFX Amp) are black until I cursor over them. Style Dial and FX Chain as well. Once inserted into Pro Channel they are fine. Psyn II being black when inserted, well "that's a horse of a different color" (ouch) Have you reported this in the menu: Help>Report a problem? t
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